Developers » Uploading Files
Uploading Files
1. Uploading Photos into User Album 
2. Uploading Photos on User Wall 
3. Uploading Photos into User Profile or Community
4. Uploading Photos into a Private Message
5. Uploading a Main Photo to a Group Chat
6. Uploading a Market Item Photo
7. Uploading a Market Collection Photo
8. Uploading Audio Files
9. Uploading Video Files
10. Uploading Documents
11. Uploading Community Cover
12. Uploading Audiomessage
13. Uploading Story

Any file is uploaded in 3 steps: 
1. Receiving an upload server address.
2. Sending file contents in multipart/form-data format.
3. Saving uploaded file information.

Uploading process details (for example the name of the field containing a file in POST request) may vary depending on file type. There are manuals for all media content types below.
1. Uploading Photos into User Album
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP.
Limits: not more than 5 photos at a time, height + width not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb.
POST request field: file{i}, i=[1..5].

Receiving an Address
Call the photos.getUploadServer method to get an upload address.
To upload a photo to a community specify the community ID in the group_id parameter.

Sending Files
Send files to the upload_url address received in the previous step forming a POST request with file1-file5 fields. These fields should contain images in multipart/form-data format.
When uploaded successfully server returns a JSON object with server, photos_list, hash, aid fields:

Server and aid fields contain numeric values, hash is a string and photos_list is a JSON object that should be saved as it is (but remove symbols screening before using further). In PHP json_decode() can be used for the whole reply and then stripslashes() for the photos_list object.

Saving Results
To save photos in an album call with server, photos_list, aid, hash received previously.
2. Uploading Photos on User Wall
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP.
Limits: not more than 6 photos at a time in photos.saveWallPhoto method, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb.
POST request field: photo.

Receiving an Address
Call the photos.getWallUploadServer method to get an upload address.
To upload a photo to a community specify the community ID in the group_id parameter.

Sending Files
Send files to the upload_url address received in the previous step forming a POST request with photo field. This field should contain an image in multipart/form-data format.

When uploaded successfully server returns a JSON object with server, photo, hash fields:

Server field contains numeric value, hash is a string, photo is a JSON object that should be saved as it is (but remove symbols screening before using further). In PHP json_decode() can be used for the whole reply and then stripslashes() for the photo object.

Saving Results
To save a photo call photos.saveWallPhoto with server, '''photo'', hash parameters received previously. If a photo needs to be published on other user or community wall, use user_id or group_id parameters.

Publishing a Photo
When a photo is uploaded you can place in on a wall by sending a post with and photo id in attachments parameter. Note that to publish a photo on another user or community wall you need to use the same user_id and group_id parameters as you used while calling photos.saveWallPhoto.
3. Uploading Photos into User Profile or Community
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP.
Limits: size not less than 200x200px, aspect ratio from 0.25 to 3, width+height not more than 14000 px, file size up to 50 Mb.
POST request field: photo.

Receiving an Address
Call photos.getOwnerPhotoUploadServer to receive an upload address. To upload a photo to a community send its negative id in the owner_id parameter.

Sending Files
Send files to the upload_url address received in the previous step forming a POST request with photo field. This field should contain an image in multipart/form-data format.

Following parameters can be sent in addition:
  • _square_crop in x,y,w (no quotes) format where x and y are the coordinates of the preview upper-right corner and w is square side length. That will create a square preview for a photo.

When uploaded successfully server returns a JSON object with server, photo, mid, hash, message_code, profile_aid fields:

Server, mid, message_code, profile_aid are numeric values, hash and photo are strings.

Saving Results
To save a photo call photos.saveOwnerPhoto with server, '''photo'', hash parameters received before.

For an IFrame application do the following:
  • With Javascript SDK call photos.saveOwnerPhoto with server, photo and hash parameters. A confirmation window will appear to save a new photo. If user approves, photo is saved successfully and photo_src parameter returns. In this case there's no need to perform the next step.
    If you run photos.saveOwnerPhoto through a direct API call, do the following in addition.
  • Call the showProfilePhotoBox Client API method with photo_hash parameter. Application will display a window to confirm photo change.
4. Uploading Photos into a Private Message
Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP.
Limits: height+width not more than 14000px, file size up to 50 Ìá.
POST request field: photo.

Receiving an Address
Call photos.getMessagesUploadServer to receive an upload address.

Sending Files
Send files to the upload_url address received in the previous step forming a POST request with photo field. This field should contain an image in multipart/form-data format.

When uploaded successfully server returns a JSON object with server, photo, hash fields:

Server field contains numeric value, hash is a string, photo is a JSON object that should be saved as it is (but remove symbols screening before using further). In PHP json_decode() can be used for the whole reply and then stripslashes() for the photo object.

Saving Results
To save a photo call photos.saveMessagesPhoto with server, photo and hash parameters received previously.

After successful upload you may attach the photo to a private message with messages.send and photo info in attachments.
