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Lisbon21 °CClear.Seg 2:38:34
New York17 °COvercast.Dom 21:38:34
London8 °CCool.Seg 2:38:34
Tokyo26 °CScattered clouds.Seg 10:38:34

Local Time and Weather Around the World

AccraSeg 1:38Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CEdmonton *Dom 19:38Sunny. Quite cool.6 °CNassau *Dom 21:38Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
Addis AbabaSeg 4:38Passing clouds. Cool.13 °CFrankfurt *Seg 3:38Clear. Chilly.2 °CNew DelhiSeg 7:08Fog. Mild.23 °C
Adelaide *Seg 12:08Refreshingly cool.14 °CGuatemala CityDom 19:38Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CNew Orleans *Dom 20:38Clear. Warm.26 °C
AlgiersSeg 2:38Clear. Mild.22 °CHalifax *Dom 22:38Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CNew York *Dom 21:38Overcast. Mild.17 °C
AlmatySeg 7:38Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.5 °CHanoiSeg 8:38Rain. Mostly cloudy. Mild.23 °COslo *Seg 3:38Clear. Chilly.4 °C
Amman *Seg 4:38Clear. Mild.19 °CHarareSeg 3:38Low clouds.N/AOttawa *Dom 21:38Overcast. Mild.17 °C
Amsterdam *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CHavana *Dom 21:38Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CParis *Seg 3:38Fog. Cool.11 °C
AnadyrSeg 13:38Overcast. Cold.-5 °CHelsinki *Seg 4:38Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CPerthSeg 9:38Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
Anchorage *Dom 17:38Sunny. Cool.8 °CHong KongSeg 9:38Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CPhiladelphia *Dom 21:38Mostly cloudy. Mild.19 °C
AnkaraSeg 4:38Clear. Cool.8 °CHonoluluDom 15:38Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °CPhoenixDom 18:38Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
AntananarivoSeg 4:38Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CHouston *Dom 20:38Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CPrague *Seg 3:38Clear. Chilly.1 °C
Asuncion *Dom 22:38Clear. Mild.23 °CIndianapolis *Dom 21:38Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CReykjavikSeg 1:38Scattered showers. Partly cloudy. Chilly.4 °C
Athens *Seg 4:38Mild.20 °CIslamabadSeg 6:38Thunderstorms. Overcast. Mild.20 °CRio de JaneiroDom 22:38Light rain. Overcast. Mild.20 °C
Atlanta *Dom 21:38Clear. Mild.21 °CIstanbulSeg 4:38Partly cloudy. Mild.17 °CRiyadhSeg 4:38Clear. Mild.24 °C
Auckland *Seg 14:38Overcast. Refreshingly cool.16 °CJakartaSeg 8:38Partly sunny. Warm.28 °CRome *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
BaghdadSeg 4:38Clear. Mild.22 °CJerusalem *Seg 4:38Clear. Mild.20 °CSalt Lake City *Dom 19:38Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
BangkokSeg 8:38Overcast. Warm.28 °CJohannesburgSeg 3:38Clear. Cool.8 °CSan Francisco *Dom 18:38Passing clouds. Mild.18 °C
Barcelona *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.16 °CKarachiSeg 6:38Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CSan JuanDom 21:38Light rain. Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
BeijingSeg 9:38Sunny. Refreshingly cool.13 °CKathmanduSeg 7:23Fog. Mild.19 °CSan SalvadorDom 19:38Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
Beirut *Seg 4:38Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CKhartoumSeg 3:38Overcast.N/ASantiago *Dom 22:38Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
Belgrade *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CKingstonDom 20:38Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CSanto DomingoDom 21:38Scattered clouds. Hot.33 °C
BengaluruSeg 7:08Partly cloudy. Mild.22 °CKinshasaSeg 2:38Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CSão PauloDom 22:38Light rain. Fog. Cool.16 °C
Berlin *Seg 3:38Clear. Chilly.2 °CKiritimatiSeg 15:38Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °CSeattle *Dom 18:38Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
BogotaDom 20:38Partly cloudy. Cool.15 °CKolkataSeg 7:08Fog. Warm.29 °CSeoulSeg 10:38Sunny. Cool.14 °C
