301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager


301 Redirects helps you manage and create 301, 302, 307 redirects for your WordPress site to improve SEO and visitor experience. With a user-friendly interface, 301 Redirects is easy to use. Perfect for new sites or repairing links after reorganizing your existing WordPress content, or when your site has content that expires and you wish to avoid sending visitors to a 404 error page. Use the 404 error log to identify problematic links and make redirection easy.

301 Redirects GUI is located in WP Admin – Settings – 301 Redirects
404 Error Log widget can be found in the WP Admin – Dashboard


  • Choose from Pages, Posts, Custom Post types, Archives, and Term Archives from dropdown menu
  • Or, set a custom destination URL for redirection
  • Retain query strings across redirects
  • Super-fast redirection
  • 404 error log
  • 404 error log widget
  • Import/Export feature for bulk redirects management
  • Simple redirect stats so you know how much a redirection is used
  • Fully compatible with translation plugins (Weglot, TranslatePress, Gtranslate, Loco Translate) that use lang prefix in URL

Need more features?
WP 301 Redirects PRO offers wildcard & regular expression URL matching, auto-typo fixing in URLs, complete redirect and 404 log, and a centralized SaaS dashboard to monitor redirects on all your sites from one place.

What is a 301 Redirect?
A redirect is a simple way to re-route traffic coming to a Requested URL to different Destination URL.

A 301 redirect indicates that the page requested has been permanently moved to the Destination URL, and helps pass on the Requested URLs traffic in a search engine friendly manner. Creating a 301 redirect tells search engines that the Requested URL has moved permanently, and that the content can now be found on the Destination URL. An important feature is that search engines will pass along any clout the Requested URL used to have to the Destination URL.

When Should I use 301 Redirects?

  • Replacing an old site design with a new site design
  • Overhauling or re-organizing your existing WordPress content
  • You have content that expires (or is otherwise no longer available) and you wish to redirect users elsewhere

Is the 404 error log GDPR friendly?
The 404 error log does not collect user IPs. It collects the following data: timestamp of the event, the (404) URL that was opened, and the user-agent string.

External libraries used in the project


  • 301 Redirects admin area
  • 301 Redirects import/export options


  1. Upload the eps-301-redirects folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Begin adding redirects in the Settings -> 301 Redirects menu item


What is a 301 Redirect?

A redirect is a simple way to re-route traffic coming to a Requested URL to different Destination URL.

A 301 redirect indicates that the page requested has been permanently moved to the Destination URL, and helps pass on the Requested URLs traffic in a search engine friendly manner. Creating a 301 redirect tells search engines that the Requested URL has moved permanently, and that the content can now be found on the Destination URL. An important feature is that search engines will pass along any clout the Requested URL used to have to the Destination URL.

I’m getting an error about the default permalink structure?

301 Redirects requires that you use anything but the default permalink structure.

My redirects aren’t working

This could be caused by many things, but please ensure that you are supplying valid URLs. Most common are extra spaces, extra slashes, spelling mistakes and invalid characters. If you’re sure they’re right, chances are your browser has cached the 301 redirect (in an attempt to make the redirection faster for you), but sometimes it doesn’t refresh as fast as we would like. Clear your browser cache, or wait a few minutes to fix this problem.
My redirects aren’t working – the old .html page still shows
For this plugin to work, the page must be within the WordPress environment. If you are redirecting older .html or .php files, you must first delete them. The plugin can’t redirect if the file still exists, sorry! You should look into .htaccess redirects if you want to keep these files on your server.

My redirects aren’t getting the 301 status code

Your Request or Redirect URLS may be incorrect; please ensure that you are supplying valid URLs. Check slashes. Try Viewing the page by clicking the Request URL – does it load correctly?

How do I delete a redirect?

Click the small X beside the redirect you wish to remove.

How do I add wildcards. or folder redirects?

Unfortunately this is not supported. You should look into WP 301 Redirects PRO for these advanced features.

What about query strings?

By default, any URL with a query string is considered unique, and will redirect to a unique page (if you so wish). The query string will be added to the Destination URL, which allows you to keep your tracking codes, affiliate codes, and other important data! If you want to have full control over query strings, ignore them, add or remove them consider upgrading to WP 301 Redirects PRO.

What happens when I deactivate or delete the plugin?

When you deactivate the plugin, obviously, redirects stop working. But, they are not deleted from your database. When you delete the plugin then the redirects are permanently deleted from the database along with any other data stored by the plugin in your database.

Why is the error log limited to the last 50 errors?

By default, the 404 error log is limited to the last (chronologically) fifty 404 errors. Since the log doesn’t use a custom database table for storage but rather an array saved in WP options, 50 is a safe number that ensures the log works on all sites, that it doesn’t take up too much space in the database and that it doesn’t slow down the site.
The code imposes no limits on the log size and you can easily overwrite the default limit by using the eps_301_max_404_logs filter or by using the following code snippet to raise the limit to 200:
add_filter(‘eps_301_max_404_logs’, function($log_max) { return 200; });


September 23, 2021
A very nicely put-together plugin, but for me it is useless because it cannot redirect URLs which contain UTM codes. Having to use a different one.
September 17, 2021
Import-Function even in free version works like a charm. Branding, Ads and Upselling Options in Plugin are pretty annoying but hey – the dev wants to earn money – why not.
September 4, 2021
This plugin is great for making sure you don't leave any page behind when migrating a website to a new server, especially if there's a change in the way you handle URLs.
Read all 408 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“301 Redirects – Easy Redirect Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • 2021/05/01
  • 404 error log widget is now visible only to users with manage_options permission
  • added “Delete all redirect rules” tool


  • 2021/03/16
  • fixed a small security issue


  • 2021/02/23
  • fixed compatibility issue with Rank Math


  • 2021/02/22
  • added 404 error log Dashboard widget
  • fixed some bugs
  • added support for Cache Enabler plugin


  • 2021/02/13
  • added 404 error log
  • fixed some bugs
  • made sure all DB queries use prepare() function
  • PRO version is now available for purchase from free


  • 2021/01/30
  • Removed promo campaign for WP 301 Redirects PRO version
  • Added flyout menu


  • 2020/09/29
  • More issues fixed related to redirections with translation plugins
  • Fixed issue with encoding source & target URLs in some situations.
  • Added promo campaign for WP 301 Redirects PRO version in November


  • 2020/09/07
  • Fixed issue with URL prefix on translate plugins like Weglot, TranslatePress, Gtranslate, Loco Translate


  • 2020/08/13
  • security fixes – thank you Erin


  • 2020/08/10
  • added support for 307 Temporary Redirect
  • 100k installs hit on 2020/07/22 with about 365,000 downloads


  • 2019/12/17
  • security fixes – big thank you to Chloe from Wordfence
  • WP-CLI fix


  • 2019/03/25
  • bug fixes
  • rating notification


  • 2019/03/11
  • WebFactory took over development
  • 50,000 installations; 151,500 downloads
  • bug fixes
  • compatibility fixes for new versions of PHP and WP


  • 2013/05/01
  • initial Release
  • for a complete changelog please visit https://wp301redirects.com/old-changelog.txt