‘testing’ Videos

  • Mario Aguiar: Regression testing – no avances hacia atrás

    WordCamp Montevideo 2018Speaker: Mario Aguiar

    May 29, 2020 — ¿Qué es el «regression testing» y por qué debemos integrarlo? Mario Aguiar nos guía a través del proceso del testing y nos ayuda a evitar que “avancemos para atrás”.

  • Nigel Pentland: Security testing – outside looking in

    WordCamp Glasgow 2020Speaker: Nigel Pentland

    April 22, 2020 — I’ll start by trying to convince folks why they should be considering the subject of security testing in relation to their WordPress sites. Assuming I’ve managed to convince you why, then I’ll move onto showing you just how anyone can use Kali (don’t worry, I’ll explain what Kali is!) as a tool for doing some basic security testing with a minimal learning curve to get started. This is being aimed at the novice level in terms of ‘security people’ but very inclusive in terms of anyone who is part of the WordPress community.

  • Ajit Bohra: StoryBook – Building, Testing & Documenting Components

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Ajit Bohra

    December 25, 2019 — With Gutenberg, we are talking more about React and it’s component-based development. Breaking down the app into component helps in better organization and reuse. But growing components can quickly become overwhelming and error-prone. Storybook comes to the rescue to help you build components in isolation and test for various use cases. Also, it serves as centralized documentation for the team. The talk will help you understand what is a Storybook and how it can help you and what are its various features. A quick dive into setting up and writing stories.

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  • Andrew Taylor: Testing Business Critical Features With Behat

    WordCamp Montreal 2019Speaker: Andrew Taylor

    December 25, 2019 — Every site seems to have that one feature that, if it breaks, would be a catastrophe. Lost profits and angry clients are something we all want to avoid.

    However, manually testing end-user experience on each code change can be tedious and time-consuming.

    In this session, we will explore the fundamentals of Behat, a PHP-based acceptance testing framework, and look at some example tests covering critical features of WordPress sites.

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  • Andrew Taylor: The Benefits of Testing and Automation

    WordCamp Seattle 2018Speaker: Andrew Taylor

    December 2, 2019 — Modern development is complex, with lots of tools to turn the code we write into the code used by the user’s browser. This can be as simple as minifying assets or as sophisticated as downloading dependencies, turning source code into production code, and running automated tests.

    In this session, we will look at the top benefits gained from adopting automation and testing to optimize workflow. Whether you’re a developer wondering why you should try automation in the first place or a business owner wondering why you should let your team spend time on adopting a new process when the current one “just works” we’ll have answers for you!

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  • Steve Grunwell: Confidently Testing WordPress

    WordCamp Dayton 2019Speaker: Steve Grunwell

    June 19, 2019 — WordPress is a tightly-coupled system, representing over a decade and a half of ideas, decisions, technological shifts, and ideological struggles. There’s a lot of history to be parsed and often the simplest task can have unintended consequences.

    Meanwhile, automated testing is one of the best ways to ensure software can be released regularly with high confidence and low risk of regressions. Sadly, the leap from “building WordPress plugins” to “building WordPress plugins with tests” is often viewed as a challenging hurdle. Luckily, there are tools to set up a test harness within an existing codebase with ease.

    This talk introduces the fundamentals of automated testing, especially within the context of WordPress. After developing an understanding why automated testing is so critical, attendees will learn how to begin testing their plugins and themes, using features found both in PHPUnit and the WordPress core testing framework, to build and release quality software.

  • Scott DeLuzio: Automated Testing of Site Functionality

    WordCamp Phoenix 2019Speaker: Scott DeLuzio

    June 10, 2019 — How often do we update something on our website, whether it’s a plugin, theme, or WordPress itself, and then move on without testing if our site still works? It probably happens more often than we’d like to admit. Of course we want our site to always work as expected, but there is just so much to test, we don’t have the time to do it all. Especially with what seems like daily updates. What if YOU didn’t have to test every little thing on your site to see if it’s working? This talk will discuss ways to automate testing of critical site functionality like contact forms, e-commerce checkout, and landing pages to ensure your site’s essential features are working as expected after every update.

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  • Eric Zeidan: Aprendiendo a realizar tests automatizados para Front y Back-End

    WordCamp Madrid 2019Speaker: Eric Zeidan

    June 4, 2019 — Cómo realizar un test básico de Front-End automatizado con node, npm, Nightwatch, Selenium y PHP-Unit, así como realizar test para nuestro códigos de PHP.

    Automatizar los test para ser utilizados dentro y fuera de nuestros proyectos WordPress o de cualquier framework de PHP.

  • Alessandro Frangioni: Digital Strategies: A/B Test e Landing Page in WordPress con Instapage e Google Optimize

    WordCamp Rome 2018Speaker: Alessandro Frangioni

    April 11, 2019 — Creare una strategia di web marketing sfruttando WordPress come base di tutto e integrando tool di A/B Test come Google Optimize in grado di fare varianti a/b e testi multivariati con pochi passaggi, tutti con interfaccia grafica.

    In più vedremo come integrare Instapage come piattaforma per le landing, indispensabili per le strategie di digital advertising e SEO.