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    Blake Pierce

    “When you think that life cannot get better, Blake Pierce comes up with another masterpiece of thriller and mystery! This book is full of twists, and the end brings a surprising revelation. Strongly recommended for the permanent library of any reader who enjoys a very well-written thriller.”

    --Books and Movie Reviews (re Almost Gone)

    DEATH IN FLORENCE is book #2 in a charming new cozy mystery series by USA Today bestselling author Blake Pierce, whose #1 bestseller Once Gone has received 1,500 five-star reviews. The series (A YEAR IN EUROPE) begins with book #1 (A MURDER IN PARIS).

    Diana Hope, 55, is still adjusting to her recent separation when she discovers her ex-husband has just proposed to a woman 30 years younger. Secretly hoping they would reunite, Diana is devastated. She realizes the time has come to reimagine life without him—in fact, to reimagine her life, period.

    Devoting the last 30 years of her life to being a dutiful wife and mother and to climbing the corporate ladder, Diana has been relentlessly driven, and has not taken a moment to do anything for herself. Now, the time has come.

    Diana never forgot her first boyfriend, who begged her to join him for a year in Europe after college. She had wanted to go so badly, but it had seemed like a wild, romantic idea, and a gap year, she’d thought, would hinder her resume and career. But now, with her daughters grown, her husband gone, and her career no longer fulfilling, Diana realizes it’s time for herself—and to take that romantic year in Europe she’d always dreamed of.

    Diana prepares to embark on the year of her life, finally turning to her bucket list, hoping to tour the most beautiful sights and sample the most scrumptious cuisines—and maybe, even, to fall in love again. But a year in Europe may have different plans in store for her. Can A-type Diana learn to go with the flow, to be spontaneous, to let down her guard and to learn to truly enjoy life again?

    In DEATH IN FLORENCE (Book #2), Diana arrives in Florence, ready to shake off the events of Paris and fulfill her lifelong dream of being proposed to on the romantic Ponte Vecchio bridge. But Diana can never possibly anticipate what she is about to find on that bridge, and how it may just turn her romantic dream into a ridiculous nightmare!

    A YEAR IN EUROPE is a charming and laugh-out-loud cozy mystery series, packed with food and travel, with mysteries that will leave you on the edge of your seat, and with experiences that will leave you with a sense of wonder. As Diana embarks on her quixotic quest for love and meaning, you will find yourself falling in love and rooting for her. You will be in shock at the twists and turns her journey takes as she somehow finds herself at the center of a mystery, and must play amateur sleuth to solve it. Fans of books like Eat, Pray, Love and Under the Tuscan Sun have finally found the cozy mystery series they’ve been hoping for!

    Book #3 (VENGEANCE IN VIENNA) in the series is now also available!

    Morgan Rice

    “L'ANNEAU DU SORCIER a tous les ingrédients d'un succès immédiat : des intrigues, des contre-intrigues, du mystère, de vaillants chevaliers et des relations en plein épanouissement qui débordent de cœurs brisés, de tromperies et de trahisons. Ce roman vous distraira pendant des heures et satisfera toutes les tranches d'âge. A ajouter à la bibliothèque permanente de tous les lecteurs d'heroic fantasy.”

    --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

    LA MARCHE DES ROIS nous fait franchir une étape du voyage épique de Thor vers l'âge adulte. Alors qu'il est en passe de devenir un guerrier, il commence à mieux comprendre qui il est et en quoi consistent ses pouvoirs.

    Après s'être échappé du cachot, Thor est horrifié d'apprendre qu'il y a eu une autre tentative d'assassinat sur le Roi MacGil. Quand MacGil meurt, le royaume sombre dans le chaos. Tout le monde veut monter sur le trône, la Cour du Roi regorge plus que jamais de drames familiaux, de luttes de pouvoir, d'ambitions, de jalousie, de violence et de trahisons. Il est prévu qu'un héritier soit choisi parmi les enfants, et l'ancienne Épée du Destin, la source de tout leur pouvoir, aura une chance d'être maniée par quelqu'un de nouveau. Cependant, cette procédure pourrait être mise à mal car on retrouve l'arme du crime et les enquêteurs sont sur le point de trouver l'assassin. En même temps, les MacGil doivent faire face à la nouvelle menace des McCloud, qui s'organisent pour mener une autre attaque depuis l'intérieur de l'Anneau.

