‘User Experience’ Videos

  • Chris Milton: Winning the Battle of Design & Function by Focusing on User Experience

    WordCamp San Antonio 2020Speaker: Chris Milton

    January 21, 2021 — Working remotely as freelancers or as part of a distributed team has gone from trending to essential. This way of working requires more people to be live streaming, using video conferencing, and creating video tutorials. Join me as I walk through my personal desk setup that was created to be more efficient in meetings without taking up a lot of space. The one-stand desk setup works great for YouTube videos, video conferencing, and recording tutorials.

  • Caspar Hübinger: Ein einfaches Admin-Menü

    WordPress Meetup StuttgartSpeaker: Caspar Hübinger

    November 2, 2020 — Im Februar 2020 – vor einer gefühlten Ewigkeit – hat sich Caspar Hübinger mit dem WordPress-Admin-Menü beschäftigt. Genauer gesagt mit dessen Struktur und den Möglichkeiten, sie zu vereinfachen.

    Caspar arbeitet sich dafür durch die Grundlagen der User-Experience, hat mit Expertinnen aus verschiedenen Bereichen gesprochen und seinen Entwurf immer weiter verbessert bis er schließlich zu einem kleinen Proof-of-Concept-Plugin gekommen ist, das sich sehen lassen kann.

    Bei unserem Meetup am 14.10. hat Caspar uns von dieser Reise berichtet und gezeigt, wie ein aufgeräumtes Admin-Menü für neue und alteingesessene WordPress-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer funktionieren kann.

  • Eileen Violini: Beyond pretty-simple design principles to create richer user experiences

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Eileen Violini

    June 18, 2020 — Great websites don’t just happen. Exceptional user experiences are part of a rich study of psychological principles that are more than pretty pictures. By mastering a few design concepts we can create UI patterns that make it easier for users to navigate pages, consume information, make purchases and interact with our online brand.
    With the evolution of WordPress, design will play an increasingly important role as decisions move into the hands of users.
    This talk will explore how the key laws of UX can be applied to every aspect of our site, plugin, app or store, providing designers, developers and product managers with a framework of terms to create well-designed interfaces for editors and end-users.

  • Janine Videva: Usability and User Experience of Immersive Web VR Platforms

    WordCamp Zurich 2019Speaker: Janine Videva

    September 19, 2019 — VR is starting to approach the mainstream audience especially through the use of web VR, therefore becoming a new tool for communication. As a result, it becomes imperative to research usability and user experience of web VR platforms, even though standards and guidelines on the topic are still missing. This session will present my research on the topic, highlighting the importance of usability and user experience in new technologies.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Michelle Shulp: Squash and Stretch and Good UX- Using Animation To Enhance User Experience

    WordCamp Atlanta 2019Speaker: Michelle Shulp

    July 7, 2019 — Modern browsers, JavaScript libraries, and CSS3 have made it easier than ever to create exciting, dynamic animated experiences within web interfaces. But we have also seen the unfortunate side effect of trying to do too much: websites that are resource hogs, eating up bandwidth and slowing load times to a crawl, all for effects that are ultimately just there for the “show” factor. This talk will discuss how to use these animation skills for good: to establish context, convey status, give feedback, and yes, even add a little delight. Along the way, we’ll discuss the principles of animation that guide everything from your favorite feature films to the actions of a button on your screen, and learn how deliberate animation choices can improve the experience for your user.

  • Yiannis Konstantakopoulos: Δημιουργώντας επιτυχημένα e-shops μέσω του User Experience Design

    WordCamp Thessaloniki 2018Speaker: Yiannis Konstantakopoulos

    March 6, 2019 — Στην ομιλία του θα μας αναλύσει τις βασικές αρχές του User Experience Design και πώς η εφαρμογή τους μας οδηγεί σε πιο επιτυχημένα ηλεκτρονικά καταστήματα. Όχι γενικά όμως. Γίνεται αναφορά σε συγκεκριμένο project το οποίο βελτίωσε σημαντικά όλους τους βασικούς του δείκτες και φυσικά τα κέρδη του. Καθώς η ανάπτυξη του έργου έγινε σε WordPress, θα αναφερθούν από την οπτική γωνία του design, τα πλεονεκτήματα και τα μειονεκτήματα της πλατφόρμας, αλλά και τα σωστά και τα λάθη της ομάδας που ανέλαβε το project.
    Τέλος, κι επειδή πρόκειται για μεγάλο project, θα γίνει αναφορά στις αρχές που πρέπει να διέπουν τις αληθινές ομάδες που δουλεύουν για το Διαδίκτυο.

    In his speech he will analyze the basic principles of User Experience Design and how their application leads us to more successful online stores. Not in general though. He will refer to a specific project that significantly improved all of its key indicators and, of course, its profits. As the development of the project was in WordPress, we will examine from the perspective of design, the advantages and disadvantages of the platform, but also the correct actions and mistakes of the team that took over the project.
    Finally, and because it is a big project, there will be a reference to the principles that should govern the real groups working on the Internet.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Brenner Adams : Gamify your WordPress User Experience

    WordCamp Orange County 2018Speaker: Brenner Adams

    June 15, 2018 — How to leverage some of the most popular video game design principles to drive more engagement for your WordPress Blog or ecommerce site. Learn the basics of Status, Access, Power, and Stuff in order to find unique ways to implement these human behavior principles into your customer engagement strategy.

  • James Tryon: Watch Edit Repeat: Today’s Story of User Tracking

    WordCamp US 2017Speaker: James Tryon

    December 10, 2017 — Do you really know how your users are using your site? Do you know where they are coming from? Do you have any idea on what marketing paths are working best that you are currently using?

    In this talk, we will go over real world examples and tools we use on a daily basis to improve our client’s user experiences by removing roadblocks and increasing conversions.

    Buzzwords: Heat Maps, Screen Recording, Analytics, Link Tracking, and Effort

  • Sam Lalonde: Mobile Friendly WordPress

    WordCamp Toronto 2017Speaker: Sam Lalonde

    October 24, 2017 — The core principles of a great user experience are Content, Design & Functionality, and Speed. Some people say that we are living in the golden age of user experience but far too often we are technically trudging behind in providing rich and useful experiences and we especially lag behind when it comes to mobile-friendly websites. In fact, 53% of people will abandon a mobile site if it takes more than three seconds to load. Speed is a developer’s problem, a designer’s problem, and also a marketer’s problem. This presentation provides global and Canadian-specific facts and figures about how we are failing people visiting our websites and also covers the ways we can be improving our WordPress websites.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Claudel Rheault, Julien Biguealt: Développeurs et designers UX doivent être #BFF

    WordCamp Montreal 2017Speakers: Claudel Rheault, Julien Biguealt

    September 28, 2017 — La conférence présenterais les enjeux et la pertinence d’une collaboration entre UX designer et développeurs. En utilisant le case study d’un projet entièrement réalisé avec wordpress, nous présenterons les plugins utilisés, les challenges rencontrés et comment notre collaboration dès la première journée aura permis d’anticiper les problèmes tant du côté dev que du côté client.