Četrti WordPress Meetup Ljubljana

Preden bo Ljubljano pobelil sneg, je čas za 4. WordPress MeetUp Ljubljana!

Utečena ekipa organizatorjev je na prihajajoči dogodek povabila zanimive WordPress mojstre, ki bodo z veseljem izdali (skoraj) vse skrivnosti ene izmed najbolj priljubljenih sodobnih spletnih platform.

Udeležba na dogodku je obvezna za vse blogerje, urednike, spletne razvijalce in vse ostale, ki jih WP zanima samo iz radovednosti.

Čakajo te tri zanimiva predavanja, ki se bodo zaključila z obveznim druženjem in pivo (ali dvema). Izgovorov ni!

Torek, 25. 11. 2014 ob 18:30

Kreativni center poligon, Tobačna ulica 05, 1000 Ljubljana (http://www.poligon.si)

Primož Cigler – Izdelava WordPress teme – 101
Gregor Geršak – Wp-cli: administracija iz ozadja
Miha Lavtar – WordPress in iskalni marketing

Se vidimo?/Prideš?

Organizacija: WordPress Meetup Ljubljana Team in Kreativni center Poligon


Winter is coming… so better hurry and join us at the 4th WordPress Meetup Ljubljana!
You’ll witness three awesome talks and learn about almost every litle secret WordPress has.
Bloggers, editors, WP developers, actually anyone interested in WordPress platform – be there or be square.
You might even meet other cool new people if you join us for a beer after the talks. No excuses.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Poligon Creative Centre, Tobačna ulica 05, 1000 Ljubljana (www.poligon.si)

Who & What?
Primož Cigler – WP theme: the making of/ A complete guide on how to make a WP theme
Gregor Geršak – WP-cli: administration – behind the scenes
Miha Lavtar – WordPress and search engine marketing

Will you join us?

Organizers: WordPress Meetup Ljubljana Team & Poligon Creative Centre


4th WordPress MeetUp Ljubljana

Tuesday, Nov 25, 2014, 6:30 PM

Kreativni center Poligon
Tobačna ulica 5 Ljubljana, SI

115 Members Went

We are more than happy to announce 4th WordPress Meet Up Ljubljana, which is going to be best than ever! What we can promise is great debates,  educative speeches, creative environment, hot tea or ice cold beer.  It is just up to you to join us and do not forget to invite your friends as well. No matter if you just heard for WordPress, or if you ar…

Check out this Meetup →