The WoT Profile Specification defines a Profiling Mechanism and a WoT Core Profile, which enables out of the box interoperability among things and devices. Out of the box interoperability implies, that devices can be integrated into various application scenarios without deep level adaptations. Typically only minor configuration operations are necessary (such as entering a network key, or IP address) to use the device in a certain scenario. These actions can be done by anyone without specific training.

The WoT Core Profile defines a set of constraints and rules, which compliant thing descriptions have to adopt to guarantee interoperability.

These rules are prescriptive, to ensure that compliant implementations satisfy the semantic guarantees implied by them. We call this set of rules a Profile.

The WoT Profile Specification as defined in this document serves two purposes:

Devices that constrain their use of the Thing Description to the WoT Core Profile can interoperate with each other out-of-the-box.

Note that the core profile is not exclusive. Device implementers are free to adopt other features of the thing description that go beyond the constraints of the core profile, however the interoperability guarantees of the core profile hold only for the WoT Core Profile subset.

The name WoT Core Profile is still under discussion in the group and is used as a working title. It is subject to change after the profile specification has reached a certain level of maturity.

Motivation for a Profile

The W3C WoT Thing Architecture [[wot-architecture]] and WoT Thing Description [[wot-thing-description]] define a powerful description mechanism and a format to describe myriads of very different devices, which may be connected over various protocols. The format is very flexible and open and puts very few normative requirements on devices that implement it.

However, this flexibility de-facto prevents interoperability, since, without additional rules, it allows implementers to make many choices that do not provide guarantees of common behavior between implementations.


The W3C WoT Architecture [[wot-architecture]] and the WoT Thing Description [[wot-thing-description]] have been developed as a versatile format, that allows describing the interactions between multiple devices and protocols.

This flexibility permits an easy integration of new device types and protocols, however it risks interoperability, since there are no guarantees that two devices which are formally spec-compliant, will be able to communicate.

To increase adoption of the WoT specifications, interoperability between on premise devices, edge devices and the cloud is essential. Even if every manufacturer is implementing the current Thing Description specification in full flexibility, there is no interoperability guarantee; many choices are still left to the implementations and there are very few normative requirements that a device has to fulfill.

Deployment Scenarios

A Thing Description can be used in two fundamentally different deployment scenarios:

For green field deployments, where the implementations are being carried out and corresponding thing descriptions are being created, it is easier to achieve full interoperability by using a small, extensible Core Profile.

In the brown field area, due to the nature of existing deployments and protocols, a broad spectrum of variations and potentially high complexity of thing descriptions inhibits interoperability and will most likely lead to additional profiles of the WoT Thing Description and domain-specific thing consumer implementations.

The WoT Core Profile can be used by green field deployments and gives guidance to new implementers of the WoT specifications. It has already proved in brown-field scenarios in the PlugFests, where existing devices, that already existed as products, prototypes or demonstrators, were described with Thing Descriptions that are constrained to the Core Profile.

Why a Core Profile?

During the recent WoT PlugFests there were many de-facto agreements on the use of a small constrained subset of interaction patterns and protocol choices. These de-facto agreements select a common subset of the WoT Thing Description, based on proven interoperability among manufacturers.

The aim of this specification is to formalize these agreements by defining a WoT Core Profile based on the choices that were made by the implementers of PlugFest devices.

The WoT Core Profile contains additional normative requirements that MUST be satisfied by devices to be compliant to the profile.

WoT Core Profile - A Subset of Affordances

Adoption of the WoT Core Profile will significantly limit the implementation burden of device and cloud implementors.

The WoT Core Profile was defined with the following main goals:

It makes choices on the required metadata fields as well as the supported interactions and protocol endpoints. It introduces some constraints on data schemas for properties and actions which are required for resource constrained devices in real-world deployments. The format does not forbid the use of additional elements of the WoT Thing Description for vendor specific extensions, however this will impact interoperability.

Out-of-the-box interoperability

Devices, which implement the Core Profile, are out-of-the-box interoperable with other Core Profile compliant devices. Furthermore, the Core Profile simplifies device validation and compliance testing since a corresponding conformance test suite can be defined.

