

We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We defend your civil liberties in a digital world.

San Francisco, CA
誕生日: 1990年




  1. 5 時間前

    Join EFF's community of supporters, who help fight for free speech and privacy on the internet all year. Donate today!

  2. 7 時間前

    Survivors of domestic abuse need to be able to remove their cell phone plan and information from the control of abusers. The Safe Connections Act would let them. Tell Congress to pass the Safe Connections Act. 

  3. 8 時間前

    Borders remain a legal grey area for our fourth amendment rights. Customs & Border Protection routinely manipulate even US citizens into opening up devices at airports and other borders. It’s time to clarify that our rights aren’t lost when we’re crossing. 

  4. 9 時間前

    Facebook’s never-ending crises are the result of a rotten corporate culture and awful priorities. When a company’s badness is inseparable from its bigness, it’s time to consider breaking that company up.

  5. 10 時間前

    Dungeons guarded by robot captors may sound like a scary yarn, but it could be frightfully close to real for the people in US prisons. Scandals of brutality in incarceration are bad enough without adding robot-guards to the mix. 

  6. 11 時間前

    Your sensitive personal information is being sold in a toxic data marketplace, whether you like it or not. Private companies harvest all sorts of personal information about you and sell it to the highest bidder—including the U.S. government. 

  7. 12 時間前

    Fight your local tech dystopia today. Connect with a local grassroots group (or start your own) with resources from the Electronic Frontier Alliance. 

  8. 13 時間前

    Facebook didn’t build Instagram. It bought it, explicitly to neutralize a competitor. That raises the question of whether that merger should have been permitted in the first place, and whether it should be unwound today.

  9. 14 時間前

    Will Concord, California, become the next Chula Vista, and deploy a drone for nearly every 911 call? Only time will tell. Its drone policy is permissive enough that it could be.

  10. 15 時間前

    EFF has joined 60 other civil society organizations in telling Congress: it’s past time to pass real, comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation.

  11. さんがリツイート

    What's the future of the internet? Join EFF's Executive Director, Cindy Cohn, live with the for to hear more:

  12. 10月15日

    Manufacturers are using both law and tech to make it harder to repair tractors, cars, smartphones, and even refrigerators and medical devices, says EFF's . Don't miss this clip on the Right to Repair movement from :

  13. 10月15日

    Acompáñanos en Hablemos de Cifrado en América Latina y el Caribe. Este 21/10, desde las 17h UTC (14h Br-Ar-Uru-Cl /12h Mx-Col-Ec-Pe) como parte del lanzamiento de Regístrate en:

  14. 10月15日

    You can listen to the first six episodes of our podcast, How to Fix the Internet, with EFF's Cindy Cohn and special advisor , at ! (And more are coming soon!)

  15. 10月15日

    New Yorkers, are your devices cursed with surveillance? Join Electronic Frontier Alliance member  tomorrow! They may not be able to cast out your demons, but they can make you safer from the ghoulish tech invading your privacy.

  16. 10月15日

    Spying on the phones of law-abiding citizens is wrong. And that’s what client-side scanning does.

  17. 10月15日

    Freedom of speech, privacy, and safety are all at risk with the new drone program in Concord, California. No warrant requirement. No limit on use with other dangerous tech, like facial recognition, ALPRs, and heat sensors.

  18. 10月15日

    What's the future of the internet? Join EFF's Executive Director, Cindy Cohn, live with the for to hear more:

  19. さんがリツイート
  20. さんがリツイート

    HERE’S HOW WE STOP FACEBOOK: Tell Congress to finally pass a real data privacy law that makes it illegal for companies like Facebook and YouTube to collect the massive amount of data they need to power their algorithms.




