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Meeting Agenda for 12 October 2021

Please join us Team Meeting Tuesdays 1600 UTC OR Team Meeting Wednesday 0300 UTC (APAC friendly) OR Office Hour Friday 1000 UTC OR Coffee Hour Friday 1300 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meetings!

This Week’s Agenda

  1. Intro/Welcome
  2. News
    1. Welcome and Support Flow Wranglers
    2. Meeting Note Takers
    3. PROPOSAL: Learner achievements on profiles
    4. A Dedicated Volunteer Program for the Training Team
    5. PROPOSAL: Ensuring high-quality video contributions to Learn WordPress
    6. Contributor working session recap
    7. Daylight savings
  3. Sprint
    1. Progress
    2. Check-in
      1. What did you commit to last week?
      2. What did you do?
      3. Any blockers?
      4. What will you do next week?
  4. Open Discussions

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via learn.wordpress.org.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links

  1. Getting Involved:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/
  2. About The Team:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/about/ 
  3. Our Team Blog:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/ 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/BsfzszRM/wordpress-training-team-lesson-plan-development 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/category/sprint/
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/rK1tztAA/learn-wordpress 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:- https://github.com/WordPress/learn
  8. Our Lesson Plans:- https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson-plans/
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxqNA0WORZXWurEP6cNV6w 
  10. Learn Website:- https://learn.wordpress.org/

#learn-wordpress, #learnwp, #training, #training-team

Meeting Agenda for 5 October 2021

Please join us Team Meeting Tuesdays 1600 UTC OR Team Meeting Wednesday 0300 UTC (APAC friendly) OR Office Hour Friday 1000 UTC OR Coffee Hour Friday 1300 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meetings!

This Week’s Agenda

  1. Intro/Welcome
  2. News
    1. PROPOSAL: Learner achievements on profiles
    2. A Dedicated Volunteer Program for the Training Team
    3. PROPOSAL: Ensuring high-quality video contributions to Learn WordPress
    4. Contributor working session – In conjunction with the #Marketing team, Yoast’s contributors will assist preparing social media posts regarding the content on Learn. This is an open invite for all contributors. We have also requested support for SEO planning around content on Learn. October 8, 8am UTC.
  3. October Sprint
    1. Progress
    2. Check-in
      1. What did you commit to last week?
      2. What did you do?
      3. Any blockers?
      4. What will you do next week?
  4. Open Discussions

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via learn.wordpress.org.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links

  1. Getting Involved:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/
  2. About The Team:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/about/ 
  3. Our Team Blog:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/ 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/BsfzszRM/wordpress-training-team-lesson-plan-development 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/category/sprint/
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/rK1tztAA/learn-wordpress 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:- https://github.com/WordPress/learn
  8. Our Lesson Plans:- https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson-plans/
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxqNA0WORZXWurEP6cNV6w 
  10. Learn Website:- https://learn.wordpress.org/

#learn-wordpress, #learnwp, #training, #training-team

October 2021 Team Sprint

The Training team is using the Sprint method to determine what we are working on and to determine our timeframe for delivery.

What is a Sprint?

Sprints are fixed length events of one month or less to create consistency. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.


As a team, we follow the Sprint approach loosely. While some of us are agency-sponsored contributors, others are self-sponsored. We recognize that volunteers may choose to work on what interests them, while agency-sponsored individuals may work through the priorities assigned to them. We allow room for both approaches in our Sprint planning. What is most important is that we work in the open and share what we are working on here.

This post may be updated throughout the month to reflect work that has been completed. Append any explanations as comments below.

Sprint Goals

Learn Maintenance

Learn Content

We are currently using TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the make.wordpress.com/marketing team uses for example: https://trello.com/b/8UGHVBu8/wp-marketing. to manage and keep track of the status of each piece of content on Learn (lesson plans, video workshops and courses). Every piece of content has its own Trello card. The Trello lists represent our Development Workflow, each list contains a card that explains how to use that list.

