
Lightweight Desktop Environment

  • Lumina is designed to have a small footprint, giving your system the best performance possible.

Intuitive Layout

  • Lumina is built to flow seamlessly between computer tasks and offers several integrated utilities in one convenient package.

Completely Customizable

  • Nearly everything in the interface can be configured to suit the individual workflow. From desktop icons and single-application systems to multi-monitor arrangements or a plethora of self-contained workspaces, Lumina can do it all.

Freely Available

  • Lumina is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license, allowing it to be used by anyone, anywhere (including in proprietary distributions).

Lumina has been written from scratch

  • Written in C++/Qt5 and is not based on any existing desktop’s code-base, and does not use any of the Linux-based desktop frameworks (ConsoleKit, PolicyKit, D-Bus, systemd, etc..)

Lumina uses a simple built-in interface layer

  • Communicate directly with the operating system (which is the only class specific to the operating system – making it simple to port/customize). Allows Lumina® to obtain system information in a fast and efficient manner while ensuring desktop stability and reliability.

Recent News

Lumina 1.6.1 released.


Yes the project is still alive. And in fact there’s been a release! Lumina Desktop v1.6.1 It’s only been 611 days… that’s not too long right? Anyway onto the point, yes the project is still alive and there’s been some updates. This release encompases two main things. First is a collection of minor fixes that have gone into master since 1.6.0 came out, along with some translation updates. This includes two small additional binaries for use by the desktop....

Study the past if you would define the future.


History “Study the past if you would define the future.” ~Confucius Before we discuss the Lumina Desktop today, lets first go back and discuss the past. The Lumina Desktop was started in 2012 by Ken Moore. He started working on it in his free time. He wanted to design a small lightweight desktop for PC-BSD that didn’t come with the challenge of dealing with Linux-isms. However instead of designing a desktop that had BSD-isms, he decided to design the desktop to be as OS agnostic as possible with as few dependecies as possible....

Maintainership Change


After more than 7 years of work, I have decided that it is time to let others take over the development of the Lumina Desktop project going forward. It has been an incredible task which has pushed me into areas of development that I had never previously considered. However, with work and life changes, my time for developing new functionality for Lumina has become nearly non-existent, particularly for the Qt5 -> Qt6 change that will be coming within the next year or so....

Lumina Desktop © Ken Moore 2012-2021, All rights reserved