Working at USPS

Challenging. Innovative. Rewarding. Opportunities for advancement.

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The Postal Service is the second largest employer in the United States. We offer our team variety, training, and ways to move up. We have specific programs for recent grads and skills matching for applicants with military experience.

From mail carriers to corporate management, we all work together to provide efficient, affordable service to the American public. USPS is an excellent workplace for self-motivated individuals who enjoy independence and measurable goals with the added satisfaction of serving our communities.


Great benefits include more than good pay. USPS has competitive salaries and premium benefits.

  • Multiple health and life insurance choices
  • Retirement and thrift savings plans
  • Vacation time and sick leave
  • Qualifying education assistance

Compensation & Benefits

Building a Career at USPS

Our workers are the backbone of USPS service. We want to develop and advance their careers within USPS, so our development programs train and prepare our employees for promotions and growth in a variety of USPS business areas.

Career Development

Diversity & Inclusion

It is the policy of the Postal Service to provide equal employment opportunity and prevent employment discrimination. We seek to attract and retain a diverse workforce in which employees respect and value each other’s differences and work to promote collaboration, flexibility, and fairness so that all employees are able to participate and contribute to their full potential. Should you become a USPS employee, you will be required to perform your duties in a manner that complies with these policies and objectives.

Diversity & Inclusion

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) process

**Click here for information from the EEOC about processing complaints during the COVID-19 pandemic**

The efile website allows you to initiate a request for EEO counseling online and view the status of any EEO case that you originally initiated with efile. For information about the EEO process, please see “Publication 133 – What You Need to Know About EEO.”