Lesson Plan, Workshop Video Workshop and Course Ideas

The cards in this list are in need of a contributor to:

  • Finalize description
  • Set objectives (goals)
  • Research and add links to support and developer docs
  • Identify marketing communications
  • Carry out an SEO review.
  • Review related material on Learn

If that’s you, add yourself as a Member on the card and as the Current Owner. If you need any help, please ask in the SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. #training channel.

  1. Lesson Plans
    1. Using Global Styles & Settings
    2. How to use the Query Loop
    3. Intro to the Block Editor
    4. Frequently Used Blocks
    5. Form Email Deliverability (SMTP Issues) @magicroundabout
  2. Courses
    1. Advanced PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/ or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party Development @webtechpooja
    2. MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through https://www.meetup.com/. A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on meetup.com will help you find options in your area. Organizers @peteringersoll
    3. An intro to WP-CLI @magicroundabout

Next Up – You Can Help!

The cards in this list are in need of a contributor to draft them up. If that’s you, add yourself as a Member on the card and as the Current Owner. Then move the card to the Drafts in Progress list. If you need any help, please ask in the Slack #training channel.

  1. Lesson Plans
    1. Site Backup
    2. Migrate, Copy, or Clone a Site @arasae The lesson plan already exists so a video workshop will be created insntead.
    3. Introduction to Gutenberg @peteringersoll

Drafts in Progress

A team member has taken ownership of the cards in this list and is currently working on it. If you have started working on a card and are unable to take it to completion, please let the team know in the Slack #training channel.

  1. Lesson Plans
    1. How to create a blog post in WordPress 5.x @geheren
    2. How to Configure WordPress Installation for Contributor and Developer Testing @woodnet @caseymilne @paaljaochim This will need to be organised to follow our normal lesson plan and workshop formats. It is also in need of Windoes user to help with the testing enviroment.
    3. Testing a Trac ticket or GitHub PR @woodnet @caseymilne @paaljaochim
  2. Courses
    1. How to Contribute to the Training Team @courane01 begin creating
    2. Theme Course Development @courane01 will continue scoping into October
    3. Full Site Editing @daisyo

Instructional Review

The cards in this list have been drafted but are in need of a team member to quality check them before going to copyediting:

  • Does the description fairly describe what is covered?
  • Have the objectives been written using Bloom’s Taxonomy?
  • Have the objectives been met?
  • Does the assessment (quiz) match the objectives?
  • Are the pre-requisite skills really necessary?
  • Will “students” be able to perform the exercises with what has been covered?
  • Does the content build from or duplicate material in other lesson plans, video workshops or courses?

If that’s you, add yourself as a Member on the card and as the Current Owner. When you finished, move the card to the Ready for Copyediting list. If you have started working on a card and are unable to take it to completion, please let the team know in the Slack #training channel.

  1. Lesson Plans
    1. Using a browser inspector@woodnet (revising screenshots)

Ready for Copyediting

The cards in this list are ready to be reviewed for typos, grammar, understandability, completeness, and general style. If that’s you, add yourself as a Member on the card and as the Current Owner. Then move the card to the Copyediting in Progress list. If you need any help, please ask in the Slack #training channel.

Copyediting in Progress

The cards in this list are undergoing active work on copyediting. A team member has taken ownership and is currently working on it. Check:

  • Spelling errors (if applicable)
  • Grammar errors (if applicable)
  • Readability (use a tool such as https://www.perrymarshall.com/grade/, we should stay under 9th grade, but technical stuff may differ) (if applicable)

If that’s you, add yourself as a Member on the card and as the Current Owner. When you finished, move the card to the Style Guide Review list. If you have started working on a card and are unable to take it to completion, please let the team know in the Slack #training channel.

Style Guide Review

These are cards that need to be checked to make sure they adhere to the team’s style guide. If that’s you, add yourself as a Member on the card and as the Current Owner. When you finished, move the card to the Ready for Final Review list. If you have started working on a card and are unable to take it to completion, please let the team know in the Slack #training channel.

