Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » The editor has encountered an unexpected error. Attempt Recovery Copy Post Text

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  • Thread Starter monica5


    Surprising news that will hopefully lead you to solution.
    I sought to test my original assumption that Gutenberg 10.9.0 and 11.0.0 malfunction (error) is caused by recent coding changes inside Gutenberg, so I installed Gutenberg 9.5.0 – inside my full array of paid and free plugins, including those of MonsterInsights.
    And to confirm my hunch, the editing error for posts and pages was gone!
    Okay, I have to be careful for minor formatting changes in 9.5.0 but that’s about it – much better than trying any workarounds, because Classic Editor works, yeah, but attempt to edit the page then in Gutenberg, and all the changes with everything original following them, just disappears.
    9.5.0 using = not a systemic and correct solution.

    I hope this will help you in resolving the child node error – the examination of how it’s being handled inside 9.5.0 (okay) and inside 11.0.0

    Please let me know! Thanks!

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp I hope the above did help you in resolving the child node error – the examination of how it’s being handled inside 9.5.0 (okay) and inside 11.0.0

    Please let me know! Thanks!

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp Suggestion – Gutenberg could just maintain & patch lightweight versions inspired by my solution, and offer another that would be for more demanding (for varied reasons) users

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp Hello Daniel, is it a reasonable assumption that you would come back and reply, especially since new Gutenberg ver has been released?
    Thanks for describing whether it solves the matter similarly to 9.5.0 or not.

    Plugin Author Daniel Richards


    @monica5 Sorry for the lack of response, I have a busy job and helping out in the forums is not my regular role. It should also be a team effort, so I shouldn’t be the only person willing to help!

    Nothing stands out in 9.6 that could’ve caused a problem:

    As of yet, there’s still no clue as to where the problem lies. I haven’t been able to find any other reports of the issue you’ve described. Things work fine on a completely fresh installation of WordPress. It’s very a rare to have only a single person experiencing a problem like this, usually there would be a lot of obvious posts in the forums or in bug reports.

    The only other potential cause beyond what we’ve already discussed could be a browser add-on. Browser add-ons do often inject HTML into a page, meaning they could cause the issue you’re seeing. You could check that by disabling any browser add-ons you have installed or trying a different browser. Private/Incognito mode may be a way to test too, but some add-ons can be configured to work in private browsing mode too.

    You could also try using a tool like Local By Flywheel ( to create a local WordPress instance that you can do some testing on. Use that to try to replicate what you’re seeing on your site (install the same plugins/themes and import your content). That would give you the opportunity to try some things you’re not willing to do on your live site—change settings, remove plugins.

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp Thank you, but Gutenberg should allocate someone to tracking forums the way it’s done with bug reports. And this is one as I’m using no browser addons, this is both in normal and incognito mode.
    Similarly to staging website (doesn’t include paid plugins), such a local (or even subdomain WP installation that I considered venturing into), wouldn’t solve anything – paid plugins can’t be there.
    I was willing and did all the harakiri on live site, and it led nowhere. No point in “trying things” if there is no plan / next steps what to do about the results, and the plan doesn’t cover all bases.
    I mentioned 9.5.0. as the ver that works okay…

    Plugin Author Daniel Richards


    > Similarly to staging website (doesn’t include paid plugins), such a local (or even subdomain WP installation that I considered venturing into), wouldn’t solve anything – paid plugins can’t be there.

    Yes, we’re also unable to give support on paid plugins unfortunately, but it’s still worth trying as the issue may not be with a paid plugin.

    > I was willing and did all the harakiri on live site, and it led nowhere. No point in “trying things” if there is no plan / next steps what to do about the results, and the plan doesn’t cover all bases.

    The plan is to try to figure out what combination of factors (plugins, theme) causes the issue, at which point I (or someone else) may be able to try to reproduce and debug the issue and find the root cause. At the moment I have absolutely no way of testing this locally.

    Maybe you can at least provide a list of your plugins?

