Head and Footer Scripts Inserter


An easy to use, with intuitive interface, WordPress plugin that gives you the ability to easily and safely add your custom HTML code (plus JavaScript, CSS, etc.) to your WordPress website, directly out of the WordPress Admin Area, without the need to have an external editor.

This is a must have tool for authors and website’s owners. Its purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress users. There is no need for any more editing of the files of your theme or plugins for to add custom HTML code (plus JavaScript, CSS, etc.). Just add your custom HTML code in the field on the plugin page and this plugin will do the rest for you. It will automatically add your HTML code to the desired section of your website, without changing any of your theme files and without slowing down your website.

The plugin works completely independently of the theme, so you can use it with any theme. The code you place on the plugin page will be entirely unaffected if you edit the contents of the theme’s files, or even completely change the theme. This is really useful in case of updating theme or plugins, because your custom HTML code would never be overwritten. Your custom HTML code will keep on working, no matter how many times you upgrade or switch your theme and plugins.

On the plugin page you find the code editor powered by CodeMirror. This code editor has options such as syntax highlighting, line numbering, and more. And if you want more options, let us know and we will be happy to add them.


  • Lightweight and fast
  • Secure code with using clear coding standards
  • Intuitive interface
  • Cross browser compatible (work smooth in any modern browser)
  • Compatible with all WordPress themes
  • RTL compatible (right to left)
  • Translation ready

Key features include

  • Insert custom HTML code into the site
  • Manage which HTML code load on HEAD or FOOTER
  • Controlling the priority of loading HTML code
  • Code syntax highlighting
  • Line numbering
  • Active line highlighting
  • Editor allow for Tab indentation
  • And much, much more!

PRO features include

  • Ability to easily customize the code editor by selecting the desired settings
  • 64 themes for syntax highlighting
  • Toolbar with useful buttons, such as Undo, Redo, etc.
  • Ability to use shortcut keys (both Mac and PC) for Search, Replace, etc.
  • Unlimited number of fields for snippets
  • Automatic backup of all snippets to a downloadable text file
  • Separate activation and deactivation of snippets
  • No ads on the settings page
  • Well documented

Get the PRO version now!

Supported languages

  • HTML
  • JavaScript (wrapped in an HTML tag)
  • CSS (wrapped in an HTML tag)


This plugin is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages. But If your language is not available then you can make one. It is also possible that not all existing translations are up-to-date or correct, so you are welcome to make corrections. Many of plugin users would be delighted if you share your translation with the community. Thanks for your contribution!

  • English (default)
  • Russian (translation by Milena Kiseleva)
  • German (translation by Michael)
  • Polish (translation by Paweł K.)
  • Spanish (translation by Ramiro Garcés and Patricio Toledo)
  • Dutch (translation by Peter Leenders)
  • French (translation by Jean-Michel, Theophil Bethel and Hervé Bouzin)

If you want to help translate this plugin, please visit the translation page.

Minimum system requirements:

  • WordPress version 4.9 or higher.
  • PHP version 5.6 or higher.
  • MySQL version 5.0 or higher.

Recommended system requirements:

  • WordPress version 5.0 or higher.
  • PHP version 7.0 or higher.
  • MySQL version 5.6 or higher.


Developing plugins is long and tedious work. If you benefit or enjoy this plugin please take the time to:

“Head and Footer Scripts Inserter” is one of the own software projects of Space X-Chimp. Earlier the project was called “Header and Footer Scripts Inserter”.


This plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3) and is distributed free of charge.
Commercial licensing (e.g. for projects that can’t use an open-source license) is available upon request.




  • Plugin page.
  • Plugin page with Google Tag Manager code added.
  • Plugin page with Google Analytics tracking code added.


Install “Head and Footer Scripts Inserter” just as you would any other WordPress Plugin.

Automatically via WordPress Admin Area:

  1. Log in to Admin Area of your WordPress website.
  2. Go to “Plugins” -> “Add New“.
  3. Find this plugin and click install.
  4. Activate this plugin through the “Plugins” tab.