It is also a goal of the WoT Core Profile to ensure that compliant files can be understood by humans - therefore descriptions, dates, and author fields are either mandatory or highly recommended.

Structure of this document

to be added.

A device or consumer implementation complies with this specification if it follows the normative statements in the present document.

A JSON Schema [[?JSON-SCHEMA]] to validate the compliance of a Thing Description with the core profile is provided in Appendix .


This specification uses the same terminology as the WoT Architecture and Thing Description specifications.

For convenience of the reader, we use the terms keyword and field for the linguistic notion vocabulary term as defined in the Thing Description Specification.

We use the terms device and thing in an interchangeable manner.

Additional Definitions:

A set of prescriptive rules, to ensure that compliant implementations satisfy the semantic guarantees that are implied by them.
WoT Core Profile
The subset of the Thing Description defined by the present document.
Core Profile
Synonym for WoT Core Profile.
Core Data Model
A Data Model that conforms to the subset of the Thing Description specification as defined in section .
Thing Description
Synonym for WoT Thing Description.
WoT Thing Description
The Web of Things Thing Description as defined in [[wot-thing-description]].

Profiling Mechanism

In order to conform with a profile, a Web Thing MUST conform with all the normative statements in the profile's specification.

In order to denote that a given Web Thing conforms to one or more profiles, its Thing Description MUST include a profile member [[wot-thing-description]]. The value of the profile member MUST be set to either a valid URI [[RFC3986]] identifying a single profile, or an array of valid URIs identifying multiple profiles.

      "@context": "",
      "id": "urn:dev:ops:32473-WoTLamp-1234",
      "profile": "",
      "title": "My Lamp",
      "description": "A web connected lamp",
      "@context": "",
      "id": "urn:dev:ops:32473-WoTLamp-1234",
      "profile": [
      "title": "My Lamp",
      "description": "A web connected lamp",

WoT Core Profile

This section defines the Core Profile by defining a Core Data Model and a set of Protocol Binding Rules.

WoT Core Data Model

The core data model incorporates the data model defined by chapter 5 of the Thing Description specification. The normative rules defined by that data model are the baseline for the definition of the core data model and are normative for the core data model. A core profile compliant implementation MUST additionally satisfy the requirements of this chapter.


The following rules are applicable to multiple classes of the WoT Thing Description Specification, as they provide clearer semantics, improved readability and simplified processing on resource constrained devices.

Mandatory fields

One of the primary benefits of the WoT Thing Description over a typical IoT format is the additional documentation for a human reader.

Therefore, the fields title and description are MANDATORY for Things, Property Affordances, Action Affordances, Event Affordances and Data Schemas.

It is possible to have empty values for these fields, if, for specific purposes it is not desired to provide documentation, however this is NOT RECOMMENDED and the conscious decision is obvious from the TD.

Date format

All date and time values MUST use the canonical dateTime representation format defined in section 3.2.7 of [xmlschema-2].

As described by this section the following constraints must be observed:

All dateTime values MUST use UTC as the time zone and use the 'Z' identifier.

A time value of 24:00 is NOT PERMITTED, the value 00:00 MUST be used instead.

Length and Value Limits

The length of id , description and descriptions values is limited to 512 characters.

The length of title and titles values is limited to 64 characters.

Where a type permits using an array of string or a string , an array of string MUST be used.

TODO: decide if multiple types and contexts are required.

In this case the following section could be added:

The only exception to this rule are @context and @type annotations, where both string or array of string MAY be used.

Where a type permits using an array of DataSchema or a DataSchema , an array of DataSchema MUST be used.

All elements of an enum MUST be either string or number . Different types in a single enum are NOT PERMITTED.


The Core Data Model applies the following constraints and rules to the Thing class of section of the WoT Thing Description specification.

