VaultPress - WordPress Backup and Security
The Wayback Machine -

The most powerful backups and security for your WordPress site.

You're not safe. Yet.

VaultPress protects you from the most common — and most serious — security threats.

  • Hackers
  • Host failure
  • Viruses
  • User error
  • Malware
  • Exploits

Peace of mind comes standard.

Powerful security features for individuals, professionals, and agencies.

  • Backups

    Automated backups stored in our offsite digital vault in real time.

  • Site Migration

    Thinking about moving your site from an unreliable, expensive, or slow host? Transfer or duplicate it now.

  • Automated File Repair

    Fix detected viruses, malware, and other dangerous threats with a single click.

  • Restores

    If anything ever happens to your site, a quick, painless restore will bring it back to its former glory — without contacting your host even once.

  • File Scanning

    Automatically detect and eliminate viruses, malware, and other exploitable security problems that may be lurking on your website.

  • Spam Defense

    Protect your SEO, readers, and brand reputation by automatically blocking all spammers.