Manually via FTP access:

  1. Download a copy (ZIP file) of this plugin from WordPress.org.
  2. Unzip the ZIP file.
  3. Upload the unzipped catalog to your website’s plugin directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  4. Log in to Admin Area of your WordPress website.
  5. Activate this plugin through the “Plugins” tab.

After installation and activation, the “Scripts Inserter” menu item will appear in the “Settings” section of Admin Area. Click on it in order to view the plugin settings page.

More help installing plugins


Q. Will this plugin work on my wordpress.COM website?

A. Sorry, this plugin is available for use only on self-hosted (wordpress.ORG) websites.

Q. Can I use this plugin on my language?

A. Yes. This plugin is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages. But If your language is not available then you can make one. It is also possible that not all existing translations are up-to-date or correct, so you are welcome to make corrections. Many of plugin users would be delighted if you share your translation with the community. Thanks for your contribution!

If you want to help translate this plugin, please use the POT file that is included and placed in the languages folder to create a translation PO file. Just send the PO file to us and we will include this translation within the next plugin update.

Q. How does it work?

A. Simply go to the plugin settings page, place your custom HTML code in the code editor field and click the “Save changes” button. Enjoy the result of applying your custom HTML code. It’s that simple!
You can find the plugin settings page at “WordPress Admin Area” -> “Settings” -> “Scripts Inserter“.

Q. How much of HTML code (characters) I can enter in the code editor?

A. We don’t limit the number of characters.

Q. Does this plugin requires any modification of the theme?

A. Absolutely not. This plugin is configurable entirely from the plugin settings page that you can find in the Admin Area of your WordPress website.

Q. Does this require any knowledge of HTML or CSS?

A. This plugin can be configured with no knowledge of HTML or CSS, using an easy-to-use plugin settings page. But you need to know the HTML or CSS in order to add/remove/modify the HTML or CSS code by using this plugin.

Q. Can I add my custom HTML code to a specific page of my website?

A. For now, this plugin does not have an option to apply the custom HTML code only on specific pages. We plan to add this feature soon. But for now in order to apply your custom HTML code only on specific pages of your website, you need to wrap your custom HTML code in a PHP code that will determine the page you want. You need something like this:

function my_custom_html_code() {

    // Stop the function if this is not the Home page of website
    if ( !is_home() ) {

    // Print the custom HTML code
    echo '<script>YOUR CUSTOM HTML CODE HERE</script>';

add_action( 'wp_head', 'my_custom_html_code' );

To apply the PHP code on a website, we can recommend you to use another our plugin called My Custom Functions.

Q. My custom HTML code is not working. What could be wrong?

A. It happens that your custom HTML code that you insert on the plugin page does not work, even if an error message does not appear. Here are a few of the most likely causes of the issue:

  1. You have a typo during the insertion of your custom HTML code.
  2. Your custom HTML code has a syntax error.
  3. Your custom HTML code is incorrect and may not work.

Q. It’s not working. What could be wrong?

A. As with every plugin, it’s possible that things don’t work. It’s impossible to tell what could be wrong exactly. The most common reason for this is a web browser’s cache. Every web browser stores a cache of the websites you visit (pages, images, and etc.) to reduce bandwidth usage and server load. This is called the browser’s cache. Clearing your browser’s cache may solve the problem.

If you post a support request in the plugin’s support forum on WordPress.org, we’d be happy to give it a look and try to help out. Please include as much information as possible, including a link to your website where the problem can be seen.

Q. The last WordPress update is preventing me from editing my website that is using this plugin. Why is this?

A. This plugin can not cause such problem. More likely, the problem are related to the settings of the website. It could just be a cache, so please try to clear your website’s cache (may be you using a caching plugin, or some web service such as the CloudFlare) and then the cache of your web browser. Also please try to re-login to the website, this too can help.