Mandatory fields

To provide minimum interoperability, the following metadata fields of a Thing MUST be contained in a compliant Thing Description:

keyword type remarks
title string human readable documentation
id urn_type a globally unique urn of the thing
description string human readable documentation
created date human readable documentation
modified date human readable documentation
support urn_type human readable documentation
security array of string simplified handling
version VersionInfo clear versioning, easy to compare different TDs

It is RECOMMENDED to use the value "" for strings, where the value cannot be determined.

If a Thing Description is used solely within a company, the email address of the developer SHOULD be used in the support field, if the Thing Description is provided externally, a support email address SHOULD be used.

It will be evaluated whether the profile also recommends some new TD terms that may be introduced in TD 1.1. Currently the following terms are discussed: serialNumber, hardwareRevision, softwareRevision, loc_latitude, loc_longitude loc_altitude, loc_height, and loc_depth. If these, or some of them, are defined in the TD 1.1 model, they may be recommended here in one of the next draft updates.

Data Schema

Data Schemas are used for the values of Properties, Action input and output parameters and Event message payloads. The value of a Data Schema can be a simple type (boolean, integer, number, string) or an instance of a structured type (array and object).

The Core Data Model applies the following constraints and rules to the DataSchema class of section of the WoT Thing Description Specification.

This section defines a subset of the class DataSchema that can be processed on resource-constrained devices.

Data Schema Constraints

The Core Data Model restricts the use of arrays and objects to the top level of Data Schemas, i.e. only a one-level hierarchy is permitted. The members of a top level object or array MUST NOT be array or object types.

This may appear as a severe limitation, however it is motivated by integrating with multiple cloud services. Many enterprise services and applications are based on (relational) databases, where individual property values are stored. Of course databases can also store objects (e.g. encoded as a JSON string), however this will prevent processing by other enterprise applications.

If a property conceptually has a deeper structure, such as grid of lamps with RGB colors, the structure can be represented in the keyword of the property, i.e. lamp1_color_r, lamp1_color_g and lamp1_color_b. A similar mapping can be done for arrays and hierarchical objects. This constraint leads to simpler Thing Descriptions that can be handled by very limited devices.

The following fields MUST be contained in a DataSchema:

keyword type constraints
description human readable description
type string one of boolean, integer, number, string, array or object

The values object , array MAY only be used at the top level of a Data Schema. The type value MUST NOT be null .

Property Affordance

The Core Data Model applies the following constraints and rules to the PropertyAffordance class of section of the WoT Thing Description Specification.

Mandatory fields

The following property fields MUST be contained in the properties element of a Profile compliant TD:

keyword type constraints
title string unique name among all properties
description string human readable description
type string one of boolean , string , number , integer , object or array . The type value null MUST NOT be used.

Additional Constraints

The Thing Description permits arbitrary object depths for properties. Parsing of a deeply nested structure is not possible on resource constrained devices. Therefore each property MUST NOT exceed a maximum depth of 5 levels of nested array or object elements. It is RECOMMENDED to keep the nesting of these elements below 4.

The following additional constraints MUST be applied to the Property Affordances of a Thing Description conforming to the Core Profile:

keyword type constraint
const anyType MUST NOT be used
enum array of simple type Values of enums MAY only be simple types. Handling of any type is too complex to implement on resource constrained devices
forms array of Forms The Array of Form of each property MUST contain only a single endpoint for each operation readproperty , writeproperty , observeproperty , unobserveproperty.
format string If the field format is used, only formats defined in section 7.3.1-7.3.6 of [[JSON-SCHEMA]] MAY be used.
oneOf string The DataSchema field oneOf does not make sense for properties and MUST NOT be used.
uriVariables Map of DataSchema uriVariables MUST NOT be used.

Recommended Practice

It is highly RECOMMENDED to always specify a unit , if a value has a metric. Authors of Thing Descriptions should be aware, that units that are common in their geographic region are not globally applicable and may lead to misinterpretation with drastic consequences.

The field unit could be used for non-decimal numeric types as well, e.g. a string value with binary or hex data ( 0xCAFEBABE , 0b01000010 ), where the unit is hex or bin , to indicate how the value should be interpreted. It is strongly RECOMMENDED to use the values hex , oct or bin in this case to achieve interoperability.

