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    Top ebooks in medicine

    Walkley Award-winning journalist, Sharri Markson is the Investigations Editor at The Australian and host of prime-time show Sharri on Sky News Australia.

    The origins of Covid-19 are shrouded in mystery. Scientists and government officials insisted, for a year and a half, that the virus had a natural origin, ridiculing anyone who dared contradict this view. Tech giants swept the internet, censoring and silencing debate in the most extreme fashion. Yet it is undeniable that a secretive facility in Wuhan was immersed in genetically manipulating bat-coronaviruses in perilous experiments. And as soon as the news of an outbreak in Wuhan leaked, the Chinese military took control and gagged all laboratory insiders.

    Part-thriller, part-expose, What Really Happened in Wuhan is a ground-breaking investigation from leading journalist Sharri Markson into the origins of Covid-19, the cover-ups, the conspiracies and the classified research. It features never-before-seen primary documents exposing China's concealment of the virus, fresh interviews with whistleblower doctors in Wuhan and crucial eyewitness accounts that dismantle what we thought we knew about when the outbreak hit.

    With unprecedented access to Washington insiders, Markson takes you inside the White House, with senior Trump lieutenants revealing first-hand accounts of fiery Oval Office clashes and new stories of compromised government advisors and censored scientists.

    Bravely reported and chillingly laid out, Markson brings to light the stories of the pandemic from the people on the ground: the scientists and national security officials who raised uncomfortable truths and were labelled conspiracy theorists, until government agencies began to suspect they might have been right all along. These brave individuals persisted through bruising battles and played a crucial role in investigating the origins of Covid-19 to finally, in this book, bring us closer to the truth of what really happened in Wuhan.


    Physician and former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb asks: Has America’s COVID-19 catastrophe taught us anything?

    In Uncontrolled Spread, he shows how the coronavirus and its variants were able to trounce America’s pandemic preparations, and he outlines the steps that must be taken to protect against the next outbreak. As the pandemic unfolded, Gottlieb was in regular contact with all the key players in Congress, the Trump administration, and the drug and diagnostic industries. He provides an inside account of how level after level of American government crumbled as the COVID-19 crisis advanced.

    A system-wide failure across government institutions left the nation blind to the threat, and unable to mount an effective response. We’d prepared for the wrong virus. We failed to identify the contagion early enough and became overly reliant on costly and sometimes divisive tactics that couldn’t fully slow the spread. We never considered asymptomatic transmission and we assumed people would follow public health guidance. Key bureaucracies like the CDC were hidebound and outmatched. Weak political leadership aggravated these woes. We didn’t view a public health disaster as a threat to our national security.

    Many of the woes sprung from the CDC, which has very little real-time reporting capability to inform us of Covid’s twists and turns or assess our defenses. The agency lacked an operational capacity and mindset to mobilize the kind of national response that was needed. To guard against future pandemic risks, we must remake the CDC and properly equip it to better confront crises. We must also get our intelligence services more engaged in the global public health mission, to gather information and uncover emerging risks before they hit our shores so we can head them off. For this role, our clandestine agencies have tools and capabilities that the CDC lacks.

    Uncontrolled Spread argues we must fix our systems and prepare for a deadlier coronavirus variant, a flu pandemic, or whatever else nature -- or those wishing us harm -- may threaten us with. Gottlieb outlines policies and investments that are essential to prepare the United States and the world for future threats.

    “Fun…and full of smart science. Fans of CSI—the real kind—will want to read it” (The Washington Post): A young forensic pathologist’s “rookie season” as a NYC medical examiner, and the hair-raising cases that shaped her as a physician and human being.

    Just two months before the September 11 terrorist attacks, Dr. Judy Melinek began her training as a New York City forensic pathologist. While her husband and their toddler held down the home front, Judy threw herself into the fascinating world of death investigation—performing autopsies, investigating death scenes, counseling grieving relatives. Working Stiff chronicles Judy’s two years of training, taking readers behind the police tape of some of the most harrowing deaths in the Big Apple, including a firsthand account of the events of September 11, the subsequent anthrax bio-terrorism attack, and the disastrous crash of American Airlines Flight 587.