Q. Where to report bug if found?

A. Bug reports are very welcome! Please visit our contact page and report. Thank you!

Q. Where to share any ideas or suggestions to make the plugin better?

A. Any suggestions are very welcome! Please visit our contact page and share. Thank you!

Q. I love this plugin! Can I help somehow?

A. Yes, any contributions are very welcome! Please visit our donation page. Thank you!


June 19, 2020
A very useful plugin. Covers all placements positions properly Header first/last, Footer first/last.
September 18, 2019
Using the header and footer scripts inserter was a breeze! When I ran into a problem, they were quick to respond and offered help. Every one of us runs into problems from time to time and we ask for customer support in hopes they help. They did. Was happy to leave a donation for the help. I tend to appreciate good customer service. Love it, love it, love it. Thanks for for the awesome plugin Space-X!
May 25, 2018
I run 30 different websites and use a variety of plug-ins on each one. This plug-in here is one I use on EVERY site and it works absolutely perfectly. Whether I need to put code in for tracking, for ads, or for anything else, the code executes flawlessly. I tried various other plug-ins before this one. They would inevitably crash on item X or Y. This is the only one that works no matter what I throw at it. Well recommended.
Read all 14 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Head and Footer Scripts Inserter” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Head and Footer Scripts Inserter” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Head and Footer Scripts Inserter” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


4.52 – Jul 19, 2021

  • Maintenance: Ensure compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.8.
  • Framework update: The CodeMirror library has been updated to the latest version v5.62.0.

4.51 – Mar 8, 2021

  • Maintenance: Ensure compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.7.
  • Maintenance: Processing of options has been improved. Direct retrieving of options from the database is replaced by the “_options” callback. The “options.php” file with the “_options” function added.
  • Maintenance: The contents of PHP files have been optimised; Code formatting and commenting improved.

4.50 – Jan 1, 2021

  • Maintenance: The copyright date updated to support the 2021 year.

4.49 – Dec 8, 2020

  • Maintenance: Ensure compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.6.
  • Maintenance: Every use of the hardcoded plugin slug has been replaced with a variable according to best coding standards.

4.48 – Oct 23, 2020

  • Framework update: The CodeMirror library has been updated to the latest version v5.58.1.

4.47 – Oct 12, 2020

  • Fixed: On the plugin settings page, the height of the buttons is too small compared to the width.
  • Enhancement: The plugin settings page has been redesigned. The sidebar added to all tabs for better usability.

4.46 – Oct 3, 2020

  • New feature: Restoring screen position after saving changes. No more annoying return to the top of the page after clicking the “Save” button on the plugin settings page.
  • Maintenance: Loading of dynamic content on the plugin settings page has been updated to more versatile.

4.45 – Aug 10, 2020

  • Maintenance: Ensure compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.5.
  • Enhancement: Remove the second ask for an upgrade on the “Plugins” page and change the color of some links to the right emotional colors. (Thanks to Abdulla Hussain)

4.44 – Mar 20, 2020

  • Maintenance: Ensure compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.4.
  • Maintenance: Minimum WordPress version requirement is set to 4.9. Support for WordPress 4.8 and below has been discontinued.
  • Maintenance: Minimum PHP version requirement is set to 5.6. Support for PHP 5.5 and below has been discontinued.

4.43 – Jan 20, 2020

  • Maintenance: The copyright date updated to support the 2020 year.

4.42 – Nov 11, 2019

  • Maintenance: Compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.3.
  • Framework update: Bootstrap library updated to the latest version; v3.4.1.
  • Framework update: The list control has been redesigned.

4.41 – Oct 2, 2019

  • French translation updated. (Thanks to Hervé Bouzin)

4.40.1 – Jul 16, 2019

  • Fixed: Prints a warning since PHP/7.1: “Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /inc/php/versioning.php on line 43”.

4.40 – Mar 31, 2019

  • Framework updated: Code formatting improved.
  • Framework updated: Code commenting improved.
  • Framework updated: The change log design is improved.

