Respecting your privacy has always been among Xiaomi's core values.Our data protection practice is conforming to top standards around the world.Lei JunFounder, Chairman, CEO


Transparency is our policy

It is important that our users know what information we collect and why, and how it’s used. Being explicitly clear about our data practice by making the information accessible and understandable, we help you make informed decisions as you use our products and services.We also publicly publish our
Transparency Report

Control of your data

At Xiaomi, we believe users should stay informed and in control when it comes to privacy. The control over your data always remains an individual choice that belongs only to you. We will only collect your data with your consent. You can request to access, correct or delete the information collected in
Privacy Support
at any time.

Keep your data secure

Your data is secured by our security protection mechanisms which are tested and certified by the world's leading experts. Your data is transmitted by the encrypted communication channels and stored in global top-tier cloud providers.

Supporting global privacy compliance

Privacy and security protection have always been the key concepts of our product design. We devote ourselves to establishing a standardized, and progressive privacy impact assessment procedure to ensure that our products and services are compliant with data protection laws and regulations.

Innovating trustworthy AI

We believe that AI technology enhances and enriches user experience of our consumer electronic products. We are currently using the following AI algorithms in our devices: camera image optimization, voice communication noise reduction, fingerprint and face unlocking. Our AI algorithms never transmit any user data. All AI algorithms run on your local device, and all data processed by these AI algorithms is stored on your local device only.

No data will be uploaded under Mi Browser incognito mode

Mi Browser is a chromium-based web browser. We won't record the sites you visit, the keywords your searched and any other data when the incognito mode is enabled.

1. We store user data in top-tier cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, Microsft Azure, etc.

2. We conform beyond the applicable minimum legal requirements, including GDPR, etc. Our privacy protection practice has been verified by

Building Trust

We begin with the following four principles


We are committed to creating a more secure digital world.


We respect and protect your privacy.


We strive for transparency regarding requests of the authorities.


We strive for transparency regarding requests of the authorities.


MIUI 12 Security White Paper

Published on May, 2021

MIUI 12 Privacy White Paper

Published on June, 2021

Security Baseline for Consumer IoT Device

Published on January, 2021

Xiaomi IoT Privacy White Paper

Published on June, 2021

ioXt SmartCert for Mi 11 Ultra

Published on April, 2021

BSI IoT Kitemark™

Published on August, 2021