    An unvarnished portrait of the daily life of medical examiners—complete with grisly anecdotes, chilling crime scenes, and a welcome dose of gallows humor—Working Stiff offers a glimpse into the daily life of one of America’s most arduous professions, and the unexpected challenges of shuttling between the domains of the living and the dead. The body never lies—and through the murders, accidents, and suicides that land on her table, Dr. Melinek lays bare the truth behind the glamorized depictions of autopsy work on television to reveal the secret story of the real morgue. “Haunting and illuminating...the stories from her average workdays…transfix the reader with their demonstration that medical science can diagnose and console long after the heartbeat stops” (The New York Times).
    A contemporary and vibrant Deaf culture is found within Deaf communities, including Deaf Persons of Color and those who are DeafDisabled and DeafBlind. Taking a more people-centered view, the second edition of Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States critically examines how Deaf culture fits into education, psychology, cultural studies, technology, and the arts. With the acknowledgment of signed languages all over the world as bona fide languages, the perception of Deaf people has evolved into the recognition and acceptance of a vibrant Deaf culture centered around the use of signed languages and the communities of Deaf peoples. Written by Deaf and hearing authors with extensive teaching experience and immersion in Deaf cultures and signed languages, Deaf Culture fills a niche as an introductory textbook that is more inclusive, accessible, and straightforward for those beginning their studies of the Deaf-World.

    New to the Second Edition:

    *A new co-author, Topher González Ávila, MA 

    *Two new chapters! 

    Chapter 7 “Deaf Communities Within the Deaf Community” highlights the complex variations within this community

    Chapter 10 “Deaf People and the Legal System: Education, Employment, and Criminal Justice” underscores linguistic and access rights

    *The remaining chapters have been significantly updated to reflect current trends and new information, such as:

    Advances in technology created by Deaf people that influence and enhance their lives within various national and international societies

    Greater emphasis on different perspectives within Deaf culture

    Information about legal issues and recent political action by Deaf people

    New information on how Deaf people are making breakthroughs in the entertainment industry

    Addition of new vignettes, examples, pictures, and perspectives to enhance content interest for readers and facilitate instructor teaching

    Introduction of theories explained in a practical and reader-friendly manner to ensure understanding

    An updated introduction to potential opportunities for professional and informal involvement in ASL/Deaf culture with children, youth, and adults 

    Key Features:

    *Strong focus on including different communities within Deaf cultures

    *Thought-provoking questions, illustrative vignettes, and examples

    *Theories introduced and explained in a practical and reader-friendly manner

    From the most-trusted name in nursing comes the handbook designed to help you understand common drug families and interactions. Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nursing Students, 14th Edition provides you with the latest information on more than 4,000 generic and trade-name drugs, along with the latest FDA-approved medications. Side-effects are organized by body system and identified as common or life threatening, informing you of what signs to watch for during assessments. In addition, drug monographs are arranged alphabetically, and each includes clear dosing, administration, and nursing process information so you are ready for clinicals. In fact, what sets this handbook apart is its detailed coverage of rationales and explanations, drug-specific nursing diagnoses, administration of IV drugs, and medication safety — helping you understand how families of drugs work together.
    • More than 4,000 generic and trade-name drugs
    • are profiled, covering almost every drug you will administer in practice or in clinicals.
    • Black Box Warnings alert you to FDA warnings of dangerous or life-threatening drug reactions.
    • Additional online-only drug monographs on the companion Evolve website provide information on even more medications.
    • Safety Alert icon denotes the most critical drug interactions and side effects.
    • Bold headings in coverage of IV drug administration highlight dosage and IV administration instructions, including safety considerations, syringe, and additive compatibilities.
    • Logical organization of side effects information shows you what signs to watch for during assessments.
    • Nursing Process steps are used as the framework for organizing all nursing care information.
    • Alphabetical organization by generic name provides quick and easy access to specific drugs, while the full-color design highlights important information.
    • Complete pharmacokinetic information includes the mechanism and absorption of the drug, as well as its action, duration, and excretion.
    • Cross-references indicate where drug information can be found in the appendixes.
    • NEW! Appendix with new drugs for 2022.
    • NEW! Updated Drug Categories that include the new 2022 drugs.
    • NEW! The most up-to-date information on drug dosages, warnings, and patient information ensures you understand the safe administration of common classes of drugs, as well as their common side effects and interactions.
    In August 2004, South Africa officially sought to legally recognize the practice of traditional healers. Largely in response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, and limited both by the number of practitioners and by patients’ access to treatment, biomedical practitioners looked toward the country’s traditional healers as important agents in the development of medical education and treatment. This collaboration has not been easy. The two medical cultures embrace different ideas about the body and the origin of illness, but they do share a history of commercial and ideological competition and different relations to state power. Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange, and Competition in South Africa, 1820–1948 provides a long-overdue historical perspective to these interactions and an understanding that is vital for the development of medical strategies to effectively deal with South Africa’s healthcare challenges.

    Between 1820 and 1948 traditional healers in Natal, South Africa, transformed themselves from politically powerful men and women who challenged colonial rule and law into successful entrepreneurs who competed for turf and patients with white biomedical doctors and pharmacists. To understand what is “traditional” about traditional medicine, Flint argues that we must consider the cultural actors and processes not commonly associated with African therapeutics: white biomedical practitioners, Indian healers, and the implementing of white rule.

    Carefully crafted, well written, and powerfully argued, Flint’s analysis of the ways that indigenous medical knowledge and therapeutic practices were forged, contested, and transformed over two centuries is highly illuminating, as is her demonstration that many “traditional” practices changed over time. Her discussion of African and Indian medical encounters opens up a whole new way of thinking about the social basis of health and healing in South Africa. This important book will be core reading for classes and future scholarship on health and healing in Africa.

    Discover simple yet powerful steps you can take to overcome emotional distress--and feel happier, calmer, and more confident. This life-changing book has already helped more than 1,200,000 readers use cognitive-behavioral therapy--one of today's most effective forms of psychotherapy--to conquer depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, and relationship problems. Revised and expanded to reflect significant scientific developments of the past 20 years, the second edition contains numerous new features: expanded content on anxiety; chapters on setting personal goals and maintaining progress; happiness rating scales; gratitude journals; innovative exercises focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and forgiveness; 25 new worksheets; and much more. Mind Over Mood will help you:*Learn proven, powerful, practical strategies to transform your life.*Follow step-by-step plans to overcome depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, and shame.*Set doable personal goals and track your progress (you can photocopy the worksheets from the book or download and print additional copies).*Practice your new skills until they become second nature. Cited as “The Most Influential Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Publication” by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies and included in the UK National Health Service Bibliotherapy Program.

    Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award, Consumer Health Category
    See also the Spanish-language edition: El control de tu estado de ánimo, Segunda edición. Plus, mental health professionals, see also The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, Second Edition.
    A thrilling story of scientific detective work and medical potential that illuminates the newly understood role of microglia—an elusive type of brain cell that is vitally relevant to our everyday lives.
    “The rarest of books: a combination of page-turning discovery and remarkably readable science journalism.”—Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?


    Until recently, microglia were thought to be helpful but rather boring: housekeeper cells in the brain. But a recent groundbreaking discovery has revealed that they connect our physical and mental health in surprising ways. When triggered—and anything that stirs up the immune system in the body can activate microglia, including chronic stressors, trauma, and viral infections—they can contribute to memory problems, anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer’s. Under the right circumstances, however, microglia can be coaxed back into being angelic healers, able to make brain repairs in ways that help alleviate symptoms and hold the promise to one day prevent disease.

