
These are campaigns we are currently working on. Please take action.
Image for Say NO to Canada’s Censorship Plan!

Say NO to Canada’s Censorship Plan!

Our government just unveiled a shocking plan to make Canada’s Internet one of the most censored and surveilled in the democratic world. But, together, we can stop it. Participate in the consultation before it's too late!
Image for Écrivez à vos candidats locaux : Engagez-vous MAINTENANT à remettre l’Internet canadien sur la bonne voie!

Écrivez à vos candidats locaux : Engagez-vous MAINTENANT à remettre l’Internet canadien sur la bonne voie!

Notre Internet est pris au piège dans des eaux dangereusement infestées de lobbyistes. La plateforme électorale 2021 d’OpenMedia dresse un plan afin de revenir sur la bonne voie. Au travail!
Image for Email your local MP candidates NOW: Put Canada’s Internet back on course!

Email your local MP candidates NOW: Put Canada’s Internet back on course!

Canada is entering the 2021 election with our Internet policy dangerously adrift. Tell your local MP candidates NOW how to put things back on course!
Image for Ask your MP to fix Bill C-11 and #FixPrivacy in Canada

Ask your MP to fix Bill C-11 and #FixPrivacy in Canada

Our government boasted about imposing some of the highest fines for privacy violations in the world. Now we know these fines won't apply to many of Canada’s most high profile and egregious privacy incidents over the last few years. Ask your MP to amend Bill C-11 to make privacy protections stronger.
Image for Tell Minister Champagne: Protect our phones from fraud!

Tell Minister Champagne: Protect our phones from fraud!

SIM card fraud is a type of identity theft where scammers gain control of your phone number and online accounts through your cell phone service provider. We need clear, strong and transparent rules with real solutions to stop it.
Image for Fix Bill C-11

Fix Bill C-11

Tell the government to make this privacy bill work by closing these loopholes now.
Image for Fix Privacy in Canada

Fix Privacy in Canada

Sign the petition calling for the Canadian government to give the Privacy Commissioner of Canada the power to enforce Canada’s privacy laws!
Image for Take back your data from Clearview AI!

Take back your data from Clearview AI!

Clearview AI is a facial recognition technology company that scrapes the Internet for publicly available images of faces, breaking terms of service agreements, and violating our basic privacy rights.
Image for  Support the bill to ban facial recognition in the US

Support the bill to ban facial recognition in the US

A new bill has been introduced that would prohibit law enforcement from using facial recognition technology, across the entire U.S. Take action to stop it!
Image for Ban Police Use of Facial Recognition in Canada

Ban Police Use of Facial Recognition in Canada

Sign the petition to ban the police use of facial recognition technology in Canada!

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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