Action Affordances

The Core Data Model applies the following constraints and rules to the ActionAffordance class of section of the WoT Thing Description Specification.

Mandatory fields

The following fields MUST be contained in an action element of an Core Profile compliant TD:

keyword type constraints
title string unique name among all actions
input array of DataSchema all elements of the subclasses objectSchema and dataSchema MUST only contain simple types.
output array of DataSchema all elements of the subclasses objectSchema and dataSchema MUST only contain simple types.

Additional Constraints

The elements of the DataSchema subclasses ArraySchema and ObjectSchema for the fields input and output are restricted to simple types in a Thing Description conforming to the Core Data Model. Without this limitation a higher implementation burden would be put on resource constrained devices (arbitrary cascaded arrays and multi-level objects) which cannot be satisfied by all consuming devices.

The following additional constraints MUST be applied to the Interaction Affordances of a Thing Description conforming to the Core Data Model:

keyword type constraint
forms array of Forms The Array of Form of each action MUST contain only a single endpoint.
format string If the field format is used, only formats defined in section 7.3.1-7.3.6 of [[JSON-SCHEMA]] MAY be used.
oneOf string The DataSchema field oneOf does not make sense for properties and MUST NOT be used.
uriVariables Map of DataSchema uriVariables MUST NOT be used.


- no optional parameters

- timeout

Recommended Practice

Event Affordance

The Core Data Model applies the following constraints and rules to the EventAffordance class of section of the WoT Thing Description Specification.

A Thing may provide more than one event mechanism to enable a variety of consumers.


The events section needs to be signifcantly extended and define addtional constraints to ensure OOTBI. LongPoll, WebSockets and WebHooks can be considered as initial candidates for supported protocols for the event mechanism to identify appropriate data model constraints.

The individual protocol constraints need to be defined in a respective protocol binding chapter after they have been identified/evaluated in plugfests.

Mandatory fields

The following fields MUST be present in an event element of a Core TD:

keyword type constraints
title string unique name among all events
description string human readable description
data set of DataSchema instances in a JSON object only the DataSchema subclasses booleanSchema, IntegerSchema, NumberSchema, StringSchema are permitted

Additional Constraints

The following additional constraints MUST be applied to the Event Affordances of a WoT Thing Description conforming to the profile:

keyword type constraint
forms array of Forms The Array of Form of each event MUST contain only a single endpoint.
uriVariables Map of DataSchema uriVariables MUST NOT be used.


A Thing may provide more than one event mechanism to enable a variety of consumers.

Mandatory fields

The following fields MUST be present in a form element of a Core TD:

keyword type constraints
title string unique name among all events
description string human readable description
data set of DataSchema instances in a JSON object only the DataSchema subclasses booleanSchema, IntegerSchema, NumberSchema, StringSchema are permitted

Additional Constraints

The following additional constraints MUST be applied to the Form elements of a WoT Thing Description conforming to the Core profile:

keyword type constraint
security string or Array of string security at form level MUST NOT be used.
scopes string or Array of string scopes MUST NOT be used.
TODO: Consider selecting a defined set from [[RFC8288]].

The "type" relationship as defined in chapter 6 of [[RFC6903]] is reserved for indicating an instance relationship between a thing and a thing template. The Core Data Model does not put additional constraints or requirements on links. The interpretation of a link is out of scope.


The Core Data Model defines a subset of the security schemes that MAY be implemented on resource constrained devices. A security scheme MUST be defined at the thing level. The security scheme is applied to the thing as a whole, a thing may adopt multiple security schemes.

The set of security schemes supported in the Core Data Model is based on the PlugFest results. To ensure interoperability, a TD consumer, which compliant with the Core Data Model MUST support all of the following security schemes:

  • no security
  • Basic Auth
  • Digest
  • Bearer Token
  • Oauth2

Recommended Practice

When using the "no security" or "Basic Auth" security schemes it is strongly recommended to use transport layer encryption.

