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Deeplinks Blog

Cross Border Police Surveillance Treaty Must Have Clear, Enforceable Privacy Safeguards, Not a Patchwork of Weak Provisions

This is the fourth post in a series about recommendations EFF, European Digital Rights, the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy & Public Interest Clinic, and other civil society organizations have submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which is currently reviewing the Second Additional Protocol to...

EU flag with scales of justice

EFF, Access Now, and Partners to European Parliament: Free Speech, Privacy and Other Fundamental Rights Should Not be Up for Negotiation in the Digital Services Act

The European Committee on Legal Affairs adopted the proposals discussed here on Sept. 30 by a vote of 15+/9-. The proposals now go to the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), which will develop a position with a vote scheduled for November 8. European Union (EU) civil...

HTTPS Is Actually Everywhere

For more than 10 years, EFF’s HTTPS Everywhere browser extension has provided a much-needed service to users: encrypting their browser communications with websites and making sure they benefit from the protection of HTTPS wherever possible. Since we started offering HTTPS Everywhere, the battle to ...


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