Support » Theme: Isola » First results of search do not have photos

  • Resolved shortblondeguy


    Please go to my site, and search for Seattle on the top right.

    You will see titles and tags (and text in the body of the post if it had any) but there will be no photos until you scroll and get to the infinite scroll jump.

    The posts after the infinite scroll jump will have photos when you scroll down.

    I cannot figure out if this is the theme or a plugin. It does the same thing in the Twenty Fifteen theme too.

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  • Hi @shortblondeguy,

    I was able to replicate the issue on my own installation of Isola by enabling Jetpack’s infinite scroll. I’ll get this reported back to the team and let you know when I hear back from them.


    Thread Starter shortblondeguy



    Thread Starter shortblondeguy



    Any word on this? I was able to make the issue happen with or without Infinite Scroll in Jetpack turned on.

    In fact it’s worse without Infinite Scroll on, because you have to click “Older Posts” and it’s the same list without photos.

    This behavior doesn’t happen with Twenty Sixteen theme (Twenty Seventeen) doesn’t seem to have a search function I could find (or it wasn’t activated by default).

    With Twenty Sixteen, search results have the photos.


    This has been updated in the latest version of Isola – the images should now appear on all pages of the search results.

    Just let us know if you have any questions about this at all!

    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    Hello Again!

    Thanks for the update! It seems to work but now when we scroll past the first load for infinite scroll, the Featured (same as the main photo in my case) is added below the main picture.

    See or search for tags like car or trees, then scroll.

    I can’t find how to stop this. It only seems to happen in search results and wasn’t this way before the most recent Isola theme update.

    It doesn’t exhibit this behavior in Twenty Sixteen and well Twenty Seventeen just shows now photos at all in the search results haha.

    Note – I’ve had a tough time using the Custom CSS in WordPress itself, so I’ve had to again modify Style.css directly.

    Again, THANKS for the update for the search. I’m sure I haven’t found what I need to tweak yet but when I do I’ll let you know!


    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    Oh, I just found that if you just go to a category directly, it will show the smaller Featured image below.

    Check this out please:

    (But this exhibited itself first to me as a result of the original issue. Now there are photos, but now there are extra photos. haha) Thanks!

    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    I think what Isola is now doing is showing the Featured image in search results or lists when it wasn’t before.
    I have 625 posts with the image in them, and recently went through all posts to enable Featured image.

    Again, this wasn’t happening until the new Isola update.

    How do I stop the extra image from showing in lists (or search results) like categories or tags?

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    Here’s what I was talking about for having the image in them. I have highlighted what existed before I added the Featured Image to each of the posts.

    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    Also, If I remove the direct link for the image from the image editor box, no image displays on the post itself, but the featured will display in the search results.

    Sorry I keep throwing new stuff here. hahaha

    > Sorry I keep throwing new stuff here. hahaha

    No, this is good – thank you for all the info, @shortblondeguy!

    I’m having some problems recreating some of this on my test site. Can you let me know what plugins you have installed, specifically anything to do with images, or perhaps changing excerpts to plugins? If I can recreate what you’re seeing, it will help pin down where things are going wrong.

    If you have any questions about this at all, just let me know!


    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    I have the plugins in the screenshot below active.

    They were all up to date before I updated Isola, so my site was acting fine before (aside from the missing images in search results).

    I understand though some plugins may interact differently when a theme is updated.

    Some notes:

    – The SBGPlugin is my own creation. It’s simply functions for the fine print below the Shopify sections (in Print posts). I tested turning it off and viewing the site and no change.
    – These Featured images is something other themes tend to do, which is one reason I’ve stuck with Isola (other than it being really awesome! 😃).
    – If I were to revert to my backup from last week before I updated Isola, things would be fine, except for the missing images on search results again.

    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    Have some screenshots! 🙂
    1st screenshot is made of 2 screenshots.
    I used Inspect Element on a particular post with Featured Image removed, then when it was added back.

    Top screenshot is when the Featured Image is removed and all is well.
    Bottom screenshot shows when Featured Image is added, and causes the duplication seen on the site.

    Below is a before and after from a different post –
    With Featured
    Without Featured

    Thread Starter shortblondeguy


    In content.php I found the code that cause the problem and removed it.

    On left is from my backup before the Isola update. It has a blank highlighted line.

    On right is from the current Isola theme I downloaded separately so I had the raw code from it. It has a highlighted section that was not in the prior version of Isola.

    I removed that section from content.php from the live site, and the problem was resolved.

    Now, I know just cutting out code isn’t always the best solution, but I noticed that large difference having to do with entry-thumbnail and when I eliminated that section = SUCCESS!

    Hope that helps you troubleshoot the issue and maybe find some different way of doing entry-thumbnail in a future Isola update.

    Going to bed now! hahaha

    Thanks for the extra details and screenshots, @shortblondeguy! That’s a huge help.

    Looking at the other versions of the theme that have been uploaded to, I can see that chunk of code in content.php in all of them except for the very first one, 1.0.1. It was added in version 1.0.3:

    It’s possible that the theme hasn’t been updated on your site since then, or perhaps the code was removed in the past, only to be re-added automatically with the update.

    Unfortunately, we can’t remove it from the theme at this point without affecting other users who may want it. But if you’d like it gone from your site, and still be able to update the theme when a new version comes out, you could create a child theme that includes its own version of that file.

    There’s some more information about how to do that in the Codex ( There are also more step-by-step resources out there, like

    Thanks again for all the troubleshooting to see what was happening on your site! If you have any questions at all, just let us know!

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