Support » Fixing WordPress » New HTML code

  • After upgrading my website to the latest version of the wordpress or moving to gutenberg I am noticing this:
    <!– wp:paragraph –>
    My text
    <!– /wp:paragraph –>
    Is it normal or I have taken any wrong turn.

    >> If it is not normal what could be a reason for that
    >> Does this code is of any harm to website

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @amelia100,

    That HTML you are seeing is the HTML for the Paragraph Block when using the block editor.

    Are you using the Classic Editor plugin on your site as well? If so, that is how content added via blocks will show in the Text editor. If you’re seeing anything else that seems out of the ordinary, though, don’t hesitate to share!

    Thread Starter amelia100


    Thank you for responding.

    I switched to gutenberg for designing my homepage and published a few posts when the wordpress was in gutenborg mode. Later, I switched backed to classic editor via plugin.

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