Content Control – User Access Restriction Plugin


Content Control is a lightweight and powerful plugin that allows you to take complete control of your website’s content by restricting access to pages/posts to logged in users, specific user roles or to logged out users.

The plugin also enables you to restrict access to certain parts of a page/post using shortcodes e.g [content_control]Logged in content[/content_control]

Lastly, the plugin allows you to control the visibility of each sidebar/footer widget by selecting who can view each widget (everyone, logged out users, logged in users, specific user roles).

Full Feature List

Content Control allows you to do the following:

  • Restrict access to pages/posts to logged in/out users or specific user roles
  • Restrict access to media, tags, categories, format to logged in/out users or specific user roles
  • Display a custom message to users who do not have permission to view the content
  • Redirect users who do not have permission to view the content to login page (redirects back to page/post after login), website homepage or custom URL
  • Display certain content on a page/post to logged in users only
  • Display certain content on a page/post to specific user roles
  • Display certain content on a page/post to logged out users
  • Apply custom CSS classes to on page content restriction shortcodes
  • Control the visibility of each sidebar/footer widget by selecting who can view each widget (everyone, logged out users, logged in users, specific user roles).


[content_control roles=”subscriber,editor” logged_out=”0″ class=”custom-css-class” message=”You don’t have access to this.”]Logged in content[/content_control]

All parameters are optional:

  • roles – comma list of user roles that can see this content.
  • logged_out (default:0) – 0 or 1 for false/true. Checks whether the user should be logged out, as opposed to logged in.
  • class – custom CSS class to add to the controlled content for additional styling.
  • message – custom denial message.

Created by Code Atlantic

Content Control is built by the Code Atlantic team. We create high-quality WordPress plugins that help you grow your WordPress sites.

Check out some of our most popular plugins:

  • Popup Maker – #1 Popup & Marketing Plugin for WordPress
  • User Menus – Show Or Hide Menu Items For Different Users

Requires WordPress 3.6 and PHP 5.3


  • Create unlimited restriction sets.
  • Choose who can see the restricted content.
  • Display a message in place of restricted content.
  • Redirect users to log in or to another page if they access restricted content.
  • Choose any content you can think of to protect.
  • Use shortcodes to protect content inline.
  • Restrict widgets as well.


Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 3.6 or greater
  • PHP version 5.3 or greater


  • Install Content Control either via the plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server.
  • Activate Content Control.

If you need help getting started with Content Control please see FAQs which explains how to use the plugin.


Where can I get support?

If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the Content Control Plugin Forum.

Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project?

Bugs can be reported either in our support forum or preferably on the Content Control GitHub repo.


September 18, 2021
after a tiny bit of puzzling i understood that adding the proper rules solved my issues. And support was excellent!
Read all 284 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Content Control – User Access Restriction Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Content Control – User Access Restriction Plugin” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Content Control – User Access Restriction Plugin” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


v1.1.9 – 09/30/2021

  • Fix: Error when using Gutenberg Preview.

v1.1.8 – 07/17/2021

  • Fix: Error when Elementor instance preview proptery was null.

v1.1.7 – 07/17/2021

  • Fix: Prevent warning if widget settings don’t exist in options table.
  • Fix: Arbitrary limit of 10 on current items listed in Restriction Editor due to WP query default args.
  • Fix: Prevent restrictions from activating when using the Elementor page builder.

v1.1.6 – 03/21/2021

  • Fix: Nonce validation was preventing 3rd party plugin from saving widget settings when it failed. Thanks @jacobmischka
  • Fix: Prevent corrupted options from preventing saving of settings.

v1.1.5 – 02/22/2021

  • Fix: Issue where roles with - would not save when checked.

v1.1.4 – 03/24/2020

  • Improvement: Added gettext handling for several strings that were not translatable.
  • Tweak: Process shortcodes in default denial message contents.
  • Tweak: Various improvements in form reliability & user experience.
  • Fix: Issues with ajax search fields not retaining their values after save.
  • Fix: Issue where only would show 10 pages.
  • Fix: PHP 7.4 compatibility fixes.

v1.1.3 – 12/03/2019

  • Fix: Custom post type conditions were not always registered.

v1.1.2 – 11/10/2019

  • Tweak: Remove erroneous console.log messages in admin.
  • Fix: Fatal error when empty shortcode used.

v1.1.1 – 10/15/2019

  • Fix: Bugs where variables were not always the expected type.


  • Improvement: Added default denial message to shortcode.
  • Improvement: Render nested shortcodes in the [content_control] shortcode.
  • Fix: Bug where multiple roles checked together in restriction editor.


  • Fix: Minor notice on activation.


  • Fix: Call to undefined function.


  • Fix: Non static method called statically
  • Fix: Bug when using invalid variable type.


  • Initial Release