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Translation of 5.0.x: Polish

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Prio Original string Translation
Fullscreen Mode Tryb pełnoekranowy Details
Fullscreen Mode

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Document Panels Panele dokumentu Details
Document Panels

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RGB mode active Tryb RGB aktywny Details
RGB mode active

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Color value in hexadecimal Kolor w zapisie szesnastkowym Details
Color value in hexadecimal

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Color value in RGB Kolor w modelu RGB Details
Color value in RGB

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Color value in HSL Kolor w modelu HSL Details
Color value in HSL

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Change color format Zmień model definicji koloru Details
Change color format

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Navigating with a keyboard Nawigacja z użyciem klawiatury Details
Navigating with a keyboard

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Left and Right Arrows Strzałki w lewo i w prawo Details
Left and Right Arrows

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Up and Down Arrows Strzałki w górę i w dół Details
Up and Down Arrows

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PgUp/PgDn PgUp/PgDn Details

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Home/End Home/End Details

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Calendar Help Pomoc kalendarza Details
Calendar Help

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Changes requested
With warnings

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