

  • Member Since: April 1st, 2008
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  • Created a topic, Bug (?) Leaves Widget After Plugin Deactivated and Deleted, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I installed the plugin and determined it did not featu…

    2 months ago

  • Created a topic, Error Message When Reinstalling and Reactivating-, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I whad to delete and reinstall all of my plugins. I a…

    3 years ago

  • Created a topic, Plugin Does Not Remember Location In Content, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Installed plugin on a networked site and created code …

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to FS Contact Form no longer in WP Market?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I would

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to FS Contact Form no longer in WP Market?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I'd like to thank Mike also. It has been my favorite plugin and had been…

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Not sure where and how to modify css, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I have a form included in a div that is too wide for i…

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Notes between field name and field input., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    That is fantastic. Thank you.

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Notes between field name and field input., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I may have misspoke. These are not merely hints, these are more instructions and I…

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Form content In Confirmation Message, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    That's what I was afraid he meant. Thanks

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to ReCaptcha Not Displaying, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    My bad. Talking from prior experience.

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to ReCaptcha Not Displaying, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    My guess is that there is a naming conflict between one plugin and the reCaptcha…

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Notes between field name and field input., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    No. The before and after settings include the label and the field between them. I…

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Form content In Confirmation Message, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Yes. And this is what I am asking about: Where is this particular reply that…

    4 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Form content In Confirmation Message, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I found where this feature was left out on purpose as a security risk. The…

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Form content In Confirmatin Message, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hello Mike, I would like to include the form content …

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Notes between field name and field input., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Hi Mike, I would like to put some html field instruct…

    4 years ago

  • Created a topic, Great system for keeping fresh posts in my social account stream., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Great system for keeping fresh posts in my social acco…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: Link to Original article at bottom of page?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I'm new here, where do I get the info for the hashtags?

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Great Plugin, Excellent Support, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Plugin is simple to use, has loads of selectors for th…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to Close Popup When Link In Popup Clicked, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    That would be a big Oops, and an apology. I forgot this had been posted…

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Close Popup When Link In Popup Clicked, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    https://taxtutor.com Is it possible to close the popu…

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Showing Stars Only, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I am using Ver 3.1.2 Lite and am very happy with it. …

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Works, Then Doesn’t Work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I am trying to create a ratings setup that will allow …

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Error Clearing Logs, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I am getting an error when I try to clear logs, or log…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to How to show rating of a post by post id, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Okay, once again I hang my head in shame. I was using double quotes in…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to How to show rating of a post by post id, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I have also tried using do_shortcode with no success. The page will not load. <?php…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to How to show rating of a post by post id, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    After hanging my head in shame, as I should, I realize I need to expand…

    5 years ago

  • Posted a reply to How to show rating of a post by post id, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Sorry. I was busy reading the other page that explained tons of usage and totally…

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, How to show rating of a post by post id, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    Post is working on a page/post and showing rating of t…

    5 years ago

  • Created a topic, Newlines Not Generated, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
    I have the plugin installed and it is properly retriev…

    5 years ago

  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.6: What’s on your wish list?, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I would like to see "Save Working Copy" added to the "Publish" widget on the…

    5 years ago

  • Replied to an idea, Auto expire/unpublish time for posts

    6 years ago

  • Replied to an idea, Extra Fields To User Profile

    9 years ago