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  1. пре 32 минута

    "A few kilometers farther up this road, where the RCMP wouldn’t allow me to go, loggers were felling giants. Eight of those giants were occupied by tree sitters, camped hundreds of feet up in the canopy."

  2. пре 4 сата

    "Kimball was soon reactivated as an informant, with Schlaff as his handler. Their goal was to foil the alleged murder plot, and charge Ennis for orchestrating it."

  3. пре 12 сати

    "..my first memories formed while observing the life of the artist: the grind, the study, the promise, the obsessive repetition over inconsequential details, hours spent grappling with an invisible problem, interior and gigantic."

  4. пре 13 сати

    "Southwest was branded 'the love airline.' Tickets were issued from 'love machines.' In-flight snacks were 'love bites.' The drinks were 'love potions.'”

  5. пре 17 сати

    "In 2011...Bezos filed a tax return reporting he lost money — his income that year was more than offset by investment losses...because, according to the tax law, he made so little, he even claimed and received a $4,000 tax credit for his children."

  6. пре 18 сати

    "When he plays, his long fingers look like the legs of a tarantula dancing on the accordion’s keys. 'I really like how the music pumps in your heart.'”

  7. пре 21 сата

    "There’s a damaging disconnect between the lionized figure of the firefighter and the reality of the men and women who fight more fire than anyone." Zora Thomas,

  8. пре 21 сата

    "Brayden Bushby’s trial was the latest in a series of high-profile homicide cases featuring an Indigenous victim and a white defendant. The results—acquittal after acquittal—were devastating to many onlookers."

  9. је ретвитовао/ла
    8. јун

    Really interesting article on gender expectations & bias in celebrity memoirs - Judge a Book Not By its Gender via

  10. 9. јун

    "After 15 months of tumult, not everyone is ready or willing to return to a job that underpays, offers no paid sick leave, and treats them as expendable."

  11. 8. јун

    "So Muse strong-armed the Seattle plane maker, offering unprecedented terms while he was standing on their competitor’s turf. Boeing caved. It sold Southwest the three 737s for $4 million each, with no money down."

  12. 8. јун

    "I’d come to learn that John and Sandy lived in apartment 4C for fifty years. They were among the building’s longest tenants—and a gay couple who spent their lives together in a world that would have rather kept them apart."

  13. 8. јун

    "What interests me more is what the facts cohere into, what webbing and connections they create: the emotional and psychological underlayers." An interview with on the writing process, slowness, and her essay on love and immigration:

  14. 8. јун

    A new excerpt from our sister publication! "It takes a thief to catch a thief, as Schlaff likes to say—that’s the logic behind using jailhouse snitches. In the United States, the practice has a history as troubling as it is long."

  15. 8. јун

    "There’s a vague mythology of the Hotshot as a rugged and daring outdoorsman. Along with that comes another piece of fantasy: that all firefighters are well-paid, comfortably employed, and well-cared for." Zora Thomas,

  16. 8. јун

    "As they peeled back the layers built up over time, the house gave up its memories. Faded wallpaper and fragments of yellow newspaper bore witness to shifts in fashion and politics."

  17. 7. јун

    "The trial would not turn on eyewitness testimony or incriminating documents. Instead, it would hinge on the story told by Barbara Kentner’s body."

  18. 7. јун

    "Built in Winnipeg in 1912, the Pasadena Apartments loom over the corner of Hugo Street North and McMillan Avenue...the kind of heritage building that transports you to another era."

  19. 7. јун

    “Get ready,” Muse said to his smiling hostesses, each of whom was clad in her in-flight uniform of tangerine knit top, slouchy white belt, white side-laced go-go boots, and fire-orange hot pants. “Now, everyone flip Mr. Lawrence the finger.”

  20. 7. јун

    "It was and remains the Indian Act that created this divide, stripping First Nations of their land, their governance structures, their very children, while forcing a pseudodemocracy down their throats."


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