
Wired Joins the Family

I wanted to take a moment to welcome’s 12 blogs to the WordPress family! (They just completed their switch from Typepad.) I thought this completes my prediction from January that WP would reach over 40% of this list of top blogs, but when I went to the Technorati 100 today everything has changed! First, they only show ten blogs at a time now (lame!) and second there appears to have been huge churn on the list,so we’ll have to wait until next January to do an apples-to-apples comparison.

Asides Movable Type Switcher

MT Export Helper

Split Your MT Export File. I wrote a quick little web service to intelligently split large export files from Typepad and Movable Type into more manageable chunks.

Asides Splogs

Typepad Splogs

I just wanted to give a quick kudos to the Typepad folks for being one of the best in the industry when it comes to dealing with splogs. Since they’re a paid service I don’t come across splogs on Typepad very often, but when I do their support is easy to contact, very responsive (I had a reply from “Carla” within 3 hours), and they obviously understand the problem and how to deal with it.