Support » Plugin: ElasticPress » ElasticPress + PolyLang : Multiple Indexes With Different Analysers

  • Resolved devmania



    I have a multilingual website using PolyLang. I want to properly integrate ElasticPress with PolyLang. Unfortunately, I can’t find how to do it.

    I want to achieve these two requirements:

    1/ Instruct ElasticPress to create a separate index per language and use the correct analyzer (filtering, tokenizing, stop words, stemming, …).

    2/ Instruct ElasticPress to choose a specific index according to the current language and also to use the correct analyzer when looking for related articles or searching for some terms.

    I know how to grab the current locale with PolyLang (en, fr, es, …) in functions.php but I don’t know how to instruct ElasticPress to correctly index/search in a multilingual environment.

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