    With the compassion born of her own experience, award-winning journalist Donna Jackson Nakazawa illuminates this newly understood science, following practitioners and patients on the front lines of treatments that help to “reboot” microglia. In at least one case, she witnesses a stunning recovery—and in others, significant relief from pressing symptoms, offering new hope to the tens of millions who suffer from mental, cognitive, and physical health issues.

    Hailed as a “riveting,” “stunning,” and “visionary,” The Angel and the Assassin offers us a radically reconceived picture of human health and promises to change everything we thought we knew about how to heal ourselves.
    An indispensable map through the medical minefield of prostate cancer, revised and updated with the latest developments in treatment options.
    Every year almost a quarter of a million confused and frightened American men are tossed into a prostate cancer cauldron stirred by salespeople representing a multibillion-dollar industry. Patients are too often rushed into a radical prostatectomy, a major operation that rarely prolongs life and more than half the time leaves them impotent. Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers argues that close monitoring—active surveillance rather than surgery or radiation—should be the initial treatment approach for many men at the low- and intermediate-risk stages.

    In a unique collaboration, doctor and patient provide a wholly new perspective on managing this disease. Ralph Blum’s account of his personal struggle, together with Dr. Mark Scholz’s presentation of new scientific advances, offers convincing evidence that this noninvasive approach can be crucial in preventing tens of thousands of men from being overtreated each year. This revised and updated second edition:
    -Highlights the latest prostate cancer treatment options that preserve erectile and urinary function while prolonging lifespan 
    -Establishes updated protocol for how to accurately interpret high prostate-specific antigen (PSA) while avoiding the invasive, dangerous random biopsy
    -Recounts true patient stories that accurately represent the hurdles today’s patients face while navigating a prostate cancer diagnosis 
    -Introduces the latest evidence in the radiation vs. radical prostatectomy debate 
    -Presents the latest thinking on diet and exercise for men with prostate cancer
    The number one book in pediatric OT is back! Focusing on children from infancy to adolescence, Case-Smith's Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 8th Edition provides comprehensive, full-color coverage of pediatric conditions and treatment techniques in all settings. Its emphasis on application of evidence-based practice includes: eight new chapters, a focus on clinical reasoning, updated references, research notes, and explanations of the evidentiary basis for specific interventions. Coverage of new research and theories, new techniques, and current trends, with additional case studies, keeps you in-step with the latest advances in the field. Developmental milestone tables serve as a quick reference throughout the book!
    • NEW! Eight completely new chapters cover Theory and Practice Models for Occupational Therapy With Children, Development of Occupations and Skills From Infancy Through Adolescence, Therapeutic Use of Self, Observational Assessment and Activity Analysis, Evaluation Interpretation, and Goal Writing, Documenting Outcomes, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and Vision Impairment.
    • NEW! A focus on theory and principles Practice Models promote clinical reasoning.
    • NEW! Emphasis on application of theory and frames of reference in practice appear throughout chapters in book.
    • NEW! Developmental milestone tables serve as quick reference guides.
    • NEW! Online materials included to help facilitate your understanding of what’s covered in the text.
    • NEW! Textbook is organized into six sections to fully describe the occupational therapy process and follow OTPF.
    If you are studying for the family nurse practitioner certification exam, the highly acclaimed Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review is a must-have resource. Lauded for its concise, well-organized format, this fourth edition has been significantly revised and updated to feature key information about the new AANPCB and ANCC certification exams, all new end-of-chapter review questions, and new full-color images. The fourth edition also features four practice tests with hundreds of new questions and rationales—800 questions in total. Extensive test-taking techniques and question dissection and analysis chapters help you identify the best clues during the problem-solving process so that you can strategically master the certification exam.

