The festival of WordPress
July 23, 2021

WordFest Live Has Now Ended

24,000 Steps To Mental Health Challenge

Be part of something global for the good of our community today and take on the #24kStepsToMentalHealth challenge! 

We’re making mental health services available to remote workers everywhere, and we need your help

WordFest Live is being organised by Big Orange Heart, a registered charity for remote workers everywhere. All proceeds from donations and sponsorship will go into supporting the well being of the worldwide remote working community. We need your help to continue doing the work we do and to reach out to the people most in need.

The last one and a half years have changed the definition of remote working, forever. Mental health has never been more crucial as people around the world continue to suffer from the after-effects of the global pandemic.

This WordFest Live, we’re inviting attendees to join us for a special challenge #24kStepstoMentalHealth where you can help raise funds for mental health by pledging to take a fixed number of steps.

Why are you fundraising?

We started WordFest Live as both a way to connect our community through education and networking, as well as a way to raise funds for Big Orange Heart, a registered charity providing well-being support for remote workers. Fundraising helps us continue to support remote working communities around the world.

Aren’t tickets free of cost?

Yes, and they always will be! WordFest Live is open to anyone who would like to attend. All funds raised through sponsorship and donations through the event are being dedicated to the further delivery of free well-being and mental health support for the remote working community.

What is the 24,000 Steps to Mental Health Challenge?

We are asking WordFest attendees, WordPress enthusiasts, and supporters of mental health anywhere in the world to join us in taking not one, not two, but 24,000 steps towards mental health (it’s a big number but we can do it together!). Pledge to run/walk/hula hoop a fixed number of steps every day until the big day and share your journey with friends and colleagues.

You can also choose to take part in our 24-hour relay where 6 participants around the globe will complete 24,000 steps between them (4,000 steps per individual).

There are two ways you can join:

  • 24,000 steps in the run up to WordFest Live
  • 24,000 steps in 24 hours on the day of the event – a cross-continent relay race where participants in groups of six will complete a total of 24,000 steps.

Send us a picture or video of yourself participating in the challenge and tag us on social media using the hashtags #24kStepsToMentalHealth, #WordFestLive and #BigOrangeHeart. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Besides being a fun thing to do with the WordFest community, walking is an excellent way to improve your physical and mental health.

What if I find it difficult to exercise or have been asked to stay at home – can I still participate?

Yes of course – we want everyone to feel they can contribute towards supporting mental health. Choose an activity that works for you and pledge what you consider to be an equivalent number of steps.

Sharing is caring and you can share this post with someone who can participate.

Some fun challenges you can pledge to:

24000 Steps to WordFest Live

24,000 Steps in  24 Hours

  • Meditate for 30 minutes everyday  
  • Commit to an art project 
  • Hula-hoop every day until WordFest Live
  • 24k steps with a team*
  • Swim 24 laps at a stretch
  • Collaborate on a 24-hour art project

We tried our level best but the judges refused to count hours slept as a valid activity!

Your safety… first 🦺

Your personal welfare is of the highest importance.  Please ensure you undertake this challenge in a safe environment.  We encourage that all local advice and restrictions concerning Covid be adhered to at all times.

Check out what some of our amazing community members have been up to

There are many ways to get involved with the #24kStepsToMentalHealth challenge.  Check out some of the live challenges below.  

How do you use donations?

Every dollar donated goes towards enabling free mental health support to remote workers around the world through Big Orange Heart.

The average cost to deliver free mental health support: $22 per hour.

Big Orange Heart enables peer focused and professional mental health support for remote working communities. Over 10,500 hours of free support has been delivered, the cost to provide this averages $22 USD per hour. Read our transparency report.


Join the challenge and help make mental health accessible to remote workers everywhere!