    Thor se bat pour regagner l'amour de Gwendolyn mais pourrait ne pas en avoir le temps : on lui dit de faire ses bagages et de se préparer aux Cent avec ses frères d'armes, cent jours exténuants et infernaux auxquels tous les membres de la Légion doivent survivre. En guise d'initiation à l'âge adulte, la Légion devra traverser le Canyon, passer au-delà de la protection de l'Anneau, pénétrer dans les Terres Sauvages et traverser la Mer Tartuvienne pour aller sur l'Île des Brumes qui, dit-on, est gardée par un dragon.

    En reviendront-ils vivants ? Est-ce que l'Anneau survivra pendant leur absence ? Et est-ce que Thor apprendra finalement le secret de sa destinée ?

    Avec sa création de mondes et sa caractérisation sophistiquées, LA MARCHE DES ROIS est un conte épique avec amis et amants, rivaux et prétendants, chevaliers et dragons, intrigues et machinations politiques, avec passage à l'âge adulte, cœurs brisés, tromperies, ambition et trahisons. C'est un conte avec de l'honneur et du courage, du destin et de la sorcellerie. C'est une histoire d'heroic fantasy qui nous emmène dans un monde que nous n'oublierons jamais et qui satisfera toutes les tranches d'âge et tous les sexes.

    Les tomes 3 à 17 de la série sont également disponibles !

    Gaston Leroux
    La porte de la chambre fermée à clef " de l'intérieur ", les volets de l'unique fenêtre fermés, eux aussi, " de l'intérieur ", pas de cheminée... Qui a tenté de tuer Mlle Stangerson et, surtout, par où l'assassin a-t-il pu quitter la chambre jaune ? C'est le jeune reporter Rouletabille, limier surdoué et raisonnant par " le bon bout de la raison, ce bon bout que l'on reconnait à ce que rien ne peut le faire craquer ", qui va trouver la solution de cet affolant problème, au terme d'une enquête fertile en aventures et en rebondissements. Tenant en haleine le lecteur de la première à la dernière page, "Le Mystère de la chambre jaune" est devenu un classique du roman criminel. Stangerson et sa fille Mathilde habitent le château du Glandier où ils poursuivent leurs recherches scientifiques. La presse annonce la tentative de meurtre sur Mathilde qui dormait dans la "Chambre Jaune". Alerté par ses cris, son père n'a pas vu d'assassin dans la pièce qui ne comporte qu'une porte et une seule fenêtre grillagée. Le jeune Rouletabille, reporter à l'Époque, se rend au Glandier avec Sainclair, son ami avocat. Ils y retrouvent M. de Marquet, le juge d'instruction obtus, Darzac, le fiancé de Mathilde à la conduite équivoque, le grand Fred Larsan, un policier renommé, et un mystérieux "homme vert..." Vingt ans avant Tintin, Rouletabille préfigurait le reporter débrouillard. Sa jeunesse l'emporte sur des personnages plus hauts sur l'échelle sociale, trop coincés dans leurs convictions : c'est un nouveau siècle qui s'annonce. Écrite en 1907 par l'un des pères du polar français, cette histoire demeure l'archétype du problème de local clos.
    Blake Pierce

    A bundle of books #4 (ONCE LURED) and #5 (ONCE HUNTED) in Blake Pierce’s Riley Paige Mystery series—which begins with ONCE GONE, a #1 bestseller with over 350 five star reviews—and a free download! This bundle offers books #4 and #5 in one convenient file, with over 150,000 words of reading.

    In ONCE LURED, the FBI, desperate to crack the case, urges Special Agent Riley Paige to take it on. But the brilliant Riley, still reeling from past cases, has finally found peace in her home life, and is determined to help her daughter April get back on her feet. Yet when the murders become too disturbing, too urgent—and when her former partner Bill implores her—Riley finally realizes she can’t say no. Riley’s hunt leads her deep into the unsettling world of hitchhikers, of drifters, of women that no one else cares for. When she discovers that several women are being kept alive and that there is still time to save them, she realizes she will stop at nothing, obsessing over the case and driving herself to the brink.

