‘Open source’ Videos

  • Marija Zaric: The Commons – the importance of being open and sharing. My story.

    WordCamp Finland (Suomi) 2020Speaker: Marija Zaric

    April 1, 2021 — This talk shares how The Commons gave Marija Zaric an opportunity to learn, contribute, and evolve. The web is built on open source by wonderful altruistic people.

  • Introduction to Open-source

    Speaker: Hari Shanker

    August 10, 2020 — In this video for learn.wordpress.org, lesson viewers will learn the meaning of the term Open Source when referring to software, what the GPL software license provides, why WordPress is an open-source project and how this is important for both the users of WordPress and the contributors to WordPress. We also do an overview of the different features of WordPress.

  • Ulf Schönefeld: WordPress und Community

    WordPress Meetup NürnbergSpeaker: Ulf Schönefeld

    March 20, 2020 — Oft herrscht die Vorstellung vor, um an einem großen Open-Source-Projekt wie WordPress mitzuarbeiten zu können, müsste man zumindest ein Informatikstudium erfolgreich absolviert haben – genau mit diesem Trugschluss will Ulf Schönefeld aufräumen. Ziel ist es das Projekt WordPress und die dahinterstehende Community beim Termin näherzubringen. Wie sind selbige organisiert, was sind sinnvolle Anlaufstellen und welche Möglichkeiten bestehen sich dort einzubringen; selbst gesetzt dem Fall, dass man von technischen Dingen wie PHP, HTML, CSS oder JavaScript so überhaupt gar keine Ahnung hat.

    Presentation Slides »

  • The Independent Web

    WordCamp US 2019Speaker: Tantek Celik

    January 29, 2020 — We used to control our online identities, content, and experience. We now share Twitter names instead of domains; even web developers tweet and post on Medium instead of their own sites. We scroll social media and feel empty instead of reading news & blogs to feel informed and connected. Algorithmic feeds amplify rage & conspiracies, enabling tribal ad-targeting to polarise and spread misinformation, threatening democracy itself.

    What happened? And what are we doing to fix it?

    That’s a big question that will require all of us, our communities, our employers, to shift. I don’t want to wait, and you probably don’t either.

    What can you do for yourself, today?

    Own your domain. Own your content. Own your social connections. Own your reading experience. IndieWeb services, tools, and standards enable you to take back your web.

  • Helen Hou-Sandi: Open Source, Open Process, Open Web

    WordCamp US 2019Speaker: Helen Hou-Sandí

    November 12, 2019 — This talk about – WordPress. How “open” is WordPress, anyway? What makes WordPress open source, how open is the process, and how does the project participate in the open web?

  • Tricia Isham, Seth Gitner, Tara Johnson, Miriam Goldman, Mikey Veenstra: Ethical Behavior in an Open Source World

    WordCamp Rochester 2019Speakers: Tricia Isham, Seth Gitner, Tara Johnson, Miriam Goldman, Mikey Veenstra

    November 4, 2019 — A panel discussion with members of the WordPress community exploring ethical issues that can arise when working with clients, with each other, and within the WordPress community at large.

  • Ulrich Pogson: Realities of Contributing to Open Source

    WordCamp Belfast 2018Speaker: Ulrich Pogson

    April 24, 2019 — Lightning Talk
    The good, bad and the ugly of contributing to open source.

    Ulrich has been contributing to open source for the last 6 years in different ways, from support to documentation to bug fixes, and organising events.

    He will talk about how this has helped him but also about the challenges involved to contributing to open source.

  • Luminus Olumide Alabi: The Power of Open Source. How WordPress Saved My Life!

    WordCamp Belfast 2018Speaker: Luminus Olumide Alabi

    April 17, 2019 — Open Source is an incredibly powerful concept that can be seen at the heart of progress and advancement in many spheres of life. The idea that people from every corner of the globe can come together to exchange ideas and build products that profoundly affect our lives is as crazy as it is exciting.

    I’m fascinated by the fact that people who have never met can come together to form a community that produces software and/or hardware products like CMSs, cars, building equipment, AI appliances and apparel that help to enable whole swaths of people with limited financial, physical or other resources make meaningful contributions and improve their quality of life.

    I talk briefly about the concept of Open source and specifically about how WordPress has played a significant part in taking this Nigerian university dropout around the world and exposing him to a community of the most incredible human beings at the forefront of democratising publishing and why Open Source should be near and dear to your heart.

  • Joost de Valk and Marieke van de Rakt: Thrive for the future – the business of open source

    WordCamp US 2018Speakers: Joost de Valk, Marieke van de Rakt

    January 2, 2019 — For an open source community to thrive, it’s important that valid business models surround it. In this talk Marieke and I will discuss why a business model around open source projects is so important. The money that funds further development, but also funds conferences, marketing and education, has to be made somehow. We will cover the several large open source communities that exist today and discuss how successful the business models around them are.

    But it’s not all about making money: it’s about giving back too. If every company in an open source community gives back, that community becomes unstoppable. The idea of five for the future is built on that. Other communities have similar ideas, and reward them in other ways, which we’ll discuss. We’ll also show why at Yoast, we think 5% is not enough.

  • Drew Gorton: Stamping Your Open Source Passport

    WordCamp US 2018Speaker: Drew Gorton

    December 31, 2018 — Visiting a foreign open source community is kind of like traveling to a foreign country! It may be difficult if you don’t speak the language or share the same culture, but you’re guaranteed to return home with a new perspective and interesting experiences.

    It’s easy to get comfortable and stay in your own community bubble. Breaking outside of that allows you to see how others solve problems and tackle new opportunities. And, it turns out that other open source communities are generally welcoming and interested in your perspective as well!

    We’ll share high-level overviews of popular open source projects to help you plan your itinerary. Attendees will leave with knowledge about what’s out there, recommendations on how to prepare, and confidence to your own start journey.