Ready for Final Review

The cards in this list have been through copyediting, instructional review, and testing and are nearly ready for official publication.

The Training Team admins will review the cards for:

  1. Adherence to the current template
  2. Adherence to the current style guide
  3. Quality and completeness of information
  4. Any technical formatting details needing to be changed in order for the content to be published
  5. Slide review or creation
  6. Anything else needing attention before publication

Cards move out of this list (and to the Lesson Plans Ready for Publication list) when they have been approved by the team admins.

  1. Lesson Plans
  2. Courses
    1. Unleasing the Power of WordPress
    2. Publishing with WordPress
    3. Getting Started with WordPress

Audit and Expand Content on Learn

  1. Turning existing lesson plans on Learn into workshops:
    1. Customizer Taglines @west7
    2. Best Practices When Capturing Images @rkohilakis
    3. Migrate, Copy, or Clone a Site @arasae
    4. Managing Widgets @west7
    5. Admin Settings @rkohilakis
  2. Review unpublished brand specific content against newly published brand guidelines


The following video workshops have been created from their corresponding lesson plan.

  1. Managing Spam on Your Website @west7
  2. Best Practices for Capturing Images @rkohilakis
  3. Customer Taglines @rkohilakis
  4. How to Create a Post or Page with the WordPress Block Editor @west7

Learn Functionality

These are our high priority items. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know in the #meta-learn Slack channel.

  1. Style a print-friendly style sheet (transcripts and lesson plans)
  2. Use a blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. layout in a page to create much of the lesson plan page organization https://github.com/WordPress/learn/issues/153 (pending UXUX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. audit review)
  3. New ‘Other Contributors’ field for workshops
  4. Add Review Notes panel to workshop post type
  5. Customer user roles for Learn WordPress
  6. Fix quiz button styling to match other buttons
  7. Automatically recognize contributions on Profiles
  8. Make clear that quizzes that come up in search results are quizzes
  9. Add details about discussion groups in workshop pages
  10. Google Slides block for Lesson Plans The team is carrying out an audit of the Slides Plugin to ascertain the level of maintenance required and amount of work needed to fix the bug @binarygary @alexstine @danilong
  11. Add license information for the contents
  12. Disable the News XML sitemap
  13. Integrate Meetings calendar plugin
  14. Integrate speaker feedback tool
  15. Learner recognition on WordPress.org profile @iandunn
  16. Custom user roles for Learn WordPress @coreymckrill

Visit GitHub for a complete list of open issues.

Training Team

  1. Audit Learn Functionalitly Trello board
  2. Deputy program
  3. Update Learn Handbook
  4. Conduct a retrospective on the previous sprint.

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via learn.wordpress.org.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects. Here’s what you need to know to get started.

Team Links

  1. Getting Involved:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/
  2. About The Team:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/about/ 
  3. Our Team Blog:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/ 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/BsfzszRM/wordpress-training-team-lesson-plan-development 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/category/sprint/
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/rK1tztAA/learn-wordpress 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:- https://github.com/WordPress/learn
  8. Our Lesson Plans:- https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson-plans/
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxqNA0WORZXWurEP6cNV6w 
  10. Learn Website:- https://learn.wordpress.org/

#learn-wordpress, #learnwp, #meta-learn, #training, #training-team

A Dedicated Volunteer Program for the Training Team

For some years now, the Community Team has been running the highly successful Community Deputy Program:

Community Deputies are a team of people all over the world who review WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. and MeetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through https://www.meetup.com/. A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on meetup.com will help you find options in your area. applications, interview lead organizers, and generally keep things moving at WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. https://central.wordcamp.org includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each.. We make sure that new and returning organizers are not overworking themselves, still are following the code of conduct, and generally are making positive contributions to the open-source project. 

In short, Community Deputies are volunteers who contribute time to the Community Team to help keep things running smoothly. These responsibilities relate to meetups, WordCamps, WordPress Foundation events, conflict mediations, and anything else that falls under the purview of the Community Team. It is successful for a number of reasons – primarily because it ensures the workload of the team is spread across more people, and that it serves to decentralise the management of the Community Team programs.

