A5114 road

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The A5114 is a British A road which is located on the island of Anglesey, Wales. It runs from a roundabout just off Junction 6 of the A55 (at the intersection with the A5) to the centre of the county town, Llangefni.

The route[edit]

At just over 1.3 miles (2 kilometres) the road is an extremely short one and runs in a north-north easterly direction for its duration. A turning a corner built for the junction first 0.7 miles of the road runs straight, along flat open fields. On reaching the edge of town, there's a T-junction with left-turn slip road for an industrial estate to the east. This is the first road met since leaving the dumbbell at the A55/A5. The road then becomes a bit less ruler-straight, with some gentle curves. There are some houses on the west side, set back from the road with hedges shielding it, and a car dealership and a petrol station on the east side. There is a 12 ft 3 in (3.73 m) bridge under the disused Anglesey Central Railway which is narrow and requires inbound traffic to give way - and the road north of here is much more urban in character. The road shortly ends at a T-junction with the one-way B5109 in the town centre, where vehicles must turn left.

Historically the road was part of the B5111.