This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

WP Dashboard Notes


Working with multiple persons on a website? Want to make notes? You can do just that with WP Dashboard Notes. Create beautiful notes with a nice user experience.


  • Colored notes
  • List notes or regular notes
  • Public or private notes
  • Edit on dashboard
  • Add as many notes as you like
  • Drag & drop list items
  • No save button needed!

Feature requests, ratings and donations are welcome and appreciated!


  • WordPress dashboard example
  • Add note button
  • Normal white note


  1. Upload the folder wp-dashboard-notes to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add your first note via the ‘Add note’ button by clicking on the ‘Add note’ button in the top admin bar on your admin dashboard.


How can I add a new note?

A new note can be added in two ways.

  • There is a ‘Add note’ button is located in the top admin bar
  • Or you can add a new note from within an existing note. When hovering over a note there will show an black bar at the bottom of that note. There is an ‘+’ within that bar where you can add a new note.

Can I change the colors

You could change the colors by overriding the style from another stylesheet. If you need help with this, ask in the support forums.

How can I add my own colors?

Add the following code to your functions.php, you can change the values of course to your own colors.


add_filter( 'wpdn_colors', 'wpdn_add_purple' );
function wpdn_add_purple( $colors ) {

    $colors['purple'] = '#5236A0';

    return $colors;


You can add the following code for extra styling (e.g. light text instead of dark)

add_action( 'admin_head', 'wpdn_add_style' );
function wpdn_add_style() {


         * purple
        [data-color-text=purple] {
            color: white;
        [data-color-text=purple] .wpdn-note-sortable {
            color: inherit;
        [data-color-text=purple] .wpdn-add-item {
            color: inherit;
        [data-color-text=purple] .wp-dashboard-note .list-item {
            border-color: inherit;

        [data-color-text=purple] .list-item input[type=checkbox] {
            border: 1px solid white !important;

        [data-color-text=purple] .list-item input[type=checkbox]:checked ~ span {
            color: white;
        /* Unused for now */
        [data-color-text=purple] [id^=note] .handlediv {
            color: inherit;
        /* Add list item input colors */
        [data-color-text=purple] input[type=text].add-list-item {
            border-color: white;
            color: inherit;
            background: inherit;
        /* Placeholder text color */
        [data-color-text=purple] input[type=text].add-list-item::-webkit-input-placeholder {
           color: white;
        [data-color-text=purple] input[type=text].add-list-item:-moz-placeholder {
           color: white;
        [data-color-text=purple] input[type=text].add-list-item::-moz-placeholder {
           color: white;
        [data-color-text=purple] input[type=text].add-list-item:-ms-input-placeholder {
           color: white;
        /* Saved/saving text color */
        [data-color-text=purple] .saved-icon,
        [data-color-text=purple] .saving-icon {
            color: inherit;
        /* Delete icon */
        [data-color-text=purple] .list-item .dashicons-no-alt {
            color: white;
        /* Sort icon */
        [data-color-text=purple] .wpdn-note-sortable {
            color: white;



August 25, 2021
This is one of those plugins that simply does what it says it will do. And it de-clutters my laptop from all those physical sticky notes. I use it during development to remind me to change URLS and the like when I port the completed project to a live URL. Thanks for this great plugin.
July 10, 2021
Very useful and without ads etc. Suggestion: When an entry in a todo list is more than one line, the break can be better aligned. I am using this plugin on multible pages.
May 30, 2021
Very useful! I always wanted to save some dev sticky notes in my sites 🙂 @sormano Next step: selectable Users list to hide notes only for some backend collaborators/groups...
May 9, 2021
Nice and use-friendly. Very handy indeed. Being able to toggle between sharing with other users and just me is a nice touch. Would be nice to see the ability to toggle between User types in a future update (ie. Editors, Admins, Registered etc.), as there a some notes I would like to share, but not with all users. Giving 5 Stars anyway.
November 13, 2020
I don't want to pan this plugin because it doesn't do something that it's not intended or advertised to do, but if you're looking for a plugin that will let you post dash notes across all of the sites in a multisite network, this is not what you're looking for. The repository page for this plugin uses the same header image as LH Dashboard Notes (which DOES work for multisite networks), which confused me; I thought maybe this was an updated version of that, but apparently not. Caveat administrator.
Read all 97 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Dashboard Notes” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WP Dashboard Notes” has been translated into 15 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WP Dashboard Notes” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.0.10 – 05/09/2020

  • Fix – WP 5.5 compatibility
  • Improvement – Switch to Gulp

1.0.9 – 05/12/2017

  • Improvement – Make sure scripts are only loaded on the dashboard, not on any other page. Why wasn’t this included before?! – 11/04/2016

  • Fix – Old existing list items not editable in rare cases – 21/03/2016

  • Fix – Check in checkbox sometimes don’t save

1.0.8 – 10/03/2016

  • Improvement – Always show toolbar on mobile devices (credits to ClearPathDigital)
  • Fix – Check nonce + user capabilities for AJAX calls (credits to Paul Gibbs for noting)

1.0.7 – 11/12/2015

  • Fix/Improvement – Move ‘Add note’ button to the admin bar
  • Add – Full WP 4.4 compatibility
  • Improvement – Improve some JS

1.0.6 – 26/08/2015

  • Improvement – Optimize JavaScripts and stylesheets
  • Fix – Firefox users not able to use new regular note

1.0.5 – 24/01/2015

  • Improvement – Use singleton instead of global
  • Fix – Notice in the background when getting data
  • Fix – Delete not working when having double lined items
  • Fix – Bug in changing background colors
  • Fix – Prevent copying the text background color (or any other styles)
  • Add – Russian translation

1.0.4 – 19/10/2014

  • Fix – Notice on WP_DEBUG mode when creating new note
  • Fix – Wrong visibility icon when switching
  • Fix – Displaying colors on new notes/after switching
  • Improvement – Drag list items only vertically
  • Improvement – Move savig/saved icon to title bar

1.0.3 – 12/10/2014

  • Add – beta URLs are automatically clickable (after page refresh)
  • Improvement – Add filters to add your own colors
  • Improvement – Small improvements for coloring
  • Improvement – New icon for Personal visibility

1.0.2 – 29/08/2014

  • Fix – Safari compatibility issues

1.0.1 – 28/08/2014

  • Added ‚jquery-ui-sortable’ dependency
  • Fixed sub-menu not showing up
  • Add check at js update note function

1.0.0 – 18/08/2014

  • Initial release