4.39 – Mar 24, 2019

  • Framework updated: Added function “_plugin”, which returns an array with the contents of plugin constants. The mention of plugin constants is replaced by the use of the function “_plugin”.
  • Framework updated: The functions “_settings_link” and “_upgrade_link” are combined and improved.
  • Framework updated: The function “_plugin_row_meta” is improved.
  • Framework updated: Code formatting improved.
  • Framework updated: Code commenting improved.
  • Framework updated: All translation files are updated.

4.38 – Mar 18, 2019

  • Improvement: Notification display system updated
  • Code commenting improved.
  • Code formatting improved.
  • Style sheet for the back end is optimised.

4.37 – Mar 1, 2019

  • Framework updated: The file “page.php” is divided into the following parts: “page.php”, “usage.php”, “faq.php”, “support.php”.
  • Framework updated: The files “settings.php”, “usage.php”, “faq.php”, “support.php” are moved to the subfolder “tabs”.

4.36 – Feb 24, 2019

  • Added French translation. (Thanks to Hervé Bouzin)

4.35 – Feb 21, 2019

  • The readme “Tested up to:” value changed to 5.1 after full testing process and ensuring compatibility.
  • Content of the “F.A.Q.” section updated.
  • Some texts are corrected or replaced with new ones.
  • All translation files are updated.
  • Code formatting improved.
  • Added CSS class “.custom-list” for displaying a custom list, which is used on the plugin settings page.
  • The “humans.txt” file updated.

4.34 – Jan 11, 2019

  • Content of the “Usage” section updated.
  • Content of the “FAQ” section updated.
  • Code formatting in the “admin.js” file improved.
  • Code commenting improved.
  • The copyright date updated.
  • Translation files are updated.

4.33 – Nov 2, 2018

  • Improvement: Design of the plugin settings page is improved.

4.32 – Oct 23, 2018

  • Improvement: Design of the plugin settings page is improved.
  • Content of the “Usage Instructions” section updated.
  • Translation files are updated.

4.31 – Oct 8, 2018

  • Added new feature: If the changes in the code editor were made, but not saved, the message “NOT SAVED” is displayed.
  • Translation files are updated.

4.30 – Sep 22, 2018

  • Content of the “FAQ” section updated.
  • CSS code, which is located in the file “admin.css” and is related to the “FAQ” section, is improved.
  • The sidebar items are rearranged.
  • Some texts are updated.
  • Translation files are updated.

4.29 – Sep 12, 2018

  • Added information about the PRO version of the plugin.
  • The design of the message “Successful” is improved.
  • The “readme.txt” file is updated.
  • Some texts are updated.
  • Translation files are updated.

4.28 – Aug 19, 2018

  • Changed the sorting of functions in the file ‘functional.php’.
  • The ‘_output’ function renamed to ‘_prepare’.
  • The function ‘_prepare’ is improved.
  • Functions ‘_inject_head_beginning’, ‘_inject_head_end’, ‘_inject_footer_beginning’ and ‘_inject_footer_end’ are renamed to ‘_exec_head_0’, ‘_exec_head_1’, ‘_exec_footer_0’ and ‘_exec_footer_1’ respectively.
  • The comment (name of the plugin and link) added to the custom code is deleted.
  • Code commenting improved.
  • Some texts are updated.
  • Translation files are updated.

4.27 – Aug 7, 2018

  • Some texts are updated.
  • Translation files are updated.
  • The translation into Russian has been corrected.
  • The translation into Dutch has been corrected.

4.26 – Jul 24, 2018

  • Dutch translation added. (Thanks to Peter Leenders)
  • The function ‘_load_scripts_codemirror’ is improved. Removed an unnecessary call of constants.
  • The function ‘_load_scripts_admin’ is improved.
  • The banner of Space X-Chimp, located on the settings page of the plugin, is updated. The image ‘banner.png’ is deleted.
  • Some texts are updated.
  • All translation files are updated.

