Archive for category: OOMN


All 573 Canadian English headwords from the OED


My appearance on the World in Words podcast is finally up


Audio and video are now posted from my appearance last week on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, which you probably missed because I mentioned it everywhere but here. Well, relive the magic. Download audio (MP3) or load at iTunes Load video at iTunes Corrections, a transcript, and the Story of the Stockings coming up by […]


As far as Jakob Nielsen is concerned, there are two kinds of English spelling – American and “Commonwealth.” Guess again, Dane


Why were the cops following me to my photo shoot? (Were they?)


Organizing Our Marvellous Neighbours: How to Feel Good About Canadian English is finally available


Placeholder page and Twitter now active for Organizing Our Marvellous Neighbours: How to Feel Good About Canadian English


Facts about my first book and the title of my next

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This personal Weblog is unlikely to be updated again until my next book comes out. (See Best postings)

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