    Designed to help FNP candidates boost their confidence through intensive review and high-quality questions, the fourth edition continues to provide succinct, precisely targeted “need-to-know” details of diseases and classic presentations you can expect to see in practice in patients across the life span. Organized by body system, chapters are consistently formatted to include Danger Signals, Normal Findings, Lab Findings, Benign Variants, and Disease Review topics. Each chapter features valuable Exam Tips and Clinical Pearls that highlight key considerations and information likely to be encountered on the exam, ideal for a last-minute refresher before test day. Ensure success by making this essential resource—praised by thousands for helping them pass their certification—a key part of your exam prep study regimen.

    Key Features:

    • Includes updated information reflecting the new AANPCB and ANCC certification exams
    • Introduces new end-of-chapter review questions to help you assess knowledge application and retention
    • Features four practice tests with hundreds of new questions and rationales
    • Provides a succinct and highly targeted review of diseases commonly seen in primary care, updated clinical information, all new color photos, and Exam Tips and Clinical Pearls to highlight key exam content
    • Outlines Danger Signals, Normal Findings, Lab Findings, and Benign Variants in physical assessment of each body system
    • Delineates strategic question-dissection techniques to simplify the problem-solving process
    • Offers an intensive pharmacology review and review of professional issues—ethical guidelines, professional roles, reimbursement, research, evidence-based medicine and epidemiology, and cultural considerations
    Use this set of colorful cards to master pharmacology! With over 90 cartoons covering drugs and related topics, Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, 4th Edition uses humor and illustrations to make studying easier and more fun. These durable, portable cards use mnemonics and other time-tested learning aids to help you prepare for class, clinicals, and the NCLEX® examination. Created by nursing educators JoAnn Zerwekh and Jo Carol Claborn, this unique tool may be used as either a spiral-bound notebook or as individual flashcards. It makes studying pharmacology a memorable experience!
    • UNIQUE! Over 90 full-color cartoons offer humorous and memorable presentations of key drugs.
    • UNIQUE! Color-highlighted monographs make it easier to identify nursing priorities on common medications.
    • UNIQUE! Mnemonics and other time-tested memory aids help you grasp and remember even the most complex concepts.
    • Thick pages and a spiral-bound format create a portable tool that is durable enough for the clinical environment.
    • Colored thumb tabs at the bottom of the page allow you to find topics quickly.
    • What You Need to Know sections on each card cover key information in a quick and easy-to-review format.
    • Colored highlights in the What You Need to Know sections emphasize four central topics:
      • Serious/Life-Threatening Implications in pink
      • Most Frequent Side Effects are blue
      • Important Nursing Implications are yellow
      • Patient Teaching information is green
    • NEW! 8 brand-new cards focus on antiemetics, sunscreens, prostaglandins, acetaminophen, and more.
    • NEW coverage highlights contemporary and timely topics on pharmacology — all in one clinical tool.
    Make nursing research approachable with the authoritative resource for nursing graduate students. This best-selling text features the latest methodologic innovations in nursing, medicine, and the social sciences delivered in a user-friendly writing style to help students master research methods, confidently critique research reports, and apply evidence-based findings in clinical practice. The extensively revised 11th Edition retains the helpful features, pedagogy, and clean design that have made the book a classic and introduces two new chapters reflecting the growing importance of applicability, generalizability, relevance, and quality improvement and improvement science. NEW! Quality Improvement and Improvement Science chapter provides methods and frameworks to help students develop and assess improvement projects. NEW! Applicability, Generalizability, and Relevance: Toward Practice-Based Evidence chapter details cutting-edge strategies to meet the growing need for patient-centered, practice-based evidence. UPDATED! Revised content throughout reflects the latest methodologic approaches to ranking evidence, verifying systematic reviews, using meta-aggregation, and more. Critical appraisal guidelines help students focus on specific aspects of a report for the most effective appraisal. Clear, user-friendly writing style introduces concepts logically and clarifies difficult ideas. Specific research tips translate abstract notions into practical strategies to help students confidently apply chapter lessons in real-life situations. Research examples throughout the text illustrate key points and stimulate critical thinking. A comprehensive index provides fast, efficient access to precise information. Tables, figures, and bulleted summaries reinforce essential chapter concepts at a glance.