4.25 – Jul 13, 2018

  • The code block that enqueue the CodeMirror library files is moved to a separate function ‘_load_scripts_codemirror’ within the ‘enqueue.php’ file.
  • Enqueue of the CodeMirror addons is moved to the beginning of the queue, before enqueuing the CodeMirror mods.
  • Some texts updated, and typos are corrected.
  • All translation files are updated.

4.24 – Jul 1, 2018

  • Fixed: CodeMirror addon ‘autorefresh.js’ was added to one of the previous versions of the plugin, but it was not enabled.

4.23 – Jun 30, 2018

  • Fixed localization of the word “licence”. (Thanks to Garrett Hyder @garrett-eclipse)
  • Settings for the CodeMirror editor are moved to a separate file ‘codemirror-settings.js’.
  • Added the addon ‘placeholder.js’ to the CodeMirror editor. Added a placeholder for code fields.
  • The height of each text field of the editor is changed to 200px.
  • The code that adds lines to the CodeMirror editor, if all lines are less than 10, is deleted.
  • Translations are updated.

4.22 – Jun 26, 2018

  • Updated the method of loading the addons of the CodeMirror library.
  • Added the addon ‘autorefresh.js’ to the CodeMirror editor. The code for manual refreshing the CodeMirror editor is deleted.

4.21 – Jun 12, 2018

  • CodeMirror library updated to the latest version v5.38.0. The directory structure is changed (files are better organized). Added a test files for the CodeMirror modes.
  • Updated the method of loading the modes and addons of the CodeMirror library.

4.20 – Jun 4, 2018

  • Fixed a bug due to which the plugin data that stored in the database to not be deleted during the uninstallation of the plugin.
  • The contents of the file ‘uninstall.php’ is moved to the file ‘core.php’. The file ‘uninstall.php’ is deleted.

4.19 – May 20, 2018

  • Added new constant “_FILE”.
  • Added a function that runs during the plugin activation. Now the date of the first activation of the plugin is recorded in the database.

4.18 – May 6, 2018

  • Added auto-versioning of the CSS and JavaScript files to avoid cache issues.
  • CSS code in the file ‘admin.css’ is optimized.

4.17 – Apr 25, 2018

  • Fixed the link “Settings”, located in the plugin’s meta row on the “Plugins” page. The suffix “.php” was deleted.
  • Fixed information stored in the header of the translation files.
  • Translation files updated.

4.16 – Apr 20, 2018

  • Some texts updated, and typos corrected.
  • All translation files updated.
  • The information about the author of the plugin (including name, links, copyright, etc.) was changed due to the fact that the plugin became the property of SpaceXChimp.
  • The “humans.txt” file updated.

4.15 – Jan 22, 2018

  • Texts updated.
  • The year in the copyright text is updated.
  • The sidebar items are rearranged.
  • Translation files updated.

4.14 – Nov 13, 2017

  • The plugin is fully tested for compatibility with WordPress version 4.9.
  • CSS code improved.

4.13 – Oct 28, 2017

  • German translation added. (Thanks to Michael)
  • Spanish translation updated. (Thanks to Patricio Toledo)
  • Fixed an issue where the “Hello” message could not be hidden.

4.12 – Sep 23, 2017

  • At the request of some users, plugin settings page moved to the submenu item in the top-level menu item “Settings”, like before.

4.11 – Sep 19, 2017

  • Fixed the issue due to which the ‘Space X-Chimp’ sub menu item in the brand menu item was displayed.
  • Added branded footer text on the plugin’s settings page.
  • Text of copyright in the output code is updated.

4.10 – Sep 17, 2017

  • Error in the PHP constant name fixed.

4.9 – Sep 15, 2017

  • Added the top level menu item of the brand.
  • The submenu item of the plugin has moved to the menu item of the brand.
  • The menu item of the plugin is renamed.
  • The “Author” tab on the settings page is removed.
  • Content of the “Support” tab on the settings page is updated.
  • Copyright of plugin files is changed to the “Space X-Chimp”.
  • The “Support” tab renamed to the “Support Me”.
  • The “Usage” tab renamed to the “Usage Instructions”.