With that in mind, I’d like to propose we introduce a similar program for the Training Team.

Introducing…The Faculty Program

In education, the term “faculty” refers to the teaching and research staff related to a particular field of study at an institution. This makes it an appropriate name for a program of this kind within the WordPress Training Team.

I envision the Faculty Program as a group of people from all over the world who volunteer their time to pursue the objectives of the Training Team. It would function in much the same way as the Community Deputy program, so it would:

  • Be open to anyone to volunteer
  • Have relevant, but not overly stringent, requirements for acceptance
  • Have a defined list of available tasks
  • Include training on how to perform the required tasks

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the types of tasks that Faculty members would be able to perform – many of these aren’t new and are already performed by many wonderful volunteers:

  • Mentoring and guiding contributors
  • Creating lesson plans
  • Reviewing submitted lesson plans
  • Vetting workshop presenter applications
  • Generating video captions and transcripts
  • Collaborating on workshop scripts
  • Recording workshop videos
  • Auditing existing site content
  • Publishing submitted workshop videos
  • Vetting new Faculty member applications

The program would be managed by the Training Team in an open and transparent manner – Faculty members would be listed publicly, tasks would be as open as possible, training would be publicly available, and reporting would be done on the Training Team blog.

It’s important to note that anyone would still be able to contribute to the team even if they don’t join the Faculty program. Part of the benefit of having a formalised team is that it becomes easier to know who is doing the work and to set targets for getting things done.

What needs to be done to make this a reality?

In order to make this an effective program, it would need to be set up for success from the start. Here are some things that would need to happen before the team can begin reaching out to potential volunteers:

  • Define exactly what tasks are available for Faculty members (see the above list to start)
  • Write complete documentation on how to do all of the available tasks
  • Create training materials (hosted on Learn WordPress) for new volunteers joining the program
    • Training materials would be a combination of “how-to” guides (like the documentation) as well as covering the principles behind the work


What do you think about this? Please provide feedback about this along the following lines:

  • Does the idea of a trained and dedicated volunteer team for Training Team tasks sound like a good idea to you?
  • Can you think of anything else that needs to be done in order to make this a reality?
  • Do you have nay other thoughts about how this program could work?

WPTranslationDay: Subtitling Videos on Learn

On Wednesday, 29 September, the Training team hosted a WPTranslationDay event. We met briefly at the start of the session to review how to locate videos on LearnWP workshops that could be subtitled.

We were joined by many first-time contributors working on Five for the Future time at GoDaddy who focused on translating subtitles into Serbian. Additionally, @webtechpooja continued her incredible efforts on translating into Hindi.

We deeply value the work these folks have put forth, and look forward to helping more people Learn WordPress. We welcome each of you back for further participation as well. We welcome translation help with subtitling videos, translating content, and even creating content and videos in your native language.

We look forward to WP Translator Day 2022!

Props to @pendraq, @webtechpooja, @Jelena1402, @jzjacic, @n1x1, @majaloncar, @dimitrijemicakovic, @andtijana, @ivanagn86, @tazwordpress.


X-post: 30 days of translation celebration!

X-comment from +make.wordpress.org/polyglots: Comment on 30 days of translation celebration!

Recap for Training Team meeting September 28 and 29, 2021

Slack Log (Requires SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. login to view. Set one up if you don’t have a Slack account.)