    In ONCE HUNTED, Special Agent Riley Paige’s worst nightmare has come true: a serial killer she put away years ago is loose. And his main target is her. Riley is used to being the one hunting, but for the first time, she finds herself—and her family—to be the ones being hunted. As the killer stalks her, he also begins a new rampage of kills, and Riley must stop him before it is too late—for the other victims, and for herself. But this is no ordinary killer. He is too smart, and their game of cat-and-mouse too twisted, and he somehow manages to elude her and always stay one step ahead.

    Dark psychological thrillers with heart-pounding suspense, the Riley Paige mysteries are a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night.

    Morgan Rice

    “Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!”

    --Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)


    A bundle of books four, five, and six in Morgan Rice’s fantasy series A THRONE FOR SISTERS (A DIRGE FOR PRINCES, A JEWEL FOR ROYALS, and A KISS FOR QUEENS). Here are three bestselling novels, all in one convenient file. Over 250,000 words of reading, all for an incredible price—it also makes the perfect gift!


    In A DIRGE FOR PRINCES (A Throne for Sisters—Book Four), Sophia battles for her life, trying to recover from the wound left by Lady D’Angelica. Will her sister Kate’s new powers be enough to bring her back? The ship sails with the sisters to the distant and exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope and only known connection to their parents. Yet the journey is treacherous, and even if they find it, the sisters don’t know if their reception will be warm or hostile. Kate, indentured to the witch, finds herself in an increasingly desperate situation—until she meets a sorceress who may hold the secret to her freedom. Sebastian returns to court, heartbroken, desperate to know if Sophia is alive. As his mother forces him to marry Lady D’Angelica, he knows the time has come to risk it all.


    In A JEWEL FOR ROYALS (A Throne for Sisters—Book Five), Sophia, 17, gets word that Sebastian, her love, is imprisoned and set to be executed. Will she risk it all for love? Her sister Kate, 15, struggles to escape the witch’s power—but it may be too strong. Kate may be forced to pay the price for the deal she made—and to live a life she doesn’t want to. The Queen is furious at Lady D’Angelica for failing to woo her son, Sebastian. She is prepared to sentence her to the Lead Mask. But Lady D’Angelica has her own plans, and she won’t go down so easily. Cora and Emeline finally reach Stonehome—and what they find there shocks them. Most shocking of all, though, is Sophia and Kate’s brother, a man who will change their destinies forever. What secrets does he hold about their long-lost parents?


    In A KISS FOR QUEENS (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six), it is time for Sophia to come into her own. It is time for her to lead an army, to lead a nation, to step up and be the commander of the most epic battle the realm may ever see. Her love, Sebastian, remains imprisoned and set to be executed. Will they reunite in time? Kate has finally freed herself from the witch’s power, and is free to become the warrior she was meant to be. Her skills will be tested in the battle of her life, as she fights at her sister’s side. Will the sisters save each other? The Queen, furious at Rupert and Lady D’Angelica, exiles him and sentences her to execution. But they just may have their own agenda.


    A THRONE FOR SISTER is a dazzling new fantasy series rife with love, heartbreak, tragedy, action, adventure, magic, sorcery, dragons, fate and heart-pounding suspense. A page turner, it is filled with characters that will make you fall in love, and a world you will never forget.


    Book #7 in A THRONE FOR SISTERS is also available!

    Morgan Rice

    “THE SORCERER’S RING has all the ingredients for an instant success: plots, counterplots, mystery, valiant knights, and blossoming relationships replete with broken hearts, deception and betrayal. It will keep you entertained for hours, and will satisfy all ages. Recommended for the permanent library of all fantasy readers.”--Books and Movie Reviews. 

    This bundle includes books 5 and 6 in Morgan Rice’s #1 Bestselling fantasy series THE SORCERER’S RING (A VOW OF GLORY and A CHARGE OF VALOR), a 17 book epic fantasy series with over 1,000 five star reviews. These two bestselling novels are both here in one convenient file.

