Version 3.7

On October 24, 2013, WordPress Version 3.7, named for Count Basie, was released to the public. For more information on this enhancement and bug-fix release, read the WordPress Blog, the Release Post, and see the Changelog for 3.7.

For Version 3.7, the database version (db_version in wp_options) changed to 25824, and the Trac revision was r25913.

Highlights Highlights

You might not notice a thing, and we’re okay with that.

  • Background Updates
    • Automatic updates for maintenance and security updates.
    • Daily updates for developers using nightly builds.
  • Stronger Password Meter
    • New password meter to encourage users to choose stronger passwords.
  • Improved Search
    • More relevant search results.
  • Better Global Support
    • Localized versions will receive faster and more complete translations.
    • Background updates will include translations

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Under The Hood Under The Hood

General General

  • Optional filters for background updates, to allow for fine-grained control
  • Advanced Date Queries for posts now includes date ranges, older/newer than options, and more
  • Multisite now has wp_get_sites() to list all sites on the network

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Dashboard Dashboard

  • Make shift + click selection of checkboxes work in both directions
  • Add RTL body classes to iFrames in the back-end
  • Actually limit password-protected post passwords to the 20-character limit
  • Display an error message when logging in with cookies disabled
  • Fix issue with failed searches reverting to previous search criteria
  • Fix bad styling when bulk actions are disabled for custom post types

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Media Media

  • Add the image file size information in the attachment editing screen
  • Fix issue with orderby attribute getting removed from updated  shortcodes
  • Stop linking to non-public post types from media screens

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Comments Comments

  • Add commenter IP address on the Edit Comment screen
  • Remove generated avatars from comment moderation screens
  • Make email recipients filterable in wp_notify_moderator()
  • Add ability to filter comment screen by post type

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Appearance Appearance

  • Only show a custom header image preview when an image is actually set
  • Display Customizer control descriptions
  • Enable the Customizer to load the home URL

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Plugins Plugins

  • Fix plugin search errors related to PHP 5.4

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Users Users

  • Ensure that the user_activation_key is hashed in the database
  • Trim leading and trailing spaces from passwords when saving
  • Streamline the behavior of the default password nag after login

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Accessibility Accessibility

  • Make list table row actions keyboard accessible
  • Fix issue with a broken “Close” button on refresh in the Customizer
  • Improve default color contrast ratios in the default themes
  • After a post is updated, only focus the “Title” field if it’s empty

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Bug Fixes Bug Fixes

  • Fix terms with a post count of 0 returning if ‘hide_empty’ is true.
  • Fix allowing https URL enclosures
  • Fixed bug with is_day by checking bad dates and redirect, instead of 404ing.
  • Avoid using the *_exists() functionality on ncFTPd servers
  • Allow a WP_Error return from register_new_user()
  • Hide the custom header image preview unless an image is set
  • Add signup_id primary key to $wpdb->signups
  • Fix issue with deleting terms shared across taxonomies from deleting associated nav menus
  • Cast $labels to array in get_taxonomy_labels() and _get_custom_object_labels() to avoid failure
  • Correct rewrite tag for hierarchical post types without a query_var.

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Multisite Multisite

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Classes Classes

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Functions Functions

What’s New What’s New

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Changes Changes

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Actions & Filters Actions & Filters

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Actions Actions

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Filters Filters

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External Libraries External Libraries

  • zxcvbn (password strength meter)

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Deprecated Deprecated

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Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

  • EP_ALL_ARCHIVES [24812]