• Page: /~bryleesa/dev/our-dogs/ (click on the Our Boys tab & Miko has the Image Carousel)

    Template’s page:

    Issue: On the Our Dogs page, we are using the JKit – Tabs block from the Jeg Elementor Kit plugin (Issue still occurs with the regular Tabs block included with Elementor) to show a template in each tab. Right now we’re trying to include an Image Carousel block to show multiple images in the layout & want the lightbox feature so visitors are able to view the full image.

    When you’re viewing the Our Boys template or add the template to a new page, the Image Carousel block for Miko loads up perfectly fine in the right order & the arrows work fine. However, the issue starts when the template is added into the Tabs block since the arrows no longer work & the last image in the gallery shows first.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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