Sync your Firefox on any device

Access and sync your bookmarks, passwords, open tabs and more — everywhere you use Firefox.

Sign Up

    Privacy made easy

    All you need for Firefox Sync is a Firefox Account.

    Encrypt your data

    Your encryption key remains a secret, only known to you and your authorized devices.

    Feel safe

    We store your encrypted data on our servers so we can’t read it.

Start syncing in four easy steps:

  1. Open the menu in the top right of Firefox and select “Sign in to Sync”.
  2. Click “Get started” in the tab that opens.
  3. Enter an email address and password to “Create a Firefox Account.”
  4. Click “Next” to get a verification sent to your email.

After you check your email and click the verification link, Firefox will start automatically syncing in the background.

More help managing your Firefox Account