• Hi.

    I’m noticing that you can’t embed images from the “add media” option. Just nothing happens … no errors are displayed.

    The image can be embedded from gutenberg or from elementor.

    I will appreciate your help.

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  • Hi, vilo1968, are you able to please try adding some media while your web browser’s developer tools are open and include any errors that you see in them in a new post in this forum topic?

    Having this information will help with troubleshooting purposes.

    i have this problem to!
    in last wp i have this problem, when i active your plugin i can not add image from wp storage to my post !
    also there is no error ! it just not working

    [Moderator note: Please, No bumping].

    no one support ?

    i found the issue and hop help other peoples !

    the problem was with one of the ModSecurity rules in cpnanel ( for me rule number 941160 )

    if your server configed by configserver team you should disable this custom rule

    maybe the rule number was difrent for you, so you should check ModSecurity log and check “Rule ID” with “Domain” (your ip) and see which rule number are blocking your action.

    tag for google:
    classic editor import image problem
    classic editor can not import image from library

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  • The topic ‘Images are not loaded’ is closed to new replies.