• I have setup wpDirAuth plugin verison 1.9.4 with this site. I have a SVC account to bind to LDAP. Server team has confirmed all settings are alright on the LDAP side. When I attempt to add a new directory Auth user, I get the below error message:

    wpDirAuth Directory Authentication Error: Error Connecting to LDAP Server
    There was an error connecting to your LDAP server (localhost:636). Please see the LDAP error message below for troubleshooting:
    Can’t contact LDAP server

    Can you please advise?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by psreenivasan.
Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Author Paul Gilzow


    Is your ldap server on localhost and listening on port 636? What are the other settings you have set in the wpDirAuth setting area?

    You might also try this ldap test script to rule out any ldap-specific issues: https://github.com/gilzow/simple-ldap-test/blob/master/ldap.php

    Thread Starter psreenivasan


    The ldap server is proxied via stunnel.

    The directory settings are as below:
    1. Enable SSL Connectivity? Use SSL (ldaps)

    2. Directory Server? localhost:636

    3. I do have a base DN field set and the Bind DN given by our server team.

    We do have some branding settings but dont think that should matter.


    Plugin Author Paul Gilzow


    Have never tested wpDirAuth through a proxy before. Definitely use the ldap test script I linked above to troubleshoot, as it removes the wordpress variables and helps you pinpoint what might be going wrong.

    My bet is that the connection is being refused since you are attempting to connect to localhost domain, but your cert (most likely) has a different domain name.

    Plugin Author Paul Gilzow


    were you able to try the test script to troubleshoot your connection issues?

    Thread Starter psreenivasan


    Hi Paul

    Apologies for the delay.
    I have requested our infrastructure team to perform the LDAP test and other suggestions you provided above.

    I will get back when there is more information.


    Plugin Author Paul Gilzow


    No worries. Let me know if you need additional assistance.

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