How to filter the output of Contact Form 7 or any other shortcode in WordPress

An introduction to the do_shortcode_tag hook introduced by WordPress 4.7.

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Firefox 15, text-transform, font-variant και ελληνικά

Με αρχή από την έκδοση 15, που αναμένεται να κυκλοφορήσει στις 28 Αυγούστου 2012, ο Firefox θα τηρεί τους κανόνες του ελληνικού τονισμού κατά την εκτέλεση των εντολών text-transform: uppercase και font-variant: small-caps. Με την αλλαγή αυτή ο Firefox γίνεται ο πρώτος πλοηγός που κάνει σωστό μετασχηματισμό ελληνικών πεζών ή μεικτών γραμμάτων σε μεγαλογράμματη γραφή… Full article

Edit the PATH environment variable in Windows without pain

Four alternative applications to edit the PATH and other environment variables in Windows. Two are CLI tools, two are GUI tools, and all are available for free.

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WordPress 3.1: What’s new

A detailed presentation of the changes and new features WordPress 3.1 brings, for users as well as for developers

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Autotranslated themes and plugins for WordPress: An idea

A proposal for making WordPress plugins and themes easier to translate

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What is a stupid person

A stupid person is someone who thinks other people are stupid.

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WordPress 3.0: What’s new

A detailed illustrated look into the new features WordPress 3.0 brings for end-users and for developers.

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Making clean archives for distribution on Mac OS X

CleanArchiver is a free OS X utility for generating clean ZIP, GZIP etc. archives for distribution. Read why and when you should use it.

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Progressive enhancement of drop-down menus with the :not CSS selector

Add indicators to items with subitems on your drop-down menu in three easy steps using CSS alone. For all browsers except IE.

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WordPress 2.8: What’s new

An illustrated tour of the new features and improvements in WordPress 2.8.

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