Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC)

The University implemented R&D policy to inculcate research culture to increase the research productivity. ORIC has been established at GCUF in line with the guidelines of the HEC for coordination, implementation, research support services and promotion of R&D policy in April 2009 with the name of Directorate of Research. The motivated GCUF-ORIC team is committed to extend all possible facilitation and assistance to solicit research plan under R&D projects funded by HEC and other national / international funding agencies, and to encourage every single innovation which stimulates the country’s economic benefits. ORIC-GCUF is also creating research opportunities for academia and scholars at all levels to directly engage them with industry to create more competitive businesses and an innovative environment.


To excel in research with a focus on producing high quality research, innovative products, commercialization of products and develop industry linkages to facilitate researchers, faculty, students and community.


To foster and strengthen the research culture at GCUF by providing research facilities and required resources to the faculty, students, and researchers.


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  • Objectives

    .The ORIC is responsible for the commercialization of innovative products developed by the GCUF researchers, faculty, and scholars. Our focus is:

    ·         To promote quality research culture at GCUF through different research incentives given to the faculty, researchers, and students

    ·         To motivate the faculty to submit proposal to secure funding from national and international funding agencies

    ·         To facilitate the faculty by providing awareness about Intellectual Property rights and legal services.

    ·         To facilitate the students to interact with the industry to avail job market opportunities through University-Industry linkages

    ·         Promoting the entrepreneurial ecosystem at GCUF.


    Prof. Dr. Mubasher Niaz (Director Research)
    Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zuber (Director ORIC)
    Prof. Dr. Farhat Abbas (Director ORIC )
    Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Zia (Director ORIC )

    Research Management Section: GCUF Research Projects Database  

    Research Management section develops programs for faculty of GCUF to produce high quality research and win national as well as international competitive grants. GCUF had won 65 research grants in the year 2018-19 and stood at the top position in higher education institutes of Punjab. Similarly, during year 2019-20 won highest number of projects among HEIs of Punjab. Not only sciences but social sciences faculty also got top cutting edge grants by writing high quality proposals. Furthermore, our faculty member won research grants from joint research support programs of Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) and Ministry of Research and Technology of Iran, Turkey, Japan and China. The research funding earned by GCUF faculty is exponentially increasing every year and exploring new horizons.

    Innovation and Commercialization Section: 

    This section guides researchers to commercialize their innovations under the approved IP policies. Furthermore, it is responsible to provide startups to University students through Business Incubation Centre. Entrepreneurs and business leaders can contribute as mentors and can offer their expertise in development of entrepreneurship courses and subjects aligned with the needs of that specific industry.

    University-Industry Linkages

    The ORIC promotes public-private partnership through directorate of industrial linkages. Effective cooperation between institutions and industry is for mutual benefits depending upon the nature and ability of both entities. At national level, we are working in close collaboration with Saffron Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd, Rafahan Maize Products Ltd., Power Chemicals Ltd., BioTek Ltd, Lahore, Printex Traders, Haris Dyes and Chemicals, Ali Textiles, Ltd., Kausar Procesing Ltd., Masood Textiles Ltd., etc. Faculties of Pharmacy, Institute of Home and Food Sciences and Institute of Chemistry have very strong collaborations with many local industries in terms of sharing resources, training manpower and research & development. 

    External Linkages

    The ORIC has contributed the signing of more than 46 MOUs with national and international world-renowned organizations. Among national institutes, we have built strong working relationship with higher learning institutions, industries   and   donor   agencies   especially   NIAB, NIBGE, UAF, HEC, PSF, PARB, PARC, PCSIR and several international organizations including British Council, USDA, JICA, CIDA, to enhance entrepreneurship, academic and research excellence.

    Intellectual Property (IP) Policy and Legal Services

    IP Policy creates a supportive environment for the achievement of best practice management in the application and commercialization of products developed within the institute for the benefit of the people of Pakistan and the world at large. The purpose of this policy will be to clarify how intellectual property is to be managed by the institute. The IP Policy states position in relation to intellectual property and informs on fundamental steps that lead to the proper management, protection and/or commercialization of intellectual property. This policy is to be followed by all faculty members, researchers as well as students and the research and academic institutions with which the institution concerned may enter into agreements. ORIC-GCUF facilitates the faculty providing IP rights and legal services.

    Ethical Institutional Review Board (IRB)

    The responsibility of Ethical Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to undertake meticulous reviews of research proposals before submission to national and international funding bodies, to ensure that all research, especially research on human subjects, adheres to ethics guidelines.

    Co-ordination with Advanced Studies and Research Board

    ORIC will provide the Advance Studies and Research Board (AS&RB) an annual report describing priority areas for research for graduate studies and highlighting the research achievements of the University.