    In A VOW OF GLORY (Book #5 in the Sorcerer's Ring), Thor embarks with his Legion friends on an epic quest into the vast wilds of the Empire to try to find the ancient Destiny Sword and save the Ring. Thor’s friendships deepen, as they journey to new places, face unexpected monsters and fight side by side in unimaginable battle. They encounter exotic lands, creatures and peoples beyond which they could have ever imagined, each step of their journey fraught with increasing danger. They will have to summon all their skills if they are to survive as they follow the trail of the thieves, deeper and deeper into the Empire. Their quest will bring them all the way into the heart of the Underworld, one of the seven realms of hell, where the undead rule and fields are lined with bones. As Thor must summon his powers, more than ever, he struggles to understand the nature of who he is.

    In A CHARGE OF VALOR (Book #6 in the Sorcerer's Ring), Thor continues on his quest, deeper into the Empire, to retrieve the stolen Destiny Sword and save the Ring. As he and his friends meet unexpected tragedy and lose a member of their close-knit group, Thor and his remaining friends become closer than they ever were, learning that they must face and overcome adversity together. Their journey takes them to new and exotic terrains, including the desolate Salt Fields, the Great Tunnel, and the Mountains of Fire, as they face a host of unexpected monsters at every turn.

    With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, THE SORCERER'S RING is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders.

    Morgan Rice

    “L'ANNEAU DU SORCIER a tous les ingrédients d'un succès immédiat : des intrigues, des contre-intrigues, du mystère, de vaillants chevaliers et des relations en plein épanouissement qui débordent de cœurs brisés, de tromperies et de trahisons. Ce roman vous distraira pendant des heures et satisfera toutes les tranches d'âge. A ajouter à la bibliothèque permanente de tous les lecteurs d'heroic fantasy.”

    --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

    LA MARCHE DES ROIS nous fait franchir une étape du voyage épique de Thor vers l'âge adulte. Alors qu'il est en passe de devenir un guerrier, il commence à mieux comprendre qui il est et en quoi consistent ses pouvoirs.

    Après s'être échappé du cachot, Thor est horrifié d'apprendre qu'il y a eu une autre tentative d'assassinat sur le Roi MacGil. Quand MacGil meurt, le royaume sombre dans le chaos. Tout le monde veut monter sur le trône, la Cour du Roi regorge plus que jamais de drames familiaux, de luttes de pouvoir, d'ambitions, de jalousie, de violence et de trahisons. Il est prévu qu'un héritier soit choisi parmi les enfants, et l'ancienne Épée du Destin, la source de tout leur pouvoir, aura une chance d'être maniée par quelqu'un de nouveau. Cependant, cette procédure pourrait être mise à mal car on retrouve l'arme du crime et les enquêteurs sont sur le point de trouver l'assassin. En même temps, les MacGil doivent faire face à la nouvelle menace des McCloud, qui s'organisent pour mener une autre attaque depuis l'intérieur de l'Anneau.

    Thor se bat pour regagner l'amour de Gwendolyn mais pourrait ne pas en avoir le temps : on lui dit de faire ses bagages et de se préparer aux Cent avec ses frères d'armes, cent jours exténuants et infernaux auxquels tous les membres de la Légion doivent survivre. En guise d'initiation à l'âge adulte, la Légion devra traverser le Canyon, passer au-delà de la protection de l'Anneau, pénétrer dans les Terres Sauvages et traverser la Mer Tartuvienne pour aller sur l'Île des Brumes qui, dit-on, est gardée par un dragon.

    En reviendront-ils vivants ? Est-ce que l'Anneau survivra pendant leur absence ? Et est-ce que Thor apprendra finalement le secret de sa destinée ?

    Avec sa création de mondes et sa caractérisation sophistiquées, LA MARCHE DES ROIS est un conte épique avec amis et amants, rivaux et prétendants, chevaliers et dragons, intrigues et machinations politiques, avec passage à l'âge adulte, cœurs brisés, tromperies, ambition et trahisons. C'est un conte avec de l'honneur et du courage, du destin et de la sorcellerie. C'est une histoire d'heroic fantasy qui nous emmène dans un monde que nous n'oublierons jamais et qui satisfera toutes les tranches d'âge et tous les sexes.

    Les tomes 3 à 17 de la série sont également disponibles !

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