Protocol Binding

This section defines a protocol binding which describes how a Consumer communicates with a Web Thing [[wot-architecture]] using JSON [[JSON]] payloads over the HTTP [[HTTP11]] protocol.

A Consumer or Web Thing conforming to the WoT Core Profile MUST implement this protocol binding.



The URL of a Property resource to be used when reading the value of a property MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the corresponding PropertyAffordance for which:

  • After defaults have been applied, its op member contains the value readproperty
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Property resource.

In order to read the value of a property, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to GET
  • URL set to the URL of the Property resource
  • Accept header set to application/json
          GET /things/lamp/properties/on HTTP/1.1
          Accept: application/json

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above and the Consumer has permission to read the corresponding property, then upon successfully reading the value of the property it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body with the value of the property serialized in JSON
          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          Content-Type: application/json

The URL of a Property resource to be used when writing the value of a property MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the corresponding PropertyAffordance for which:

  • After defaults have been applied, its op member contains the value writeproperty
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Property resource.

In order to write the value of a property, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to PUT
  • URL set to the URL of the Property resource
  • Accept header set to application/json
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body with a requested new value for the property serialized in JSON
          PUT /things/lamp/properties/on HTTP/1.1
          Content-Type: application/json
          Accept: application/json

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above and the Consumer has permission to write the corresponding property, then upon successfully writing the value of the property it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 204
          HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The URL of a Properties resource to be used when reading the value of all properties at once MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the top level forms member for which:

  • Its op member contains the value readallproperties
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Properties resource.

In order to read the value of all properties, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to GET
  • URL set to the URL of the Properties resource
  • Accept header set to application/json
          GET /things/lamp/properties HTTP/1.1
          Accept: application/json

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above, then upon successfully reading the values of all the readable properties to which the Consumer has permission to access, it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body with the values of all readable properties serialized in JSON, as an object keyed by property name
          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          Content-Type: application/json
            "on": false,
            "level": 100

The URL of a Properties resource to be used when writing the value of multiple properties at once MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the top level forms member for which:

  • Its op member contains the value writemultipleproperties
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Properties resource.

In order to write the value of multiple properties at once, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to PUT
  • URL set to the URL of the Properties resource
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • Accept header set to application/json
  • A body with requested new values for the writable properties serialized in JSON, as an object keyed by property name
          PUT /things/lamp/properties HTTP/1.1
          Content-Type: application/json
          Accept: application/json
            "on": true,
            "level": 50

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above, then upon successfully writing the values of the requested writable properties it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 204

          HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Other operations under consideration include observeproperty, unobserveproperty, observeallproperties and unobserveallproperties.

These operations would require consesus on a default observe mechanism for HTTP (e.g. Server Sent Events or WebSockets).

readmultipleproperties is currently excluded due to the complexities of the request payload format and because it doesn't add much functionality over readproperty and readallproperties. writeallproperties is currently excluded because it is just a special case of writemultipleproperties.



The URL of an Action resource to be used when invoking an action MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the corresponding ActionAffordance for which:

  • After defaults have been applied, the value of its op member is invokeaction
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Action resource.

In order to invoke an action on a Web Thing, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to the Web Thing with:

  • Method set to POST
  • URL set to the URL of the Action resource
  • Accept header set to application/json
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body with an input to the action, if any, serialized in JSON
          POST /things/lamp/actions/fade HTTP/1.1
          Content-Type: application/json
          Accept: application/json
            "level": 100,
            "duration": 5

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above then it MUST respond with one of three response formats:

  1. Synchronous Action Response
  2. Asynchronous Action Response
  3. Error Response

For long-running actions which are not expected to finish executing within the timeout period of an HTTP request (e.g. 30 to 120 seconds), it is RECOMMENDED that a Web Thing respond with an Asynchronous Action Response so that a Consumer may continue to monitor the status of an action request with a queryaction operation on a dynamically created ActionStatus resource, after the initial invokeaction response.

For short-lived actions which are expected to finish executing within the timeout period of an HTTP request, a Web Thing MAY wait until the action has completed to send a Synchronous Action Response.