The agenda for the meeting can be found here

Introductions and Welcome

In attendance: @binarygary @courane01 @rkohilakis @arasae @magicroundabout @peteringersoll @webtechpooja @webcommsat @onealtr @tantienhime @azhiyadev @ashiquzzaman @hughlashbrooke @westnz

Welcome to the following:


  1. The team is looking for contributors to help out as Welcome and Support Flow Wranglers. Please let us know if you are interested.
  2. Learner achievements for courses is still open for comments. The proposal is to enable learners to demonstrate what they have learnt on Learn. We’d love to get feedback from employers who may look at .org profiles when considering employment.
  3. Translation Days Sept 29 at 10:00 UTC at the time of writing the recap, this has now concluded. Training team hkosted a working session for LearnWP in conjunction with #polyglots Translator Day.
  4. Learn WordPress Needs Assement Results at the time of writing the recap, this has now concluded. This was a deep and comprehensive survey on the UXUX UX is an acronym for User Experience - the way the user uses the UI. Think ‘what they are doing’ and less about how they do it. of LearnWP.
  5. Should Learn WordPress contributors be GPL compliant? discussion on LearnWP is open for comments. There was a question by @webcommsat: what happens if a presenter changes their GPLGPL GPL is an acronym for GNU Public License. It is the standard license WordPress uses for Open Source licensing https://wordpress.org/about/license/. The GPL is a ‘copyleft’ license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.en.html. This means that derivative work can only be distributed under the same license terms. This is in distinction to permissive free software licenses, of which the BSD license and the MIT License are widely used examples. status or changes work environments? @hughlashbrooke mentioned that the assumption would be that they would follow WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Speaker guidelines where if they were scheduled to speak but there were changes to their GPL compliance then they would be removed from the event. @webcommsat to add the question to the post for greater transparency.
  6. PROPOSAL: Ensuring high-quality video contributions to Learn WordPress is still open for comments. LearnWP content needs to be of high quality, but most people don’t often have access to expensive recording equipment and it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to match the video quality of those that do. Production quality must not be a blocker for those contributing their skills and knowledge to LearnWP. #marketing is working on a session about this at their meeting next week at 14:00 UTC, please feel free to join the discussion.
  7. Wordsmith work session#marketing has inquired on our request to consider terminology. The purpose would be to consider terms for global understanding of how those terms would translate into other languages. We are looking at a next week Wednesday during the 2pm UTC #marketing team meeting for a 20-30 minute Google Doc collaboration session.
  8. Preparing Learn for WordPress Updates – we now have a way to find and organize content and features that need to be updated, especially when WP coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. ships an update. @tantienhime has volunteered to organize the taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. https://codex.wordpress.org/Taxonomies#Default_Taxonomies. for the existing content on LearnWP. @courane01 has also reached out to #docs who have similar needs. Please let us know if you are also interested in contributing.
  9. Windows testers needed for dev testing environment@caseymilne has some draft setup guidelines for various types of setup options for local development but could use more testers to try different setups on Mac and Windows.
  10. WCUS Training Team presentation – our application was selected to present at WCUS. If you know any hiring managers in WordPress or devs who help plan the personal learning for their team, let them know about our talk. We go on at 20:45 UTC on Friday October 1, 2021 and we will share about the learner achievement proposals with a live Q&A afterwards. Come support @binarygary @courane01 @peteringersoll and @azhiyadev.
  11. Note there will be no Office or Coffee Hour this week due to WCUS.



  1. What did you commit to last week?
  2. What did you do?
  3. Any blockers?
  4. What will you do next week?


Mini-Sprint: we are integrating the work we are doing with the work the Instructional Designers are working on. We now have a few new Instructional Designers: @rkohilakis and @westnz

The following team members provided updates on where they are at with their commitments: @peteringersoll @rkohilakis @courane01 @arasae @magicroundabout @webcommsat @westnz @hughlashbrooke

We have a few lesson plans ready to be created.

  1. Site Backup
  2. Migrate, Copy, or Clone a Site @arasae may be able to work on this one.
  3. Introduction to Gutenberg @webcommsat suggested @bobbingwide might be able to help with this one. This relates to the GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc. https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/ pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/ or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party. @peteringersoll may work on this as well.

The team had a Zoom session to go through some questions on how to use the Training Team Trello board.

Drafts in Progress

There hasn’t been much progress on these lesson plans, but @courane01 did connect with a dev with Windows for the needed testing

Courses – there has been a lot of progress as mentioned during the Check-in.

