
State of the Word 2015

Here is the State of the Word presentation I delivered on Saturday, and the following Q&A.

If you just want to check out the slides, here they are on Slideshare:

State of the Word 2015, WordCamp US from photomatt

State of the Word 2014

Yesterday I delivered the State of the Word address to the WordPress community, and the video is already up on

Here are the slides if you’d like to view them on their own:

State of the Word 2014 from photomatt

If you just want the bullet points, here are the big things I discussed and announced:

  • There will be 81 WordCamps in 2014.
  • This was the 9th and final WordCamp San Francisco in its current form. We’ve maxed out the venue for years, so next year we’ll do a WordCamp US at a location and date to be determined.
  • Milestone: 2014 was the first year non-English downloads surpassed English downloads of WordPress.
  • 33k took our survey: 7,539 (25%) of survey participants make their living from WordPress. Over 90% of people build more than one site, and spend less than 200 hours building one.
  • We’ve done five major and seven minor releases since the last WCSF, and have had 785 contributors across them.
  • WordPress market share has risen from 19% in 2013 to 23% now.
  • We now have 34k plugins and 2.7k themes, and have enjoyed record activity on both — including plugins passing 1,000,000 commits.
  • 16 releases of our mobile apps, Android and iOS.
  • Code Reference launched.
  • 105 active meetup groups in 21 countries, with over 100 meetup and WordCamp organizers present at the event.
  • Internationalization will be a big focus of the coming year, including fully-localized plugin and theme directories on language sites and embedded on dashboard in version 4.1, which is coming out December 10th.
  • Better stats coming for plugin and theme authors.
  • Version fragmentation is a big challenge for WordPress, only a quarter of users are currently on the latest release.
  •  This is also a problem for PHP — we’ll be working with hosts to help with version fragmentation, as well as to get as many WordPress sites as possible running PHP 5.5 or better.
  • Showed off 2015 theme.
  • We will be testing a workflow for accepting pull requests on our official WordPress Github repository before the end of the year.
  • For the first time in 11 years we’re switching away from IRC as our primary communication method. We’ll be moving to Slack, which has helped us set up so that every member of can use it. (During the keynote address the number of people on Slack surpassed our IRC channels, and is currently over 800 people.) Sign up at
  • Five for the Future, with Gravity Forms and WPMU Dev committing to donate, and Automattic now at 14 full-time contributors to core and community.
  • We need to work hard to harmonize the REST API plugin and the REST API.
  • The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing, which means access for everyone regardless of language, geography, gender, wealth, ability, religion, creed, or anything else people might be born with. To do that we need our community to be inclusive and welcoming. There is a sublime beauty in our differences, and they’re as important as the principles that bring us together, like the GPL.
Gallery WordCamp

WordCamp San Francisco 2014

Photos from WordCamp San Francisco 2014 taken by Sheri Bigelow.

Gallery WordCamp

WordCamp San Francisco Contributor Day 2013

Photos from WordCamp San Francisco Contributor Day 2013 taken by Sheri BigelowKevin Conboy, and Aaron Hockley.

Gallery WordCamp

WordCamp San Francisco 2013

WordCamp San Francisco 2013 was wonderfully photographed this year by Sheri BigelowKevin Conboy, and Aaron Hockley. (I didn’t take any of these.)

Gallery WordCamp

WordCamp San Francisco Hack Day

Hack Day at WordCamp San Francisco went really well. Developers from around the globe met up to work on WordPress. Photos by Sheri Bigelow.


WordCamp San Francisco 2010 Photos

While I was running around WordCamp San Francisco 2010 getting ready for the keynote, guest photographer Sheri Bigelow had my D3S and was snapping all around. Here are the photos from that day.


WordCamp Developer Day

I have some cool news: On Sunday the day after WordCamp San Francisco we’re going to host a WordPress developer day at the Automattic office on Pier 38. It will be Barcamp-style with no pre-announced schedule, but expect more hardcore geek content like heavy WordPress performance optimization, BuddyPress internals, an intro to Erlang, a guide to secure coding, WordPress-as-CMS discussions, and more. If there’s a topic you’d like to lead start thinking about it now, there should be plenty of room for everyone to connect. (Try to keep things local though, we’re not sure how the internet will hold up.)

Asides Yahoo

New WordCamp SF Site

The new site for WordCamp San Francisco is online, go check it out. Got some more speakers and announcements when I get back from Japan.

Asides Yahoo

WordCamp China, Hong Kong, and Japan

I’ll be attending our two WordCamps in China: WordCamp China in Shanghai, on April 4, and WordCamp Hong Kong on April 5. I think this says I’m going to be in Japan for WordCamp on April 12th.


WordCamp Denver

WordCamp Denver at the Art Museum, which was a fantastic venue.

Essays WordCamp

WordCamp Roundup

This month there were three WordCamps around the world: WordCamp Las Vegas, WordCamp Indonesia, and WordCamp Whistler. Here’s what’s coming up in the next two months. Asterisks indicate WordCamps I’ll be attending:


WordCamp Registration Open

If you check out the WordCamp San Francisco site you’ll see that registration is open and we’ve already announced some great speakers: Matt Cutts, Tim Ferriss, Philip Greenspun, Doug Hanna, Tara Hunt, yours truly, Andy Peatling, and Steve Souders. (More coming.) It’s going to be a killer event. Mark your calendars: May 30.


WordCamp SF 2009

WordCamp San Francisco 2009 will be on May 30, 2009.


WordCamp and Artist Party

The second day of WordCamp followed by a birthday a vintage-themed party for two local artists / performers. Includes famous Sam Bauers tango dance.


WordCamp AU

WordCamp Australia at the Red Box in Sydney, and dinner afterwards (including an arm wrestle).


WordCamp Australia

I’ll be in Australia later this month for WordCamp Australia – if you’re in the country you should come out.


PodCamp/WordCamp Hawaii

I’ll be in Honolulu this Saturday for  PodCamp / WordCamp Hawaii 2008.


WordCamp Weekend

There’s not one but three four WordCamps this weekend. I just got back from China, where both the Beijing and Shanghai events were great. (More pictures coming soon.) This Saturday you can check out WordPress events in Portland, Salt Lake City (I’ll be attending this one, they asked me first), Vancouver, and Birmingham.


Shanghai WordCamp

Shanghai WordCamp and dinner afterward.