Boston *Dom 21:38Overcast. Mild.17 °CKuala LumpurSeg 9:38Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CShanghaiSeg 9:38Light rain. Fog. Mild.20 °C
BrasiliaDom 22:38Partly cloudy. Mild.19 °CKuwait CitySeg 4:38Clear. Pleasantly warm.26 °CSingaporeSeg 9:38Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
BrisbaneSeg 11:38Partly sunny. Warm.25 °CKyiv *Seg 4:38Clear. Chilly.3 °CSofia *Seg 4:38Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Brussels *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CLa PazDom 21:38Thunderstorms. Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CSt. John's *Dom 23:08Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
Bucharest *Seg 4:38Clear. Cool.8 °CLagosSeg 2:38Thunderstorms. Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CStockholm *Seg 3:38Mostly cloudy. Cool.9 °C
Budapest *Seg 3:38Clear. Cool.10 °CLahoreSeg 6:38Clear. Mild.23 °CSuvaSeg 13:38Partly sunny. Warm.26 °C
Buenos AiresDom 22:38Mostly cloudy. Mild.17 °CLas Vegas *Dom 18:38Sunny. Mild.24 °CSydney *Seg 12:38Drizzle. Partly sunny. Cool.13 °C
CairoSeg 3:38Clear. Mild.21 °CLimaDom 20:38Low clouds. Cool.16 °CTaipeiSeg 9:38Sprinkles. Partly sunny. Warm.28 °C
Calgary *Dom 19:38Broken clouds. Chilly.3 °CLisbon *Seg 2:38Clear. Mild.21 °CTallinn *Seg 4:38Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Canberra *Seg 12:38Scattered clouds. Cool.12 °CLondon *Seg 2:38Cool.8 °CTashkentSeg 6:38Clear. Quite cool.6 °C
Cape TownSeg 3:38Clear. Cool.12 °CLos Angeles *Dom 18:38Sunny. Mild.22 °CTegucigalpaDom 19:38Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
CaracasDom 21:38Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CMadrid *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.16 °CTehranSeg 5:08Clear. Cool.12 °C
Casablanca *Seg 2:38Partly sunny. Mild.22 °CManaguaDom 19:38Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CTokyoSeg 10:38Scattered clouds. Warm.26 °C
Chicago *Dom 20:38Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CManilaSeg 9:38Overcast. Warm.28 °CToronto *Dom 21:38Overcast. Mild.19 °C
Copenhagen *Seg 3:38Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °CMelbourne *Seg 12:38Drizzle. Broken clouds. Cool.11 °CVancouver *Dom 18:38Broken clouds. Cool.11 °C
Dallas *Dom 20:38Passing clouds. Warm.31 °CMexico City *Dom 20:38Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CVienna *Seg 3:38Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Dar es SalaamSeg 4:38Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CMiami *Dom 21:38Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CWarsaw *Seg 3:38Clear. Chilly.3 °C
DarwinSeg 11:08Partly sunny. Warm.31 °CMinneapolis *Dom 20:38Overcast. Cool.16 °CWashington DC *Dom 21:38Light rain. Fog. Mild.19 °C
Denver *Dom 19:38Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °CMinskSeg 4:38Clear. Cold.-4 °CWinnipeg *Dom 20:38Cool.11 °C
Detroit *Dom 21:38Clear. Mild.23 °CMontevideoDom 22:38Overcast. Cool.17 °CYangonSeg 8:08Broken clouds. Warm.28 °C
DhakaSeg 7:38Fog. Warm.27 °CMontréal *Dom 21:38Partly cloudy. Mild.17 °CZagreb *Seg 3:38Light rain. Overcast. Cool.8 °C
DohaSeg 4:38Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CMoscowSeg 4:38Fog. Chilly.1 °CZürich *Seg 3:38Chilly.4 °C
DubaiSeg 5:38Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CMumbaiSeg 7:08Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
Dublin *Seg 2:38Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CNairobiSeg 4:38Passing clouds. Mild.18 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (70 places).

Dom = Domingo, 10 de Outubro de 2021 (52 places).
Seg = Segunda-feira, 11 de Outubro de 2021 (90 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Segunda-feira, 11 de Outubro de 2021, 1:38:34

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.

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