This month saw a lot of proposals, big decisions, and onboarding.

October planning:

  • @arasae drafting a proposal on how to create a lesson plan and test it out in November
  • @rkohilakis convert existing workshops into lesson plans – at least once a week
  • Include published workshops in Sprint planning and TrelloTrello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the make.wordpress.com/marketing team uses for example: https://trello.com/b/8UGHVBu8/wp-marketing. board updates for #marketing
  • Open up a thorough review of content we had to unpublish until the brand guidelines were in place, ensuring no revisionsRevisions The WordPress revisions system stores a record of each saved draft or published update. The revision system allows you to see what changes were made in each revision by dragging a slider (or using the Next/Previous buttons). The display indicates what has changed in each revision. are needed, and taking a lot of lessons live

Open Discussions

Slides Plugin – as a team, we included Google Slides as a “better than nothing” option, but a few folks have begun stepping forward interested in contributing as developers to code.  We’ve found something that from test runs is 99% of the way there, and are inquiring how to unblock progress while not placing a burden upon the MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. team to maintain in general.

@binarygary @alexstine and @danilong to collaborate on reviewing the plugin, accessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessibility) concerns and identifying what is needed to fix the bug and the maintenance overhead.

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via learn.wordpress.org.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links

  1. Getting Involved:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/
  2. About The Team:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/about/ 
  3. Our Team Blog:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/ 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/BsfzszRM/wordpress-training-team-lesson-plan-development 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/category/sprint/
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/rK1tztAA/learn-wordpress 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:- https://github.com/WordPress/learn
  8. Our Lesson Plans:- https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson-plans/
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxqNA0WORZXWurEP6cNV6w 
  10. Learn Website:- https://learn.wordpress.org/

#learnwp, #training-team

Meeting Agenda for 28 September 2021

Please join us Team Meeting Tuesdays 1600 UTC OR Team Meeting Wednesday 0300 UTC (APAC friendly) OR Office Hour Friday 1000 UTC OR Coffee Hour Friday 1300 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meetings!

This Week’s Agenda

  1. Intro/Welcome
  2. News
    1. Welcome and Support Flow Wranglers
    2. Comments and sharing on:
      1. Learner achievements for courses
      2. Translation Days Sept 29 at 10:00 UTC
      3. Learn WordPress Needs Assement Results
      4. Should Learn WordPress contributors be GPL compliant?
      5. PROPOSAL: Ensuring high-quality video contributions to Learn WordPress
    3. Team Badges
    4. WCUS Training Team presentation
      1. No Friday meetings
  3. Sprint
    1. Progress
      1. Preparing Learn for WordPress Updates
      2. Mini-sprint
    2. Check-in
      1. What did you commit to last week?
      2. What did you do?
      3. Any blockers?
      4. What will you do next week?
  4. Open Discussions

Upcoming Meetings

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute to WordPress through synchronous and asynchronous learning as well as downloadable lesson plans for instructors to use in live environments, via learn.wordpress.org.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links

  1. Getting Involved:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/
  2. About The Team:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/about/ 
  3. Our Team Blog:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/ 
  4. Our Content Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/BsfzszRM/wordpress-training-team-lesson-plan-development 
  5. What We Are Currently Working On This Month:- https://make.wordpress.org/training/category/sprint/
  6. Learn WordPress Roadmap:- https://trello.com/b/rK1tztAA/learn-wordpress 
  7. Learn WordPress Issues Log:- https://github.com/WordPress/learn
  8. Our Lesson Plans:- https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson-plans/
  9. Our YouTube Channel:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxqNA0WORZXWurEP6cNV6w 
  10. Learn Website:- https://learn.wordpress.org/


PROPOSAL: Ensuring high-quality video contributions to Learn WordPress

The Training Team is incredibly grateful to everyone who helped to launch Learn WordPress and has contributed valuable and solid content. Not least because Learn WordPress is going to be the first place that many people encounter in the WordPress project. Indeed, it may be the only part of the WordPress.orgWordPress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ network that they ever engage with. This is due to the fact that many users will come looking for training on how to do something with WordPress and won’t have any interest in the community beyond that. If people come to Learn WordPress without any knowledge of how the WordPress community works as an open-source project, they will be expecting to find videos that match the quality they could find elsewhere.

