A Sticky Post

This post is sticky. It gets a special style and always resides at the top of the home page. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Suspendisse bibendum nulla vitae eros lobortis ullamcorper. Aenean pretium hendrerit ipsum, vitae aliquet ligula commodo vitae nonummy est aliquet. Ut ultrices, nulla id fringilla condimentum, augue tellus vehicula nisi, volutpat tincidunt mi nisi quis ligula. Vivamus in lectus nisl. Pellentesque viverra mauris eget lectus vestibulum hendrerit fringilla arcu eleifend. Nam ut turpis diam, in varius tellus. Quisque id nisl neque, eget aliquet nibh. Cras eget urna velit, ac egestas quam. Fusce lobortis, risus id cursus vestibulum, risus mi tempor turpis, sit.

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The Great Wave off Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa (神奈川沖浪裏 Kanagawa Oki Nami Ura, lit. “Under a Wave off Kanagawa”) is a famous woodblock print by the Japanese artist Hokusai. It was published in 1832 (Edo Period) as the first in Hokusai’s series 36 Views of Mount Fuji and is his most famous work. It depicts an enormous wave threatening boats near the Japanese prefecture of Kanagawa. As in all the other prints in the series, Mount Fuji can be seen in the background. While sometimes assumed to be a tsunami, the wave is more likely to be a large okinami. (Japanese “ocean wave”) — Wikipedia

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What you see is what you really get. I stumbled upon this brilliant tip from Andrew Ozz today:

Things like typefaces, headings, image padding and borders, etc. can easily be set by the current theme making the visual editor… more WYSIWYG. All it takes is a stylesheet and a small function in the theme’s functions.php file.

Say what? I had no idea, so I decided I had to give this a try for 2010. The result?

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This post uses a post thumbnail to display its own custom header. Check out the permalink! Sed consequat sagittis dignissim. Suspendisse dolor velit, semper non vestibulum at, vestibulum quis risus. Vivamus adipiscing eleifend quam a mollis. Nullam sollicitudin dignissim ornare. Duis a purus risus. Vestibulum auctor libero commodo erat euismod viverra. Suspendisse malesuada, lectus in bibendum pretium, est libero hendrerit sapien, sit amet convallis dolor nunc ac massa.

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Valid HTML5

The theme now passes validation as HTML5. The calendar widget and gallery shortcode generate HTML that do not validate and should be addressed in core — but a default install will now validate. (Updated, see comments.)

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Flowers in the yard

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Custom styles for posts in category “gallery” show a single thumbnail and either the post text or a custom excerpt, if one is specified. If the post text is used, a link like the one output by the more tag … Continue reading

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