If a Web Thing encounters an error in attempting to execute an action before responding to the invokeaction request, then it MUST send an Error Response.

Conforming Consumers MUST support all three types of response to the initial invokeaction request, but support for subsequent operations on an ActionStatus resource is OPTIONAL.

ActionStatus object

The status of an action invocation request is represented by an ActionStatus object which includes the following members:

Member Description Assignment Type
status The status of the action request. mandatory string (one of pending, running, completed or failed)
output The output data, if any, of a completed action which MUST conform with the output data schema of the corresponding ActionAffordance. optional any type
error An error message, if any, associated with a failed action which MUST conform with the Problem Details format [[RFC7807]] (only needed in response to a queryaction operation). optional object
href The [[URL]] of an ActionStatus resource which can be polled with a queryaction operation to get the latest status of the action, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of which MUST resolve to http or https (only needed for an Asynchronous Action Response). optional string
Synchronous Action Response

If providing a Synchronous Action Response, a Web Thing MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body containing an ActionStatus object serialized in JSON
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json
              "status": "completed"
Asynchronous Action Response

If providing an Asynchronous Action Response, a Web Thing MUST send an HTTP response containing the URL of an ActionStatus resource, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of which MUST resolve to http or https. The response MUST have:

  • Status code set to 201
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • Location header set to the URL of the ActionStatus resource
  • A body containing an ActionStatus object serialized in JSON, with its href member set to the URL of the ActionStatus resource
            HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED
            Content-Type: application/json
            Location: /things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655
              "status": "pending",
              "href": "/things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655"

A queryaction operation is used to query the current state of an ongoing action request.

A Web Thing which provides Asynchronous Action Responses to an invokeaction operation on an Action MUST also support queryaction operations on that same Action. A Web Thing which only provides Synchronous Action Responses to an invokeaction operation on an Action SHOULD NOT support queryaction operations on that same Action.

The URL of an ActionStatus resource to be used in a queryaction operation MUST be obtained from the Location header of an Asynchronous Action Response, or the href member of the ActionStatus object in its body.

In order to query the status of an action request, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to GET
  • URL set to the URL of the ActionStatus resource
  • Accept header set to application/json
          GET /things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655
          Accept: application/json

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above and the Consumer has permission to query the corresponding ActionStatus resource, then upon successfully reading the status of the action request it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body containing an ActionStatus object representing the current status of the action request, serialized in JSON
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json
              "status": "running"

If the queried action failed to execute, then the status member of the ActionStatus object MUST be set to "failed" and the error member may optionally provide additional error information conforming to the Problem Details format [[RFC7807]].

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json
              "status": "failed",
              "error": {
                "type": "",
                "title": "Invalid value for level provided",
                "invalid-params": [
                    "name": "level",
                    "reason": "Must be a valid number between 0 and 100",

A cancelaction operation is used to cancel an ongoing Action request.

A Web Thing which provides Asynchronous Action Responses to an invokeaction operation on an Action MAY also support cancelaction operations on that same Action. A Web Thing which only provides Synchronous Action Responses to an invokeaction operation on an Action SHOULD NOT support cancelaction operations on that same Action.

The URL of an ActionStatus resource to be used in a cancelaction operation MUST be obtained from the Location header of an Asynchronous Action Response, or the href member of the ActionStatus object in its body.

In order to cancel an action request, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to DELETE
  • URL set to the URL of the ActionStatus resource
            DELETE /things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655 HTTP/1.1

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above and the Consumer has permission to cancel the corresponding Action request, then upon successfully cancelling Action it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 204
            HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The URL of an Actions resource to be used when querying the status of all ongoing action requests MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the top level forms member for which:

  • Its op member contains the value queryallactions
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Actions resource.

