The Future of Tuesday Trainings

We hope that you have been enjoying the Tuesday Trainings series, and that you have learned some new things along the way!

Tuesday Trainings has been a great and informative series, but it has been brought up recently that the weekly cadence might be too much for the team, at least at this point in time while our resources are a bit low.

There are a couple of options for changing the cadence:

  • Change the cadence to monthly
  • Pause Tuesday Trainings for now and revisit in 2022

Which option do you think would work best? Or are there other options that we could consider? Please comment below with your thoughts.

In addition, we are seeking a volunteer to take over the management of the Tuesday Training series. Managing the series includes writing posts, recruiting other community members to write posts, and maintaining the editorial calendar (which is essentially a spreadsheet to track the topics and posts). If you’re interested in helping out, please let us know!

#community-team, #tuesdaytrainings