    "Neurobiology of Cognition and Behavior" is one of the initial textbooks of brain mapping in the field of cognitive neuroscience. This well-researched text by a leading expert in the field provides a foundational map of the human brain for cognition and behavior. This comprehensive map of essential human thinking and emotion is based on the explosion in the field of functional neuroimaging studies (fMRI, PET) in the normally functioning human brain. The approach of this text is to confirm the association of these brain regions by verifying that damage to the activated brain area results in a consistent deficit in the cognitive/behavioral operation under investigation. The approach used to form this view of mapping brain and cognition is based on cognitive neuroscience principles of defining dissociable, fine-grained cognitive units and associating these units with brain regions encoding for these units or aspects of the units from both functional imaging and lesion studies. These cognitive-brain relationships are incorporated into clinical syndromes to account for the behavior of these patients after a lesion occurs, with the added feature of presenting patient videos demonstrating the disrupted cognitive behaviors. This comprehensive textbook provides a framework of the basic architecture of cognition in the brain with this combination of activation and lesion study confirmation of the brain-behavior associations. This basic framework is useful for those students studying the interaction of cognitive science and neuroanatomy as well as being relevant to the experienced neuroscientist researcher or clinician.
    Get the tools and skills you need to prepare for the NCLEX®! Often called the ‘the best NCLEX® exam review book ever,’ Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 8th Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent test plan. This new edition includes 5,200 NCLEX examination-style questions in the book and online. A companion Evolve website includes thousands of questions that allow you to decide how you want to practice! Don't make the mistake of assuming the quality of the questions is the same in all NCLEX exam review books, because only Silvestri includes the kinds of questions that consistently test the clinical judgment skills necessary to pass today's NCLEX exam. Even better, all answers include detailed rationales to help you learn from your answer choices and test-taking strategies with tips on how to best approach each question. Written by the most trusted name in NCLEX review, this is THE book of choice for NCLEX preparation. But don’t just take our word for it — read any customer review or ask your classmates to see why there's nothing else like it!
    • Over 5,200 practice questions
    • in the text and online offer ample testing practice.
    • 75-question comprehensive exam covers all content areas in the book in the same percentages that they are covered on the actual NCLEX-RN test plan.
    • Inclusion of all alternate item format questions covers multiple response, prioritizing [ordered response], fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration [hot spot], chart/exhibit, video, and audio questions to give students practice with mastering prioritizing, decision-making, and critical thinking skills.
    • Presents introductory chapters on preparation guidance for the NCLEX-RN, nonacademic preparation, test-taking strategies, the CAT format, and the NCLEX-RN from a new graduate’s experience.
    • UNIQUE! Audio review summaries on pharmacology, fluids and electrolytes, and acid-base balance are found on the Evolve companion site.
    • Expanded coverage of delegation, prioritization, and triage/disaster management in the practice questions reflect the areas of increased emphasis on the NCLEX exam.
    • UNIQUE! A detailed test-taking strategy and rationale is included for each question, offering clues for analyzing and uncovering the correct answer option
    • UNIQUE! Priority concepts call-outs highlight specific concepts related to nursing practice. Concepts have been updated to reflect the latest Giddens: Concepts for Nursing Practice text.
    • UNIQUE! More Priority Nursing Action boxes communicate new and pertinent content.
    • Question categories by cognitive level, client needs area, integrated process, and content area give you completely customizable exams or study sessions when using the companion Evolve site.
    • UNIQUE! Pyramid Alert! boxes spotlight important nursing concepts and procedures, and include tips and shortcuts for remembering key information.
    • Mnemonics included where appropriate throughout the text.
    Language Disorders in Bilingual Children and Adults, Third Edition, provides speech-language pathologists, advanced students in communication disorders programs, and clinical language researchers with information needed to formulate and respond to questions related to effective service delivery to bilingual children and adults with suspected or confirmed language disorders. The bilinguals of interest represent varying levels of first and second language proficiency across the lifespan. That is, bilingualism is not determined here by proficiency in each language, but rather by the individual's experience or need for two languages.

