fawny.blog is the personal Weblog of Joe Clark, Toronto. I am a writer and I additionally work in the field of accessibility (see my “business” site). I write a personal blog here. The homepage for my personal site is, not surprisingly, at Fawny.org.

First time here?

If you’re a new reader, you may be confused by the intermingling of topics. I cover a number of subjects that interest me, including accessibility, Web standards, typography, and linguistics. It may be easier to focus just on certain categories that interest you. You may view postings by category by selecting any category name. Popular topics include:

You can subscribe to any category by adding feed/ to the end of the URL. You do not have to read any categories that do not interest you.

Meant for serendipitous discovery

Having been online for 25 years, I write with the expectation that many readers will discover this site because they searched for a certain topic and I was one of the few who published on that topic.


I publish a great many photographs, often of found typography or odd little corners of the city (“splorpist” photos, named after the originator of that style, Splorp.com). See, for example, my 21,000 Flickr photos and my general and type photos here.

Important notes

  • On hiatus until my next book comes out

  • Read “Note for fans

The foregoing posting appeared on Joe Clark’s personal Weblog on 2009.03.29 15:03. This presentation was designed for printing and omits components that make sense only onscreen. (If you are seeing this on a screen, then the page stylesheet was not loaded or not loaded properly.) The permanent link is: