
Awkward solutions to Advent of Code challenges

In day 6 of the 2019 Advent of Code edition, we are presented with a system of objects orbiting in space. All objects orbit the center of mass of the system (modeled as object COM), either directly or by orbiting a larger object.

COM)B  # B orbits COM
B)C    # C orbits B
C)D    # D orbits C

These chains of orbits can be solved as a directed graph. It just so happens that the old Unix toolkit has tools to operate on directed graphs. They aren’t designed for the use that we will make of them, but that’s what makes this fun.

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Jobs and pipes

I just watched one of Gary Bernhardt’s excellent screencasts, Tar, Fork and the Tar Pipe. It’s a succinct and powerful overview of key Unix concepts and I highly recommend watching it. If you’re new to Unix, it can be an eye-opening, refreshing look at computing. If you’re seasoned, Bernhardt’s fine execution is still a delight to watch.

While on that topic, I thought I could share some toy code that I’ve had lying around since last year. I will take the time to explain the process, hoping that in the end the result will, it too, seem refreshingly simple.

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Superposition & Indetermination

Or: The List Monad

Last year, I introduced monads under a more “intuitive” light—focus was placed on the semantics of monads rather than formal definitions, turning to the Maybe monad as a first contact. The following assumes the reading of said article.

Continue reading “Superposition & Indetermination”

Make the Web

I recently stumbled upon The Lost Art of the Makefile. It was a timely find, in that I too had been circling back to make and the article expresses some of my opinions. It’s a tool that is not only still relevant, but, I argue, more enjoyable and apt for many scenarios than the modern tools that get chosen by default or vice. Continue reading “Make the Web”