In order to query the status of all ongoing action requests, a Consumer MUST send an HTTP request to a Web Thing with:

  • Method set to GET
  • URL set to the URL of the Actions resource
  • Accept header set to application/json
          GET /things/lamp/actions HTTP/1.1
          Accept: application/json

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above, then upon successfully retreiving the status of all ongoing action requests to which the Consumer has permission to access, it MUST send an HTTP response with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to application/json
  • A body containing an object, keyed by Action name, with the value of each object member being an array of ActionStatus objects representing the action requests, serialized in JSON.
          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          Content-Type: application/json
            "fade": [
                "status": "completed",
                "href": "/things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655"
                "status": "failed",
                "href": "/things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-558329",
                "status": "running",
                "href": "/things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a457-434656"
                "status": "pending",
                "href": "/things/lamp/actions/fade/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a457-ea9519"
When an Action request is cancelled with a cancelaction operation, its ActionStatus object is deleted and need not be retained. For all other Action requests it is assumed that a Web Thing will store the ActionStatus object so that its status may later be queried with a queryaction or queryallactions operation. It is not expected that ActionStatus objects should be retained indefinitely, they may be stored in volatile memory and/or periodically pruned. The length of time for which to retain ActionStatus objects is expected to be implementation-specific and may depend on application-specific requirements or resource constraints.


The Core Profile uses Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] as a mechanism for Consumers to subscribe to events emitted by a Web Thing.

Consumers are not required to implement the EventSource JavaScript API from the Server-Sent Events specification in order to conform with this profile. Any programming language may be used to consume an event stream.


The URL of an Event resource to be used when subscribing to an event MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the corresponding EventAffordance for which:

  • After defaults have been applied, its op member contains the value subscribeevent
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https
  • Its subprotocol member has a value of "sse"

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the Event resource.

In order to subscribe to an event, a Consumer MUST follow the Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] specification to open a connection with the Web Thing at the URL of the Event resource.

This involves the Consumer sending an HTTP request to the Web Thing with:

  • Method set to GET
  • URL set to the URL of the Event resource
  • Accept header set to text/event-stream
  • Connection header set to keep-alive
          GET /things/lamp/events/overheated HTTP/1.1
          Accept: text/event-stream
          Connection: keep-alive

For Consumers implemented in JavaScript [[ECMASCRIPT]] and executed in a runtime which exposes the EventSource interface, a Server-Sent Events connection can be initiated using the EventSource constructor.

              const overheatedEventSource = new EventSource('/things/lamp/events/overheated');

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above and the Consumer has permission to subscribe to the corresponding event, then it MUST follow the Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] specification to maintain an open connection with the Consumer and push event data to the Consumer as events of the specified type are emitted.

This involves the Web Thing initially sending an HTTP response to the Consumer with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to text/event-stream
          HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          Content-Type: text/event-stream

Whenever an event of the specified type occurs while the Web Thing has an open connection with a Consumer, the Web Thing MUST send event data to the Consumer using the event stream format in the Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] specification. For each message sent, the Web Thing MUST set the event field to the name of the EventAffordance and populate the data field with event data, if any. The event data MUST follow the data schema specified in the EventAffordance and MUST be serialized in JSON. The id field SHOULD be set to a unique identifier for the event, for use when re-establishing a dropped connection (see below).

            event: overheated\n
            data: 90\n
            id: 12345\n\n

If the connection between the Consumer and Web Thing drops (except as a result of the unsubscribe operation defined below), the Consumer MUST re-establish the connection following the steps outlined in the Server-Sent Events specification [[EVENTSOURCE]]. Once the connection is re-established the Web Thing SHOULD, if possible, send any missed events which occured since the last event specified by the Consumer in a Last-Event-ID header.


In order to unsubscribe from an event, a Consumer MUST terminate the corresponding Server-Sent Events connection with the Web Thing as specified in the Server-Sent Events specification [[EVENTSOURCE]].

For Consumers implemented in JavaScript [[ECMASCRIPT]] and executed in a runtime which exposes the EventSource interface, a Server-Sent Events connection can be terminated using the close() method on an EventSource [[EVENTSOURCE]] object.



The URL of an events resource to be used when subscribing to all events emitted by a Web Thing MUST be obtained from a Thing Description by locating a Form inside the top level forms member of a Thing Description for which:

  • Its op member contains the value subscribeallevents
  • After being resolved against a base URL where applicable, the URI scheme [[RFC3986]] of the value of its href member is http or https
  • Its subprotocol member has a value of "sse"

The resolved value of the href member MUST then be used as the URL of the events resource.

