Current projects

African School on Internet Governance (AfriSIG)

AfriSIG is a multistakeholder training initiative that aims to give Africans from diverse sectors and stakeholder groups the opportunity to gain knowledge and confidence to participate effectively in internet governance processes and debates. 

All Women Count: Take Back the Tech!

All Women Count: Take Back the Tech! is a four-year project from 2017 to 2020 being coordinated by APC’s Women's Rights Programme under the All Women Count consortium. The consortium’s concern is violence against women, in particular violence experienced by women, girls and trans* people at risk. 

Challenging hate narratives and violations of freedom of religion and expression online in Asia

This project seeks to protect and promote respect for freedom of religion and expression on the internet, particularly by countering hate speech online on the basis of religion, and generating narratives and discourse that defend secular and diverse opinions touching upon religion. The three-year project focuses on five countries in South and Southeast Asia: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Pakistan. 

Connecting the Unconnected: Supporting community networks and other community-based connectivity initiatives

This project will contribute to an enabling ecosystem for the emergence and growth of community networks and other community-based connectivity initiatives in developing countries. It is part of a multi-year, multi-donor strategy envisaged to address the human capacity and sustainability challenges, along with the policy and regulatory obstacles, that limit the growth of community-based connectivity initiatives.

CYRILLA: Global Digital Rights Law

The CYRILLA Collaborative is a global initiative that seeks to map and analyse the evolution and impacts of legal frameworks in digital environments by aggregating, organising and visualising distributed legal data through open research methodologies, data models, taxonomies and databases.

Digital storytelling

The digital storytelling methodology takes people through a creative process of body-mapping, word play and games to reach for the story they want to tell. We explore ways of visually representing a story by shaping it into a poem, letter, animated comic strip, dream and more.

Disco-tech: Bringing the “disco” and the “tech” to the IGF

Disco-techs are informal peer-learning events designed to bridge the gap between technical and political solutions to attacks on internet rights and freedoms. The topics of this event change annually, but we always call it a “Disco-tech” because the format of the event is very unique: we are connecting policy to tech in a social atmosphere.

Expanding the EROTICS network in South Asia

As a continuation of the previous work to deepen the EROTICS network in Asia, this two-year project will expand the network of sexual rights and digital rights activists from India, Sri Lanka and Nepal and include new partners in Bangladesh, as well as strengthening the network with partners in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Feminist Tech Exchange

Feminist Tech eXchange (FTX) brings WRP’s unique methodology and approach to capacity building. FTX creates safe, creative and feminist spaces of exchange and experience where the politics and practice of technology are informed by local and contextual realities of women, and build collective knowledge and ownership.

FIRN: Feminist Internet Research Network

The Feminist Internet Research Network is a three-and-a-half-year collaborative and multidisciplinary research project led by APC, funded by the International Development Research Centre. The project draws on the study “Mapping research in gender and digital technology”, and the Feminist Principles of the Internet collectively crafted by feminists and activists, primarily located in the global South. 

Gender and Internet Governance eXchange

APC believes that the integration of a gender, women’s rights and sexual rights perspective into internet governance conversations and processes is essential if the internet is to fulfil its transformational potential for all. Contributing to this vision, between June and September 2015, we held three regional Gender and Internet Governance eXchanges (gigX) prior to the regional Internet Governance Forums (IGFs) in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

Gender Evaluation Methodology for Internet and ICTs

GEM is an evaluation methodology that integrates a gender analysis into evaluations of initiatives that use information and communication technologies for social change. GEM provides a means for determining whether ICTs are worsening or really improving women’s lives and gender relations, as well as for promoting positive change at the individual, institutional, community and broader social levels. policy monitor, a bilingual project of APC's Women's Rights Programme, is a feminist advocacy space that explores issues related to gender and information and communications technologies.

Global Information Society Watch

Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) is an annual report co-produced by the APC network and partners, which looks at the progress being made in creating an inclusive information society worldwide (particularly in implementing WSIS goals), encourages critical debate, and strengthens networking and advocacy for a just, inclusive information society.

Human Rights Council

APC participates at the UN Human Rights Council, an intergovernmental body responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe, to raise awareness and build support for internet rights.

Internet Governance Forum

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multistakeholder policy dialogue space convened by the United Nations Secretary General in 2006 to “foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the internet.”

Member Exchange and Travel Fund

The APC Member Exchange and Travel Fund (METF) aims to support member-driven skills sharing, internships, and planning for collaboration among APC members, as well as members’ travel to and participation in events organised by others.

Securing human rights online in Africa through a strong and active "African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms" network

In order to more effectively address threats and advance human rights online in the region, this project will build the capacity of the African Declaration Secretariat and Coalition and of civil society organisations who use it in policy development and in responding to internet-related human rights violations.

Supporting Community-led Approaches to Addressing the Digital Divide

The initiative is being implemented by APC in partnership with Rhizomatica and aims to develop the models, capacities and sustainability of community networks.

Take Back the Tech!

Take Back the Tech! is a call to everyone, especially women and girls, to take control of technology to end violence against women. It is a global, collaborative campaign project that highlights the problem of tech-related violence against women, together with research and solutions from around the world. Take Back the Tech! leads several campaigns at various points in the year, but our biggest annual campaign takes place during 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (25 Nov - 10 Dec).

Technology, environmental justice and sustainability

APC's roots are anchored in the environmental movements of the 1980s and 1990s, and many members have called for a strong network response to the global environmental crisis.

Universal Periodic Review

In partnership with members and networks, APC’s Internet Rights programme advocates for the protection, promotion and respect of human rights at the national level through the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a unique mechanism of the Human Rights Council involving a review of the human rights records of all UN member states.

World Summit on the Information Society

On 15-16 December 2015, the UN General Assembly held the 10-year review to “take stock of the progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the WSIS and address potential information and communications technology gaps.” Just as WSIS sought to address pressing internet issues of the day, WSIS+10 addressed the challenges facing today’s global community.

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