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp Daniel? What’s your email please? I have received none from you so as to give my list of free and paid plugins. Please mail me! Thanks, good day

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp Daniel, hopefully you’re aren’t the only person manning Gutenberg, the leading blocks editor.
    It’s not an excuse that I might be the only one experiencing that – let me tell you that other free or paid plugin supports had been faster in taking care of bug reports.
    This is taking 1 month – 1 month already…
    Please bump it up in your hierarchy.

    Plugin Author Daniel Richards


    @monica5 You can hopefully understand that for my privacy I’m not going to hand over my email address.

    Thread Starter monica5


    @talldanwp Fine, but I had no issue publishing mine, so you know how to reach me – fore example, you can use a masked email account, redirect, or throwaway account – if Gutenberg creators / bug troubleshooters can’t email me directly.
    Now, that would be preferable, please.
    Good day.

    Plugin Support David Smith


    @monica5 It looks like @talldanwp has being doing his best to try to help you. This is a complex problem to debug at arms length, especially as the error is:

    – not immediately traceable to any given feature or code (the error refers to React which is not strictly “Gutenberg”).
    – not happening in a fresh WordPress installation with the Gutenberg Plugin active

    As a result of the two items above it is highly likely that this is due to a Plugin conflict which – as you may be aware – is something outside of the ability of the Gutenberg contributors’ ability to fix.

    If you haven’t already I would highly recommend you do the following:

    – Follow this guide (or similar) to set up a local WP installation on your local machine.
    – Install and activate the Gutenberg Plugin only.
    – Remain on the Twenty Twenty theme.
    Export all content from your production website using the WordPress export function and import it into your local WP installation.
    – Check your local site language settings match those of your production site.
    – Open a new Post and see if you can replicate the error.

    If you cannot replicate then this is not an error generated by Gutenberg itself.

    I would then recommend you try to install the Theme you are running on your Production site on your local site. Does the error still occur?

    I would then suggest installing the Plugins you have active on your Production site on your local site. You should do this 1 by 1 each time checking if the error still occurs in the editor.

    This should help you to narrow down the problem.

    Apologies if you feel this is repeating things. We’ve happy to try to help you but it isn’t possible to patch Gutenberg (or even ascertain whether it needs a fix) unless we can narrow down the source of your issue.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    All the very best.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @monica5 FYI I have archived your replies with your email address. Do not post your email addres; do not ask for others to email you.

    Everyone here, 100%, is a volunteer helping you on their own time for free. As volunteers. Email support will never be a part of that so please do not ask again.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Also? Please do not create topics about topics. I have archived your other topic, you are being supported in this topic as appropriate.

    Thread Starter monica5


    @get_dave `Thanks David, weeks ago I’ve offered to share my plugin line up, only to be asked for the same with a lag as per above. Public forum isn’t conducive to IT security, so I had been very forthcoming in sharing my email for Gutenberg people to contact me, and test it.
    Unfortunately due to several other users facing similar issues independently of the other plugins used, it’s with Gutenberg, and it’s not with Astra or the other suspects I had painstakingly troubleshooted (and Astra ruled out theme issues).
    Your suggestion ignores a few important things I believe, just as subdomain or staging website wouldn’t have helped with paid plugins that are impossible to clone by definition – and it’s the fact that my site depends upon other plugins to work, and is on Astra. Not even EN language throughout my IT world would help. Running on, I can’t install all the plugins into local WP instals.
    Besides, my hosting plan isn’t supportive of the suggested troubleshooting route likely, which is why I need your direct assistance in replicating it on your end.
    Going this troubleshooting one by one logic before, didn’t pinpoint the problem after all.
    I’ve suggested that I tell you my full lineup so that you can perform the required steps as the issue isn’t a matter of my content, but is hidden somewhere inside Gutenberg – one rollback works well to fix it, so it’s pretty clear.
    I’m sincerely disappointed by going in the same circles, and for 6 weeks already. This shouldn’t be happening with a leading block editor – I would welcome being approached directly over email to solve this really.

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