Support » Fixing WordPress » immagine banner condivisa su facebook non si vede

  • mario


    Se condivido la pagina

    [ redundant link removed ]

    su facebook l’immagine del banner non viene condivisa ma appare nella condivisione il nostro logo, come dobbiamo fare per condividere banner o header della pagina su facebook?



    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Joy


    If I share the
    [redundant link removed]
    page on facebook, the banner image is not shared but our logo appears in the sharing, how should we do to share the banner or header of the page on facebook? Thank you,

    The external site scans your page and chooses the image based on what it finds. You can give hints, but can’t control it. Use a plugin to put the hints needed for Facebook in the page. (Facebook uses OpenGraph tags. Twitter uses something else.)

    Thread Starter mario


    thanks for your help, what plugin you recommend me?

    Thread Starter mario


    excuse me what about if I share a page on facebook the image shared is cutted off, how can I share it so it is resized to facebook standars?

    for example if I share:

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