A proposal

Learn WordPress content needs to be of high quality, but most people don’t have access to expensive recording equipment and it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to match the video quality of those who do. Production quality must not be a blocker for people contributing their skills and knowledge to the platform, so what can be done about it?

After thinking about this for a while, I have a proposal for how we can proceed that involves two areas of focus:

Distinguish between video types

The idea would be to distinguish between the highly produced videos and the community contributed ones in a similar way to how TED and TEDx talks are different from each other. This would mean there would be a separate taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. https://codex.wordpress.org/Taxonomies#Default_Taxonomies. that clearly identifies which videos are produced with high-quality equipment and which ones are not. The visual distinction here would need to be discussed before we move forward with anything. My initial thinking is that there would be a section titled “Community Content” or similar that would feature the videos contributed by the community that are not of the production quality standards that are set. These production standards would need to be discussed and finalised before we implement anything here.

Collaborate on planning, but limit who can produce

The other area of focus to complement the separate video types would be to allow anyone to get involved in planning and scripting videos, but only allow approved people to actually record/produce the ones that are not included in the “Community Content” section. In practice, this could look something like this:

  1. Certain people are selected (through a public application process that anyone can submit themselves) to be approved as presenters & producers – this would have a few requirements along the lines of having access to high-quality recording equipment, being able to present well, etc. – this would need to be clearly defined and formalised with a vetting process for new applications. There would be a strong focus on building up a diverse set of voices for this group.
  2. Multiple people collaborate on outlining a video and writing a script for it – this would include anyone who would like to be involved.
  3. The finished outline and script is given to one of the approved presenters to record – this could be one of the people who wrote the script or it could be someone else.
  4. If the video is a screencast with a voiceover, we could even have a subject matter expert record the screencast and one of the approved presenters record the voiceover in order to ensure content can be written to cater to all skillsets.

The advantage of this is that anyone can get involved in creating content, even if they aren’t able (or don’t want to!) actually present/produce it, with the end result being that we have high-quality content produced to a high standard. All contributors would still be credited on the workshop video page regardless of their role in creating the video.


Please provide feedback along the following lines:

  • Do you feel this proposal is a good way to ensure that Learn WordPress videos remain high-quality while also encouraging contributors to get involved?
  • Is there anything you would change about this proposal?
  • Do you have a different proposal to suggest?

This discussion on this post will be open until the end of the day on Wedensday, 6 October and then the comments will be summarised with a decision being made based on what is discussed.

#learn-wordpress, #proposal, #videos

Preparing Learn for WordPress Updates

When WordPress releases an update, the documentation and training materials about features that have been changed need to be revisited.

To help organize content based upon features, we now have custom taxonomyTaxonomy A taxonomy is a way to group things together. In WordPress, some common taxonomies are category, link, tag, or post format. https://codex.wordpress.org/Taxonomies#Default_Taxonomies. only visible when logged in to Learn. We need help organizing that taxonomy.

Here’s a demonstration:

As a recap:

  • Log in to Learn
  • Go to Lesson Plans and later Workshops
  • View all posts
  • Look at the columns visible
  • If a post does not have “Included Content Done”, edit that post.
  • Review the post
  • Assign the version of WordPress displayed
  • Assign the Included Content taxonomy
  • In Edit Flow’s custom metadata (bottom or right sidebarSidebar A sidebar in WordPress is referred to a widget-ready area used by WordPress themes to display information that is not a part of the main content. It is not always a vertical column on the side. It can be a horizontal rectangle below or above the content area, footer, header, or any where in the theme.), check the box to indicate “Included Content Done”
  • Publish

Leave comments below with the progress or any questions.

#5ftf, #content-audit