4.8 – Sep 8, 2017

  • Plugin data that saved in the database upgraded to version 0001.

4.7 – Aug 31, 2017

  • Added Spanish translation. (Thanks Patricio Toledo)
  • The group name of the ‘_service_info’ option renamed to ‘_settings_group_si’.
  • The ‘admin.css’ file improved.
  • The “Font Awesome” library is integrated for use on the plugin settings page.
  • Prefixes of the PHP functions changed to ”spacexchimp_p006_.
  • Prefixes of the PHP constants changed to ”SPACEXCHIMP_P006_.

4.6 – Aug 10, 2017

  • Russian translation updated. (Thanks to Milena Kiseleva)
  • The navigation of the tabs is rearranged.
  • Fixed an issue due to which the sidebar was not hiding on mobile devices.
  • Code of sidebar moved to separate file ‘sidebar.php’.
  • Support page tab moved from external source to plugin code.
  • My avatar moved from external source to plugin folder.
  • Banner moved from external source to plugin folder.
  • Code of PayPal button updated.

4.5 – Aug 8, 2017

  • Stylesheet in the admin.css file improved.
  • The ‘!important’ declarations in the admin.css file removed.
  • Code formatting in the admin.js file improved.
  • Code commenting improved.
  • Load of the additional remote CSS file removed from the admin.js file.
  • Changed the sorting of enqueueing of scripts.
  • The ‘Family’ page tab renamed to ‘Store’.
  • Added ad banner of my store website.

4.4.1 – Jun 21, 2017

  • The HTTPS mixed content issue fixed by changing all links to HTTPS.
  • Content of the “FAQ” section updated.

4.4 – Jun 16, 2017

  • On the plugin settings page, text of buttons are corrected.
  • On the plugin settings page, the information about the plugin version number moved to header section.
  • Some mention of constants replaced with variables for easier access.
  • Content of the “Usage” tab updated.
  • Content of the “FAQ” tab updated.
  • Added load of the jQuery library on the plugin settings page.

4.3 – Jun 4, 2017

  • To the plugin settings page added information about the plugin version number.
  • The “Tested up to:” comment changed to 4.8 after full testing process.
  • The “version.php” file renamed to “versioning.php”.
  • The “versioning.php” file updated to new version.
  • The “_plugin_version_number” function renamed to the “_versioning”.

4.2 – May 26, 2017

  • Compatibility with PHP version 5.2 improved.
  • PHP shorthands improved.
  • Added function for generating the plugin constants.
  • Some constants now get the value from the plugin header data.
  • The “_plugin_version_number” function improved.
  • Added file “upgrade.php” for future upgrades.


  • Fixed the bug due to which the “Warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values in” warning are displayed.

4.1 – May 24, 2017

  • Added new constants: “_SLUG”, “_PREFIX”, “_SETTINGS” and “_NAME”.
  • Value of the “_VERSION” constant replaced with information from the plugin header data.
  • All references to the plugin name, slug, prefix are replaced with constants.
  • The “name” attribute removed from the “form” tag.
  • Code formatting improved.
  • F.A.Q. section updated.

4.0.1 – May 12, 2017

  • Fixed the bug due to which the the “Warning: Illegal string offset ‘version’ in” and the “Warning: Illegal string offset ‘old_version’ in” warnings are displayed. (Thanks to Sven Brill)

