This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Seo Optimized Images


The SEO Optimized Images plugin lets you dynamically insert SEO-Friendly “alt” and “title” attributes to your images. Simply activate the plugin, provide the pattern, and you are ready to go.

The plugin dynamically replaces the “alt” and “title” tags. It does not make any changes to the database. This means that if you deactivate the plugin, everything will return to the original settings.
With the plugin, you can insert an image name, a post title and a post category in the “title” and “alt” attributes of the image.
Give SEO Optimized Images a try: we are sure you will like it!

In case you face any problem, contact us via the Forums.


The plugin does not collect, store and share any user data, and is therefore GDPR-compliant.

Premium Version Features

★ Support for Featured Images
★ Support for Woocommerce Product Images
★ Support for Custom Post Type Images
Custom Rules selectively add alt and title tags to images based on custom rules.
★ 1 Year Support and Updates
★ Support for popular page builders like Elementor, Site Origin etc

**Upgrade to pro**

Follow link to purchase premium version

Upgrade to the Seo Optimized Images Pro Version »


  1. Download Seo Optimized Images plugin.
  2. Upload the seo-optimized-images folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress and Enjoy.


  1. Did this plugin replace all the images alt and title tags in database?

    The answer is big Noooooo. That’s the beauty of this plugin without saving into database both the title and alt tags will respond depending on your settings.
    If you want to restore your images seo tags than you just need to deactivate the plugin that’s it.


January 27, 2021
I have free one and it doesnt work. seo checkers still say no alt.
February 2, 2019
Honestly this plugin is the best of the category! I made a point of coming here to be able to give 5 star to this plugin. It works like a charm, a magic! I installed it, then went to the permalink saved and then emptied the cache. I went to the site and I went to check the element in my page and READY! HE WAS FUNCTIONING LIKE A MAGIC !!! FROM FAR IT IS THE BEST! simple, lightweight, without many options to score, no headaches! FANTASTIC!
August 4, 2017
I used the free version, and then paid for the Pro version to support WooCommerce. Works on anything coming through from the database (obviously does not work for images hard-coded in theme/templates). Took 2 sites from 100+ images missing alt tags to 0 in 5 minutes each. Worth the money.
Read all 25 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Seo Optimized Images” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Seo Optimized Images” has been translated into 17 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Seo Optimized Images” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  1. Update readme.


  1. Update string.


  1. Update readme.


  1. Update readme.


  1. Update readme.


  1. Update readme.


  1. Update Strings.


  1. Update Strings.


  1. Update Strings.


  1. Test WordPress version 4.9.4 compatibility


Plugin description formatted.


  1. String changed for language translation.


  1. Update Pot file.


  1. Language translation checking.


  1. Language translation feature working properly.


  1. Language translation feature added.


  1. adding space before and after alt anf title attributes.


  1. update setting label for plugin dashboard.


  1. adding setting for enable yoast primary category in alt attribute of img tag and this tested in wordpress version 4.6


Premium Version plugins information added.
Added Upgrade to Pro tab.


  1. Added support form link.


  1. Remove space before pregmatch fucntion alt and title.
  2. Added check for special characters in the post title.


Fixed Image Name Issue.


  1. Added support to show post categores in title and alt image attributes.


  1. Added title tag support
  2. Removed background.
  3. Setting for controling title tag.


  1. Initial Plugin Release