Dan Maby  


Founder & Executive Director of . Leading into 2022. Delivering software through . Busy ENFP-A

London, UK
Participa desde março de 2010


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  1. Tweet Fixado
    17 de dez.

    Without the support of corporate sponsorship/donations, will not continue to exist This may not seem like an issue for some but for the people who lean on the community daily, it matters a lot Big Orange Heart needs you

  2. 22 de dez.

    I want to say a huge personal thank you to the teams at & . When the call for sponsors went out in Oct. asking for 8 companies to support in 2022 these 2 companies confirmed their continued support without hesitation. Official announcement soon

  3. 21 de dez.

    Community building... hard Community building to make a genuine difference in peoples lives... 🤯 Community building to make a genuine difference in peoples lives without financial support from businesses within that community... WTF am I doing!

  4. retweetou
    20 de dez.

    . is actively seeking sponsors for 2022. Yes, there will be in-person events to sponsor in 2022 but the world has adapted to the accessibility and broader reach of virtual programming. Please consider supporting this important organization.

  5. 20 de dez.

    Nope. Not me. Never...

  6. retweetou
    18 de dez.

    A vital service provided for those having to work remotely, and more.

  7. retweetou
    17 de dez.

    Some companies making a lot of 💰💰💰 from open source: “We want to support open source contributors! ♥️” Open source contributors: "Pay us.” Companies: “Not like that."

  8. retweetou
    17 de dez.

    This would be a terrible resource to lose. We need our community corporations to dig a little deeper so we can continue to help our community.

  9. retweetou
    17 de dez.

    A worthwhile and amazing cause and community.

  10. retweetou
    17 de dez.

    I'm donating to Big Orange Heart every month. I'd appreciate it if you can help spread the word about this important organization that helps remote workers with mental health challenges. RT

  11. retweetou
    17 de dez.
  12. retweetou
    17 de dez.

    Hello companies/agencies, open your big hearts and support the amazing community initiative by .

  13. 15 de dez.

    Are you passionate about and/or ? I'm looking for people that are able to commit and help take forward into 2022. Please feel free to DM me

  14. 14 de dez.

    Today's meetings included , , , and 🙌 See, I didn't need to travel for

  15. 14 de dez.

    Any advice for building a product in the open?

  16. 13 de dez.

    Seeing all these posts from friends is making me a little sad. Desperate for the day we can physically come together as a community again. Looking at you 👀 🤞

  17. 13 de dez.

    I've heard some wonderful things being said about - thank you.

  18. 11 de dez.

    I love that we have such a variation of interests across 's team. It makes for a really interesting speaker selection process!

  19. retweetou
    11 de dez.

    126 registered sessions were received in our Call for Speakers. A new record 🙌

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  20. 10 de dez.

    Anyone else noticed this slight weirdness on Twitter lately?


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