    In separate chapters, the book synthesizes the literature on bilingual children and adults with typical and atypical language skills. These chapters give the reader a deep understanding of the multiple factors that affect language development and disorders in those who rely on two languages for meaningful interactions. Chapters on assessment and intervention issues and methods are then presented for each population.

    For children, the text focuses on developmental language disorder but also discusses secondary language disorders (such as autism spectrum disorder) in bilingual populations. For adults, the focus is on aphasia, with additional discussion of dementia, traumatic brain injury, and right hemisphere disorder. Although child and adult, typical and atypical populations are presented separately, all are considered within a unifying Dynamic Interactive Processing perspective and within a new Means-Opportunities-Motives framework for understanding language disorders in bilinguals. This broad theoretical framework emphasizes interactions between social, cognitive, and communicative systems to form the basis for very practical implications related to assessment and intervention.

    This third edition has been completely updated to reflect the current research on bilingual populations and the best practices for working with them. Studies at the intersection of bilingualism and language disorders have expanded to include additional disorders and new language combinations. The authors synthesize the current literature and translate it for clinical use.

    New to the Third Edition

    •   Coauthors Kerry Danahy Ebert, PhD, CCC-SLP and Giang Thuy Pham, PhD, CCC-SLP

    •   Updated literature review and references to reflect new research on bilingualism, cultural competence, cognitive advantages and clinical practice with linguistically diverse populations

    •   Case studies on assessment with bilingual children and adults 

    •   Additional tables and figures summarizing key information 

    •   Available evidence on additional child and adult language disorders in bilinguals

    •   Updated extension activities and resource supplement


    Introducing the Landmark Twentieth Edition of the Global Icon of Internal Medicine

    The definitive guide to internal medicine is more essential than ever with the latest in disease mechanisms, updated clinical trial results and recommended guidelines, state-of-the art radiographic images, therapeutic approaches and specific treatments, hundreds of demonstrative full-color drawings, and practical clinical decision trees and algorithms

    Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine gives you the informational foundation you need to provide the best patient care possible.

    Essential for practice and education, the landmark 20th Edition features:

