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How to Compose a Digest

The Digest is a compilation of the most interesting, useful and meaningful on a single topic or another parameter. The main task of the digest is to save the reader's time and give an overview without going into details. 

Have you accumulated a selection of interesting things and want to share your discoveries? Let's go! We all are very curious here.

How to write

In the digest structure is as important as nowhere else. The reader should immediately understand what the article will tell about in order to focus on specific points of interest. Table of contents, lists, tables are friends of the digest compiler.

Everything you talk about should be uniform. Let's say you're writing about upcoming events. If the first item includes not only the date and title, but also the key speakers, do it for the rest of the events.

Not OK

  1. Roboarms Week — 2020
    When: 26 May
    Where: Moscow
    Topics: machine learning and manipulators

    • Marc Raibert, Boston Dynamics;

    • Peter Monen, Кuka

  2. It’s Electric — Europe
    When: June
    Where: Germany
    Topics: electric cars and autopilots


  1. «Неделя роборук — 2019»
    Когда: 26 мая
    Где: Москва
    Topics: machine learning and manipulators

    • Marc Raibert, Boston Dynamics;

    • Peter Monen, Кuka

  2. It’s Electric — Europe
    When: 14 June
    Where: Munich, Germany
    Topics: electric cars and autopilots

    • Elon Musk, Tesla;

    • Olga Uskova, Cognitive Technologies

What to write about

  • 20 useful apps for designers

  • Top-10 news of the week

  • Significant events for developers in July

  • Four simple "raster → vector" converters

All these are digests.