In order to subscribe to all events emitted by a Web Thing, a Consumer MUST follow the Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] specification to open a connection with the Web Thing at the URL of the events resource.

This involves the Consumer sending an HTTP request to the Web Thing with:

  • Method set to GET
  • URL set to the URL of the events resource
  • Accept header set to text/event-stream
  • Connection header set to keep-alive
            GET /things/lamp/events HTTP/1.1
            Accept: text/event-stream
            Connection: keep-alive

For Consumers implemented in JavaScript [[ECMASCRIPT]] and executed in a runtime which exposes the EventSource interface, a Server-Sent Events connection can be initiated using the EventSource constructor.

              const lampEventsSource = new EventSource('/things/lamp/events');

If a Web Thing receives an HTTP request following the format above then it MUST follow the Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] specification to maintain an open connection with the Consumer and push event data to the Consumer for all event types for which it has permission to subscribe.

This involves the Web Thing initially sending an HTTP response to the Consumer with:

  • Status code set to 200
  • Content-Type header set to text/event-stream
            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: text/event-stream

Whenever an event occurs while the Web Thing has an open connection with a Consumer, the Web Thing MUST send event data to the Consumer using the event stream format in the Server-Sent Events [[EVENTSOURCE]] specification. For each message sent, the Web Thing MUST set the event field to the name of the EventAffordance and populate the data field with event data, if any. The event data MUST follow the data schema specified in the EventAffordance and MUST be serialized in JSON. The id field SHOULD be set to a unique identifier for the event, for use when re-establishing a dropped connection (see below).

            event: overheated\n
            data: 90\n
            id: 12345\n\n

If the connection between the Consumer and Web Thing drops (except as a result of the unsubscribeallevents operation defined below), the Consumer MUST re-establish the connection following the steps outlined in the Server-Sent Events specification [[EVENTSOURCE]]. Once the connection is re-established the Web Thing SHOULD, if possible, send any missed events which occured since the last event specified by the Consumer in a Last-Event-ID header.


In order to unsubscribe from all events, a Consumer MUST terminate the corresponding Server-Sent Events connection with the events endpoint of the Web Thing, following the steps specified in the Server-Sent Events specification [[EVENTSOURCE]].

For Consumers implemented in JavaScript [[ECMASCRIPT]] and executed in a runtime which exposes the EventSource interface, a Server-Sent Events connection can be terminated using the close() method on an EventSource [[EVENTSOURCE]] object.


Error Responses

If any of the operations defined above are unsuccessful then the Web Thing MUST send an HTTP response with an HTTP error code which describes the reason for the failure. It is RECOMMENDED that error responses use one of the following HTTP error codes:

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 401 Unauthorized
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

Web Things MAY respond with other valid HTTP error codes (e.g. 418 I'm a teapot), but Consumers MAY interpret those error codes as a generic 4xx or 5xx error with no special defined behaviour.

If we define the finite set of error responses as above then we should also define what a Consumer should do if it receives a 3xx redirect type response.

If an HTTP error response contains a body, the content of that body MUST conform with with the Problem Details format [[RFC7807]].

External TD representations

The default representation is JSON. Semantic annotations based on JSON-LD MAY be present but are not required to perform all interactions with the thing instance.

Canonical TD representation

A canonical representation serves multiple purposes. It is simplifying the parsing process, enables to identify equivalent TDs by simple string comparisons. Furthermore it allows the use of a simple signing mechanism, such as Linked Data Proofs or JSON Web Signatures [[RFC7515]] and enables identity checks on encrypted TDs.

The canonical JSON representation format of a TD adopts the JSON Canonicalization Scheme (JCS) defined by 6292.

Open Issues

JSON Schema of the Core Profile

A Thing Description can be syntactically validated with the JSON Schema [[?JSON-SCHEMA]] for compliance with the core profile.

Todo: Define a JSON-SCHEMA.