    • Thoroughly revised content—covering the many new breakthroughs and advances in clinical medicine that have occurred since the last edition of Harrison’s. Chapters on acute and chronic hepatitis, management of diabetes, immune-based therapies in cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, HIV, and many more, deliver the very latest information on disease mechanisms, diagnostic options, and the specific treatment guidance you need to provide optimal patient care.
    • State-of-the-art coverage of disease mechanisms: Harrison’s focuses on pathophysiology with rigor, and with the goal of linking disease mechanisms to treatments. Improved understanding of how diseases develop and progress not only promotes better decision-making and higher value care, but also makes for fascinating reading and improved retention. Harrison’s summarizes important new basic science developments, such as the role of mitochondria in programmed and necrotic cell death, the immune system’s role in cancer development and treatment, the impact of telomere shortening in the aging and disease processes, and the role of the microbiome in health and disease. Understanding the role of inflammation in cardiovascular disease, the precise mechanisms of immune deficiency in HIV/AIDS, prions and misfolded proteins in neurodegenerative diseases, and obesity as a predisposition to diabetes are just a few examples of how this edition provides essential pathophysiology information for health professionals.
    • All-new sections covering a wide range of new and emerging areas of vital interest to all healthcare professionals. New sections include: Sex and Gender-based Issues in Medicine; Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, and Metabolic Syndrome; and Consultative Medicine—Plus, a new Part covering cutting-edge topics in research and clinical medicine includes great new chapters on the role of Epigenetics in Health and Disease, Behavioral Strategies to Improve Health, Genomics and Infectious Diseases, Emerging Neuro-Therapeutic Technologies, and Telomere Function in Health and Disease, and Network System Medicine.
    • Important and timely new chapters—such as Promoting Good Health, LGBT Health, Systems of Healthcare, Approach to Medical Consultation, Pharmacogenomics, Antimicrobial Resistance, Worldwide Changes in Patterns of Infectious Diseases, Neuromyelitis Optica, and more—offer the very latest, definitive perspectives on must-know topics in medical education and practice.
    • Updated clinical guidelines, expert opinions, and treatment approaches from world-renowned editors and authors contribute to the accuracy and immediacy of the text material and present a clear blueprint for optimizing patient outcomes.
    • End-of-chapter suggested readings reinforce the text material and provide a robust platform for further study and research.
    Comprehensive manual for the new or experienced Director of Nursing. All the essential information on Staffing, Resident Care, Quality Assurance, MDS Essentials, Nursing Policy and Procedure, Long Term Care Regulations, Survey Protocols. 2021 Updated Survey Section with F-Tags List, Survey Focus Areas for F-Tag Deficiencies, Federal Regulatory Groups for Long Term Care, Matrix for Providers, and Surveyor’s Entrance Conference Worksheet. Forms in the Director of Nursing book and on the CD for Nursing budget, Staffing, Scheduling, Employee records, Staff education, Quality assurance audits, Infection control. Includes 23 Skilled Charting Guidelines Current with all RAI Manual Updates, PDPM updates, Surveyor Guidelines and Federal Regulatory Changes. This Director of Nursing book aims to give all of the basic information a long term care Director of Nursing needs today. For the experienced Director of Nursing it provides a good reference for long term care regulations, standards, and laws. The forms included in the Director of Nursing book can greatly expedite job performance. Information is given on organizing the job, managing resident care, staffing, and quality assurance issues. For the new Director of Nursing, or the nurse aspiring to that position, the book outlines all of the major responsibilities of the job. Applicable federal regulations are quoted in each chapter, and forms are throughout the book. Forms and care plans have been updated to ensure compliance with the change to MDS 3.0 and with all of the federal regulations and guidelines updated during the past year.
    Gain a full understanding of both basic and complex concepts in radiation protection, biology, and physics. Beautifully designed and easy to follow, Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 8th Edition promotes the safe use of ionizing radiation in all imaging modalities, including the effects of radiation on humans at the cellular and systemic levels, regulatory and advisory limits for human exposure to radiation, and the implementation of radiation safety practices for patients and personnel. This market-leading text reflects the latest ARRT and ASRT curriculum guidelines to help you succeed on the ARRT exam. Plus, the new edition includes tables with sensitivity ranges to provide easy reference for each type of dosimeter.
    • Convenient, easy-to-use features
    • include chapter outlines and objectives, listing and highlighting of key terms, and bulleted summaries, general discussion questions, and review questions to enhance student comprehension and retention.
    • NCRP and ICRP content includes guidelines, regulations, and radiation quantities and units, explaining the effects of low-level ionizing radiation, demonstrating the link between radiation and cancer and other diseases, and providing the regulatory perspective needed for practice.
    • Clear and concise writing style covers complex concepts in radiation protection, biology, and physics in a building-block approach from basic to more complex concepts.
    • Timely coverage of radiation protection regulations addresses radiation awareness and education efforts across the globe.
    • NEW! Chapter Radiation Safety in Computed Tomography and Mammography
    • compiles content on tomography and mammography into one chapter.
    • UPDATED! Full-color equipment images and illustrations reinforce important information.
    • UPDATED! Content reflects the latest ARRT and ASRT curriculum guidelines.
    • Review questions are included at the end of chapters to assess your comprehension, with answers on the Evolve companion website.
    • NEW! Key-word glossary helps you find and understand need-to-know terms.
    • NEW! Additional tables with sensitivity ranges makes each type of dosimeters easy to reference
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