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Tomasz Tarczynski
Senior Cloud Native Engineer at
Wroclaw, PolandJoined November 2010

Tomasz Tarczynski’s Tweets

Are you ready for the spookiest Night of the Living Cloud? Our speakers and certainly are 👻 Join them next week to get scarily good insights on Internal Developer Platforms and... zombies? 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ 🎃 REGISTER TODAY!
This was a good overview of the Kubernetes configuration landscape. It's probably time for an update. Most of the config projects in the old spreadsheet ( appear abandoned. Which ones are popular now? A survey would be useful, but github stars are easy
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Here are the slides from my talk "Kubernetes Config Management Landscape" at #FOSDEM (#cfgmgmtcamp) today. Thanks again for coming to my talk and discussing this topic 😃
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Why people love programming? From "The Mythical Man-Month"
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I love the section on why people love to program 1 people (like God) like to make things 2 making useful things to other people is even better 3 people are fascinated with complexity 4 people love to learn new things (not boring) 5 programming medium is using imagination
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Our big comeback of the in person Software Circus meetup is happening already tomorrow. 🎉
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Have you heard the news? The Circus is coming back IN PERSON! 🎪 Seats are limited, make sure to secure yours (and don't forget your Hawaiian shirt & parasol)🍹☂️ Register today and join us tomorrow in the @containersoluti Amsterdam Office! 🇳🇱
Can't wait for the great come back of in-person meetup to Amsterdam! , , and yours truly invite you all to play with the Hawaiian theme 🌺🌺
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🎪🤡You are not dreaming! 😶‍🌫️ The Hawaiian Software Circus is happening! 🌺🍹 Join @CharlKlein and @wbarczynski in AMSTERDAM and celebrate the start of the summer with some Open Policy Agent and External Secret Operator! 🤓 Refreshments will be served! 🍕🍻
So many amazing talks in the agenda of the #WTFisSRE conference happening next Thursday, April 28th. Registration still open.
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Best perk of running events? You meet awesome speakers 🥰 We are all fired up for #WTFisSRE next week, on April 28th 🔥 How can you resist these happy faces?! 🌈💙 REGISTER HERE:
When you need to manage Kubernetes secrets, make sure to check the External Secrets Operator!
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Probably the biggest ESO release so far is out now! v0.5.0 Check it out here: Changes listed in this thread 🪢
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"stay ahead of what the people in your team want and need, if you don’t create growth opportunities or appropriate technical challenges even though it’s not the most optimal thing for the system as it currently exists, you will find yourself losing good engineers and managers."
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“When you see the world in systems, interactions, and efficiencies, you can trick yourself into believing that the humans inside of these systems will be happier if the system is well-organized.” - a great post by
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Why pairing / mobbing is so good for working in small batches? It has zero wait time, you can merge the change once you're done coding. See this thread 👇
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If it takes me 5 minutes to rename a method and 1 hour to get a review and PR approval, that means wait to processing time ratio is 60/5=12, and flow efficiency is only 7.7%. Do you really think that a system this inefficient is incentivizing refactoring and small steps? 1/4
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The WTF is Cloud Native conference is happening on November 4. Join us there to have fun while discussing what CN is about! #WTFisCloudNative
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We’re so excited that Cloud Native Engineer and organiser of DevOps Wroclaw Meetup @ttarczynski is taking a small break from running 24x7 mission-critical systems and infrastructure architectures to help host #WTFisCloudNative! Register for the FREE conference today. 🔥
A great podcast episode where talks about documentation, how important part of the product it is, how much it improves the developer experience, and how can we rethink the role of different forms of docs.
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Had a ton of fun talking about documentation and developers with @gerhardlazu a few weeks ago! What a fantastic podcast and exceptional host. As a guest, it's awesome when you learn a bunch during the conversation, too!…
Incidents are learning opportunities. And here we get a great mentor advice on how to benefit the most from such lesson. 👏👏
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Yesterday I had a skip level mentoring session w/a less experienced engineer. They were sharing w/me that they were the culprit of a major incident last week. At first we talked about the usual: feeling embarrassed, ways to add better guard-rails in the future. But then 1/4
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Updates to terraform-examples project are coming faster than I can update twitter with them! Recently we've added over 10 different Azure DB (various CosmosDB, Postgres/MariaDB/MySQL) and AWS DynamoDB examples More coming soon too!