4.0 – May 8, 2017

  • The design of the plugin settings page is completely redone.
  • Added additional donate link to the “Plugins” page.
  • Readme for translations updated.
  • Advertisement banner removed.
  • The ‘Using’ section renamed to ‘Usage’.
  • My Unicode signature added to the main file.
  • The donate button replaced with new.
  • The ‘Donate’ section renamed to ‘Support’.
  • The ‘donate.png’ image removed.
  • Options from the settings page moved to a separate file.
  • The “Usage” section removed from the sidebar area.
  • Added stylized descriptions of sections on the “Settings” tab.
  • Additional “Support” section added.
  • Added tab navigation menu for the settings page.
  • Added additional tabs on the settings page.
  • Code of the ‘admin.css’ file improved and better commented.
  • On the plugin settings page the help-texts relocated.
  • A full version of the Bootstrap framework is integrated.
  • The ‘HFScriptsIns_load_scripts’ function renamed to ‘HFScriptsIns_load_scripts_admin’.
  • Added the CSS code for the custom list numbers on the plugin settings page.
  • The main font is changed to “Verdana”.
  • All PHP and HTML code is better formatted.
  • The header on the settings page of plugin is redesigned.
  • The “LICENSE.txt” file renamed to “license.txt”.
  • The “humans.txt” file added.
  • Messages from the plugin settings page moved to a separate file “messages.php”.
  • The “_service_info” setting added to the data-base.
  • Added function for managing information about the version number of the plugin.
  • Added the “Hello” message that show when the plugin is just installed.
  • Added the “Error” message that show when user is trying to degrade the version number of the plugin.
  • Fixed the parameter that contain the path to source files in all translation files.
  • The POT file updated.
  • Translations updated.

3.3 – Nov 1, 2016

  • Added the Readme.txt file for translation contribution.
  • Added global constant for plugin text-domain.
  • Translations updated.
  • Ad banner replaced with new.

3.2 – Sep 3, 2016

  • Added prefixes to the stylesheet and script names when using wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script().
  • Added constant for storing the plugin version number.

3.1 – Aug 30, 2016

  • Style sheet of settings page improved and better commented.
  • The “main.js” file renamed to “admin.js”.
  • JS code improved.

3.0.2 – Aug 28, 2016

  • Added improved section with using explanation to plugin settings page.
  • admin.css improved.

3.0.1 – Aug 23, 2016

  • POT file updated.
  • Russian translation updated.
  • Polish translation updated.
  • Image “thanks.png” removed.
  • Advertisement replaced by new.
  • Added the subject with plugin name to email address on settings page.

3.0 – Jul 30, 2016

  • Plugin renamed to “Head and Footer Scripts Inserter”.
  • Styles of settings page optimized for mobile devices.
  • Added the syntax highlighting (by CodeMirror).
  • Added line numbering.
  • Added active-line add-on to CodeMirror.
  • Removed the default message about successful saving.
  • Added the custom message about successful saving.
  • Added function of automatic remove the “successful” message after 3 seconds.
  • Added function of automatic add the missing lines to get 10 lines.
  • The _output function optimized.
  • The “images” catalog renamed to “img”.
  • The CodeMirror library moved to “lib” catalog.
  • The style.css file renamed to admin.css and moved to “css” catalog.
  • The main.js moved to “js” catalog.
  • The page.php file moved to “php” catalog.

2.0 – Apr 9, 2016

  • Fixed: “Use of undefined constant header_beginning – assumed ‘header_beginning’ in page.php”.
  • Fixed: “Use of undefined constant header_end – assumed ‘header_end’ in page.php”.
  • Fixed: “Use of undefined constant footer_beginning – assumed ‘footer_beginning’ in page.php”.
  • Fixed: “Use of undefined constant footer_end – assumed ‘footer_end’ in page.php”.
  • Some changes in design of settings page.
  • Constants variables added.
  • Text domain changed to “header-and-footer-scripts-inserter”.
  • Added compatibility with the translate.wordpress.org.
  • All images are moved to the directory “images”.
  • Image “btn_donateCC_LG.gif” is now located in the “images” directory.
  • Plugin URI changed to GitHub repository.
  • Added my personal ad about freelance.
  • .pot file updated.

1.2 – Mar 6, 2016

  • Added Polish translation. (Thanks Paweł K.)
  • Localization improved. (Thanks Paweł K.)
  • POT file updated. (Thanks Paweł K.)

1.1 – Mar 6, 2016

  • Added Russian translation.
  • Localization improved.

1.0 – Mar 6, 2016

  • Initial release.
  • Added ready for translation (.pot file included).


  • Release candidate.


  • Beta version.


  • Alpha version.